Status: I'm still working on this story and i know it needs a lot of work still.

A Hero's Calling

Chapter 6, Wouldn't you like to know.

Uncle Gray had us pull over half way there since this Amber chick, well at least that was the name that the mysterious man had given her, had woken up in the back of his truck and like the nice guy that he his he had us pull over to the side of the road.
It had only been a couple of hours since we had left the old abandoned airport. So I guess it was time to at least get out of the car for a bit, that and I wanted answers from her. I had so many questions and yet I almost didn’t want to know them.
“ I’m going to either gag or beat the shit out of you if you don't give us answers.” Uncle Gray had said has he reached into the back of us truck and drug her across the bed of the truck and onto the tailgate.
I walked over to his truck after I pulled over to the side of the road, just behind his truck. Uncle Gray looked back over to me since I was kind of giving him a blank look given the fact that I had just lost the love of my life and someone I had known for a very long time.
Uncle Gray smacked her across the face. I was feeling kind of awkward at first, since I hated seeing a woman get beaten even though she killed Jane right there in front of me, I still felt bad.
“Why the Hell, did you kidnap and kill Jane?” Uncle Gray said as he went in to smack her again but this time I stopped him.
“We need to be a bit more tactful then this.” I said while grabbing his hand before he hit her.
I could tell he was pissed as he yanked his arm away from my hand and stormed off. He took a little walk around the to the other side of the truck, but I wasn’t going to let him just keep hitting her like that and I was also hoping that she could lead use to that mysterious man that took Jane’s body.
“Okay let’s start from the beginning shall we.” I said as I turned to her and looked her in the eyes.
“Alright My name is Amber Clad I’m from England. Look if you let me go and hurry, we still might have time to save her.” She replied rather quickly.
“The hell, are you talking about? Tell me everything please, the last thing I knew you killed her right there in front of us and then this guy in armor just pops in and out and takes her lifeless body with him.” I answered her very harshly.
I grabbed her hands and pulled her off the tailgate. I then pulled out a knife and cut the oddly looking wrap that she was in. She looked very beautiful with the slightly looking freckles on her face. She had a tall slim body. Her long brightly red colored hair was pulled up into a small ponytail.

Once she could move her hand, she let it down. I walked her over to the car where Jak was waiting and had her sit in the front Passenger seat. As she was sitting I walked over to uncle Gray.
He was sitting in the truck and rolled down the window, “ So what to we do now?” Uncle Gray asked as he looked out the window towards me.
“I’m not sure I'll keep following you as we get closer to the house and I will keep talking to her to get more out of her, since it seems she knows more then what she is saying but I’m sure with more time I can get a bit more out of her.” I said back to him trying to sound confident. I was thinking about what Amber just said that there was a chance that Jane could be alive even seeing her shot Jane in the head.
“Well whatever you say just be careful, she could try and pull anything.” Uncle Gray replied back with a somewhat grim look on his face.
He seemed in a way a lot more distraught then I was, although the past couple months Jane had seemed distant at the least, she was taking random phone calls from her family, which I didn’t really think anything of it. Then I guess that might be why I wasn’t as sad as everyone else was, since I knew Kate would be just as sad was I was to know that Jane was dead.
I walked back over to the car and hopped into the driver seat. Amber was sitting there with her hands places in her lap. Jak was in the back seat kind of glaring at her, well at least I think he was since I had no idea how a dragon would show some emotion. Uncle Gray started the truck back up and pulled away. Just as I did the same, started the car up and followed him. We only had a few hours before we got to the house so I still had time to talk to her calmly rather then beat the crap out of her.
“Amber, I’d like to know more about you. Rather then jumping the gun and getting to the point, I like to take things slow and get the full story about you. Why you did the things you did.” I simply asked as I tried to hold back a tear that fall from my eye.
Amber waved her head to get her red out of her eyes and face and turned to me.

“ Now why in the hell would you give a damn about me and my life?” she replied to me rather quickly and with a stern look on her face.
I wasn’t about to force her due to the fact that I wasn’t that kind of guy but I really needed answers from her.

