Status: Active

Everything Will Change

Chapter 4

What a boring day it was. Why does my father hate me so much? Making me work in a stupid office where I need to take calls from customers I don't care about. Plus, my dad won't even pay me. He said that I would just flunk that money on ''useful'' stuff like drugs and alchol. He knows me so right. Maybe giving me money would motivate me, too bad for him I won't be.

Basically, my job consists in giving appointments to people. My dad is a dentist and he needed a second secretarty for the summer, Ashton being the first one. I also need to greet the clients who show up. Let me tell you how hard it is to fake a smile from 9 am to 4 pm.

Maybe my father will realize that I am a bad secretary, so he will fire me and he will just let me do whatever I want. He said that working would make me realize that there are more important stuff in life than fun. He is so wrong. Fun comes before everything.

So yeah, I'm stuck working in this office Monday to Friday from 9 to 4 all summer long. At least I get to work with Ashton. I could have fallen on a worst person to spend my day with. He might not be fun since he follows all the rules like the good boy he is.

For example, he would ignore me when I tried to talk to him. He replied to me once saying that I would get in trouble if my father noticed me doing anything that is not associated to my job. Poor Ashton, still trying to protect me from getting in trouble. One day, he might understand that I don't care about trouble, that I even like it.

''So what are you guys planning on doing tonight, Aston?'' My father asked as we entered the house.

''I'll probably stay in my room and read a little,'' Ashton replied.

''I'll probably give that Michael guy a call, I had fun last night, thanks for asking,'' I said.

''There's a reason I didn't ask you what you were going to do tonight. You are grounded and won't leave this house,'' My dad said.

''What am I, 12?'' I asked laughing. Wow, grounded. Should I be scared?

''I would say 6, a twelve year old if more responsible than you,'' My answered.

''You really hate me don't you?'' I asked.

''I hate what you have turned into,'' My dad answered. Well, he is not the person wishing I was different.

''That's okay Dad, I don't really like you either,'' I mentionned. ''If you excuse me, I'll be in my room doing things that don't concern you. Call me when diner is ready.''

''Watch your language Lucas, I'm your father,'' He yelled as I was going up the stairs.

''Nop, don't feel like it,'' I said laughing. I went in my room and closed my door behind me.

I sat on my bed and did the same thing I did last night: I checked my messages and Facebook notifications. As usual, I had many. It feels so good to be me. Do you know what else felt good? Sex with Michael. And I sure was going to get more tonight.

To Michael: Hey, it's Luke, also known as the best night of your life. Want to do it all over again tonight? ;)

A few minutes later I got a reply.

From Michael: Hello best night of my life. I was hoping you would text me. 10 PM at my place ;)

To Michael: I'll be there ;)

As I tossed my phone away, Ashton entered the room and sat next to me on my bed.

''You should be nicer with your dad, Luke,'' Ashton said.

''Why should I do when he's a jerk?'' I asked.

''I think he only wants what is good for you,'' Ashton replied timidly. ''He is your father after all, he want what is good for his son.''

''He doesn't know what is good for me. He left years ago. He didn't see me grow, he wasn't a big part of my life. I don't see why I should follow his precious little advices. I can take care of myself real good,'' I replied maybe a little bit to harshly.

''Sorry, I didn't want to make you mad,'' Ashton apologize.

''It's okay dude,'' I replied smiling. How could I be mad at a cutie like him?

''Anyway, who were you texting?'' Ashton asked.

''The guy I hooked up with last night. I got myself another rendez-vous tonight,'' I replied.

''But your dad said you could not leave the house,'' Ashton said.

''Dear Ashton, since when do I care about anything that my dad says?'' I asked smiling.

''Never, I guess.'' He answered smiling.

''Good answer.'' I said.

There was a short silence until he spoke again.

''How do you do it?'' Ashton asked.

''How do I do what?'' I replied.

