Status: I'm still working on this story and i know it needs a lot of work still.

A Hero's Calling

Chapter 7, Jupiter Stones

We began to pull into the driveway and up to the house. We still didn’t really get anywhere with Amber or the other guy that took Jane’s body, which was one of the main things I wanted to know. Then again I was trying to think of what to tell Kate once we got into the house and Jane isn’t with us. Uncle Gray parked nearest to the house and I parked the car just behind it due to the fact that he didn’t really have a garage and only had the single driveway.
Uncle Gray got out of the truck and started walking to the passenger side of the car and pulled Amber out. He quickly tied her hands together behind her back. Jak and I got out of the car as well and followed him into the house.

Uncle Gray and Amber were the first to head into the house and Jak and I followed close behind. Well at least Jak was trying to keep up, as he was somewhat jogging to keep up. Jak and I walked over to the couch and I sat down. He climbed up also sat down but he unfolded his wings and began to clean them, kind of like a cat would.

Kate, from the looks of it had just come out of the shower, or at least from the towel on her head that I got that impression. Uncle Gray shoved Amber onto the couch.
“Who’s our guest, Gray?” Kate asked with a somewhat questioning expression on her face. She began to unwrap her hair from the towel and began to dry it.
Uncle Gray had replied with a hush but sharp tone in his voice.

“From what she’s told us, it's Amber.”
As I sat on the couch, I was trying not to think about witnessing the death of the only person I had ever really loved.
“Where’s Jane, I was hoping me and her could get in some quick shopping in?” Kate asked as she was looking around for her.
Uncle Gray reached out and grabbed Kate’s shoulder.
“We need to head into the kitchen and I need tell you something that you’re not going to like. It's something David can’t seem to get himself to tell you, nor will I make him.” Uncle Gray said, though I could tell it hurt him just as well.
They walked out of the room, and Amber turned to me.
“You guys have a really nice place here, wish I could have lived in something like this.” She said while looking around the living room as much as she could from the couch.
“I don’t live here, just Uncle Gray does. I live in Tennessee, which I’m from the US.” I replied while kind of looking at the ground with my head up in the clouds. I still hoped that this is a dream and that I’m still in bed or asleep on the plane.
“But still, this is a very nice place, my family mostly lived on the road before just dumping me off at some orphanage and bailing on me” Amber had said while I could tell a sad but glad tone.
I began to sit up since it was only a love seat and Jak was in the middle and Amber on the other side.

One thought that didn’t really cross my mind until now was why didn’t Amber freak out like we did about the fact that there was a dragon sitting next to her.
Jak looked over to her, got up and jumped off the couch. He headed into the kitchen to what I thought to get something to eat. I could hear Kate beginning to cry from what I knew that Uncle Gray had finished telling her, I could feel a tear drop from my eye as well.
Just then the same blue looking portal appeared but this time it was in the living room almost 5 feet from me, and where amber was sitting down.
Amber stood up, “What the hell is that?” she tried yelling at me.

This time the portal had a very loud weird sound coming from it that I’ve never heard before, let alone I didn’t her this sound when I first saw it.
“It’s the portal that the one guy used to wipe out your friends.” I tried to yell over to her.
With that, came a bright flash and a bunch of crackling noise. The same man from before shot out like a canon from the blue portal and slammed onto the couch. It flipped m over with him as well. The portal closed just as fast as it was opened and blinked out as if it was never there.
Kate and Uncle Gray came running out from the kitchen, though uncle gray had the weird glowing gauntlet on. They flipped the couch back over and walked from behind it and sat down. You could tell there was a bit more damage to his odd looking armor then normal. He reached for his helmet and took it off.
“ Damn it, I thought I had a bit more juice in that stone then I thought there was and maybe I should let you know who I am, I’m Christian Walker, and yes I’m from the future.” He sounded like someone I knew, wasn’t quite sure who it was though.
I grabbed a baseball bat that had been leaning against the wall near me and ran over to him. I threw my foot over the couch and on top of his chest forcefully and raised the bat.
“Where the hell is Jane, and why in God’s name would you just take her body?” I screamed at him.
“Alright, look I promise everything will be okay, if I can find some way to either charge this crystal or find a new Jupiter stone. I’ll take you to see her and show you everything is fine.” Christian replied.
I noticed I was shaking and he was a bit faster then I was. He had already pulled out one of the same pistols I had seen from last time.
“We don’t have to do this, after all we are family.” As Christian continued saying he let go of the odd looking pistol and it vanished.
I took my foot of his chest and tossed the bat on the ground. As much as I wanted to beat his head in, just almost like Amber, even seeing her, I have never hated someone as I did him. Though I knew I still needed to hear him out, other wise I’m just as bad as him.
“What do you mean, family Christian?” I asked questionably and somewhat weird out by the notion of him being family. I didn’t really know if I had any brothers or sisters, since I lived in the US and my mother and father lived over here in Europe.
“Just Chris please, But yes, I am. I’m your great great grandkid, which yes that means the future.” He smiled a bit with, though it seemed like he enjoyed it too much in the fact of telling me.
I looked over at him with a somewhat non-believing and questioning facial expression.

“So what you’re saying is that you’re from the future, but not only that you’re from my future.” I was trying to figure things out, let alone I didn’t believe him at all.
“Alright look, I will show you how I got here.” Chris replied as he reached over and pressed on a couple keys on what looked like a computer keyboard on his left arm and a panel on that was under the keyboard open and moved back. He took out what seemed to be a similar crystal that was on the gauntlet that Uncle Gray was using and handed me. He continued.

“This is a Jupiter Stone. Just like those that he’s using, they give us all power to control our own imagination and make what ever we thing come to live. There are thousands of them out there. Remember that meteor that crashed here and killed, or at least that what we’ve been told, killed the entire dinosaur specie. Well that meteor passed right through Jupiter and most of its gases were formed into crystals, which is what you are now using.” He seemed almost over excited in telling me this. I leaned over into an adjacent chair from the couch and sat down.
“And what if I don’t believe you? How did you find out where and when Amber was going to kill Jane?” I replied as I sighed.
He quick sat up, “Well I’ll just have to show you then.” He said while smiling.
Chris reached for a side pocket on what looked like a belt and pulled out a flat round disc, no bigger then a regular sized DVD, and threw it on to the floor in front of us.
An image of and elderly looking man appeared, the image looked fuzzy from what I took the it was some type of hologram.
“This is Sentinel, he’s the reason I’m here. Something happened in this time period and caused him to use most of the crystals to create a world in his image. Then again it was my father that told me stories of what happened with you, and no I can’t tell you anymore then this. I’m telling you to much as it is.” He seemed very worried as he continued talking.
Another image appeared on the disc, this time it looked like the gauntlet but very differently.
“Now this is how I know something was wrong when I saw Nickola Shepard, the elderly gentleman from before. He used this gauntlet on a massive scale and killed millions in seconds. It's as if they never existed.” Chris stretched his arm out and the disc flew off the floor and into his hand.
“Now for the sake of this family, I will take you to the future I know and show you. You then have to continue without me and fix this before it gets worse.” Chris asked and it seemed very sincerer.
Amber looked over to me, “David, I know that man.” She exclaimed.
Chris looked over to her as well, “ I know you do, its why I was trying to stop you before, my crystal ran out of power since it take a lot to travel this far back.”
“Alright, but I’m coming with there is no chance I’m letting you go with the stranger.” Kate replied.
Uncle Gray walked over to me and handed me the same gauntlet as before.
“You’ll need to take this with you.” Uncle Gray said while he took off a painting off the wall to exposed a safe. He put in the combination, opened it and pulled out another two crystals