“ Because, you obviously know more then you’re letting on to. I need to know why this guy that you so clearly know about took my future wife’s body after you so clearly killed her” I said harshly and in a forceful tone back to her.
I noticed that when I was driving that my knuckles were turning white from holding onto the steering wheel too tight. I know I was letting too much get to me but I was trying my best to keep this from letting me get to stressed out and from wanting to think about beating the crap out of someone.
She was still looking at me but I noticed a chance in her facial emotion, though it reminded me of Jane when she was sad and tired.

“I will tell you, only if you promise that your friend wont hit me again, but I will have to tell you now that you have ruined my chances of redeeming myself to my group of people.”
“What do you mean? I asked very questionable, seeing how I knew I was getting somewhere with her but I didn’t need any more death in my life.
Amber looked away from me and looked out the window of the car. “I want to tell you what I know, cause I know how you feel losing the person you love.” Amber had replied back with a somewhat depressed tone in her voice.
I could tell she was being honest with what she was saying. I glanced back to her then back to the road.

“Well just start from somewhere and work your way to now and we’ll see how things go.” I tried saying calmly, thinking 'hey I am talking to a non-stop killing ninja assassin bent on do whatever she is told' With that in mind I tried my best to tread lightly with what I was about to say.
“Well let’s start with what am I going to tell Jane’s mother and father.” I said knowing it was harsh but it needed to be said, in away, I was angry with her.
“Look, I know what I did was wrong but I had no choice, it had to be done. If she lived, this world would be over as we know it.” Amber replied back sharply.
I glanced over to her, to see her depressed and sad face, I could tell she was worried, well I could tell she knew what she did was wrong but why did she do it knowing that it was wrong.
“Then tell me, why you did do it?” I asked trying to get her to break and tell me, who and what she is and does.
I noticed while we were driving, that we had just passed into the blue zone. I figure we were about to pass through Chernobyl and needed to get out my passport and papers. It was nice however that we didn’t need suits anymore to pass thanks to the new anti-bio-scrubbers that you just insert into your nose and mouth. It would filter out the oxygen so we could breath and l not take in the radiation, as well as the new architectures that were basically just giant sponges that soaked in the radiation from Chernobyl’s nuclear power plant’s main reactor that failed all those years ago.

I pulled out my phone to check the time and date. June Friday the twelfth of 2025, but I was not used to using the call on the radio, since I liked it being quiet in the car so I usually had it off. I was thinking about how my parents use to tell me about how much things have changed through the years and how things might get better for us for once. I thought about how my parents told me a lot of these amazing stories but were never really there for me when I needed them the most. Which is why I loved Jane so much cause no matter what happen she was always there for me as much as I was for her.

Then again this was not the time I need to keep a straight head and calm, which yes I do miss her already and knowing Amber had no choice in killing her, but I need to know why she was forced into this decision.
“Amber my name is David, please I need to know more. I know it hurts believe me; I’m here looking for my mother and possibly my dad as well. Just as I get here, my future wife is kidnapped and killed. So believe me I will understand.” I said trying to guilt trip her into something that might lead into her telling me.
Amber looked over to me. “Look David, I know it hurts but there is just no way I’m telling you my sad sob life story. I was told what to do and I did it simple as that. I’ll let you know about the man who took your so called wife alright.” Amber said in a snappy way and with a bitchy tone in her voice.
I thought to myself that she is just not use to letting people in and talking about things. I just continued driving, since usually driving made me feel better in a way. Most of the time when I was stressed or upset I would just go for a drive and feel so much better.
A bit later when I was driving, I noticed we were only less then an hour from the cabin. I then noticed that Jak was pretty quite most of the ride there.
“Hey buddy why have you been so quiet?” I yelled to the back seat.

“No reason, just doing my best to remain calm under these circumstances.” Jak replied quietly and as well in a hush tone in his voice. I had come to known him as a quick whit and kind of a smartass on top of that, kind of like me, which I thought was funny.
I thought to myself that she is just not use to letting people in and talking about things. I just continued driving, since usually driving made me feel better in a way, since most of the time when I was stressed or upset I would just go for a drive and feel so much better.
A bit latter on while I was driving I noticed we were only less then an hour from the cabin, which in turn I noticed that Jak was pretty quite most of the ride there.
“Hey buddy why have you been so quiet?” I yelled to the back seat.
“No reason, just doing my best to remain calm under these circumstances.” Jak replied kind of quietly and as well in a hush tone in his voice. I had come to known him as a quick whit and kind of a smartass on top of that, kind of like me, which I thought was funny.