''Just...being so carefree about everything. Just not caring about the consequences of your acts and not overthinking things,'' Ashton explained.

''I've always been this way, I guess. I just don't care about what other people think, I just do what I want to do whenver I want to. I don't want to waste my life living under authority or expectations. All I want is to have fun, like you might already know,'' I said.

''I wish I could be more like you,'' Ashton mentionned.

''You could be. You're like 20 years old or something?'' I asked.

''Yeah, I'm 20,'' Ashton answered. ''It's just that all my life people have been telling how important it is to be a good person and to follow the rules. All my life, I've been trying to fit in the majority, because that is what is expected from me. I don't know what fun is. I don't have friends, I never go out and I'm scared to try new things. I don't know...sometimes I just feel like a big loser, mostly when I'm next to you. Like you have experienced so many things while the biggest thing I did is having sex with my ex. And you, smoke, you drink, you have sex with hot guys you don't know like it is normal. I'm not saying that I'm jealous of the things that you do. I'm just saying that I wish doing things out of the norms would not bother me so much, that I could be a carefree guy like you.''

I knew it. I knew that behind this good boy attitude was hiding a young boy who is begging to live his life the way he wants to. He just never had the chance to do it due to the pressure people put on his shoulders.

''First, breaking the rules doesn't make you a bad person. I don't consider myself as a bad person, I just don't fit in the majority,'' I said. ''I do things that people don't accept, but they can't control my life. They can't control yours either. Stop caring so much about what the others say. It might not be easy at first since well, you've always been the good boy doing what he was asked to do and be...but it'll get easier with time. You're not a loser Ash. You just never had the chance to experience. And you can have that chance if you want to. There are so many things in life that you could be experiencing. And you'll enjoy them if you stop caring, if you just accept that you can't live your life for the others. You need to live for yourself, Ash.''

''That seems so easy coming out from your mouth, it seems like having fun is such an easy thing to do,'' Ashton said. ''I'm just so afraid of the consequences.''

''I assure you that it is as long as you don't think about what could happen. Just live in the present and forget about the rest,'' I replied. And I sure was going to show him how easy it is to have a little fun.

I moved closer to him and began kissing his neck. I was pushed away a few seconds later.

''Luke, what are you doing?'' Ashton asked. ''This is wrong.''

''Stop overthinking things Ash, as long as you enjoy something, there is nothing wrong. Do you trust me?'' I replied.

''Eum yeah, I guess,'' Ashton replied timidly.

I smiled and went back to kissing his neck, searching for his soft spot. As I got nearer from his collarbone, a quiet moan escaped his mouth. I didn't hesitate in biting the spot and sucking on it.

''Fuck, that feels good,'' Ashton said.

''That's how fun makes you feel,'' I replied.

I kept kissing his neck while rubbing his thigh with my hand. Ashton had his eyes closed, I knew that he was enjoying this. The fun moment came to an end when a voice I came to hate echoed in the room.

''Boys, dinner's ready,'' My dad yelled from downstairs.

I moved away from Ashton who had a smile on his face; a smile that had nothing to do with the ones he gave me before.

''See, that was fun,'' I said.

''Yeah, yeah it was,'' Ashton replied.

''Everything's fun as long as you're with me,'' I mentionned.

''I'll just need to stick around you more, I guess,'' Ashton replied. ''That's not a big problem, you are a cool guy.''

If it were only for me, I would have made things go further with Ashton. But I could not. I'm still impressed that he even let me touch him a little. Inside of Ashton lays a bad boy who is begging to come out. And I would make everything that I can do to let the real Ashton come out.

''Operation Let's turn Ashton into someone fun has officially started,'' I said happily.
''What is the first thing on your list?'' He asked.

''You'll discover it in a matter of time, trust me you will,'' I replied.

''Will I get into trouble?'' Ashton asked.

''If anything happens, I'll take the blame for both of us. Don't you worry about a thing my little good boy, you're safe with me.'' I answered.