Status: In progress.

I Swear I'm Not a Hopeless Case

Chapter 09.

I got home around three-thirty, as usual. I noticed when I walked up to my house that the Camaro was still in the driveway, which meant LeAnne was also home. Sighing out of sheer frustration, I quietly opened the front door and closed it accordingly to attempt to pass any type of face to face confrontation with her. I tip toed up the stairs, getting only halfway up when a shrill, irritating voice stopped me.
"Olivia, can you come down here?"
Sighing once more, I threw my backpack on the steps and trudged down the stairs, into the kitchen. When I arrived, LeAnne was standing over the stove, stirring something in a boiling pot. I immediately felt taken aback. Since when does this woman cook? Other than rice-a-roni or boxed mac and cheese? Was it some sort of special occasion tonight? I racked my brain, but no known events came to mind. Maybe the hormones from pregnancy were making her an actually decent person. "Yes, LeAnne?"
She turned and smiled, her white teeth stained with a spot of lipstick. I held in my laughter and awaited to hear why she sought me out.
She took off two unsightly oven mitts and and clasped her hands together. She smiled once more. "Guess what?!"
My eyes diverted into every direction but hers. Finally, in an attempt to conclude this conversation as quickly as possible, I took the bait. "What?" I said, smiling falsely.
LeAnne grinned and clasped her hands together with elation. "Well, your father and Marcus are having a boys night at the go-cart place, so I decided that you, me, and Patricia should have a girls' night! I'm making dinner!" She jumped, thrilled with the idea she had just laid upon me.
Only little did she know that I had no interest in sitting at a dinner table with Queen bitch and her evil spawn Princess Patricia. I had less painful things to do, like homework and clawing my eyes out with just my fingernails. But even I knew that there would be no excuses for her, or my dad. He would be majorly disappointed if I didn't at least try and make it work. So I stomped on my pride and forced a smile on my face. "Well, that's lovely. Do you need any help?"
A sliver of shock shown upon her face, but it flickered away before I could call her out on it. "Well, yes. You can set the table. Then you can cut up some of the veggies for the salad."
After almost an hour in the kitchen and dining room, dinner was finally ready and Princess Patricia came traipsing down the stairs, phone in hand and ignoring me completely.
We all sat down and scooped the salad and spaghetti onto our plates. I saw Patricia eyeing my plate with amusement. "Yes, Patricia?" I asked, annoyed.
Patricia smirked and put her phone on the table. "You must be hungry, Olivia." She poked at her salad, "I've only ever seen my boyfriend's big brother eat that much and he's a linebacker for State."
I put my fork down, seething. I waited for LeAnne to say something, anything, to encourage her daughter to use the manners she must have forgotten to teach them, but she never did. She just picked at her plate.
Patricia was still smirking, rolling her fork around in spaghetti. I would not let her see me upset. I would not let her get into my head. I had to play it cool. "Well, you know, I've got to keep myself nourished so I keep my womanly curves, you know?" I smirked, "Oh wait, you don't. What is it the girls call you in school? Patricia Wood Plank?"
"HEY!" LeAnne slammed her fist down on the table. "Do not insult my daughter, Olivia!"
I literally thought smoke was going to blow out of my ears. "Did you not hear the comment she made to me before it? Of course you did! But it doesn't matter if Olivia gets insulted, as long as she doesn't respond equally to the condescending cunt who started it in the first place!"
"OLIVIA!" LeAnne began.
Patricia was still processing everything slowly, as usual. "Wait! Who calls me that?" She stood up. "Who told you that?!"
I shrugged my shoulders and wiped my mouth off.
LeAnne once again attempted to intervene. "Olivia-"
"No!" I stood up, my appetite suppressed by the sheer childishness of the both of them. "I will not be talked down to and I will not tolerate you ignoring your own daughter's faults!" I slammed my chair back into the table. "Good night to both of you and this is the last girls' night we will EVER have."
I stomped up the steps, tears forming in my eyes. I made my way to my room and slammed the door behind me. I was so angry with myself. I let them get to me. I let them see my weakness. I should have just ignored PAtricia's comment and ate my god damn, awfully made dinner.
To distract myself from my familial frustrations, I got out my Pre-Calculus text book and began my homework. I lied across the bed on my stomach, paper and pencil in hand, but as soon as my eyes saw the equation, I could only think of one thing- the new kid. I couldn't help but blush once more at the pure idiocy I exuded when we talked. I basically shut down any hope of ever conversing with him again. He probably thought I was some bitch with mental issues; though it wouldn't be far from the truth. I covered my face with my hands and screamed inwardly. I was such a spaz. He probably thinks I'm crazy.
I rolled over and lied on my back. Looking at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling, only one thought came to mind: Why in the HELL do I care what this kid thinks of me?
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