Status: Active <3



I sighed as I set foot of the plane, the long flight had me drowsy, but I was happy to be away from the hell which I use to call home, it had been too much lately, the pain was no longer easy to bear.

I wasn’t running away from him, I was moving on from him.

For years I had been trapped, fighting to get away, I’d live constantly with the verbal abuse, as well as the physical, the slaps, the punches, the shoves.

I couldn’t live with it any longer, at twenty one years old, you never expect your life to be so empty, I gave everything up for him, My family, my music.

I’m taking it back now; I’m not letting him hurt me anymore.

My parents moved across to the other side of the world, from London, to Australia, I was never ready to make the move, stuck in the relationship I thought I’d be in for the rest of my life.

Alison, and Kris, my brother and sister convinced me to make the move.

Kris is the only one who knows how Beau had been treating me, he had tried constantly to get me to run, but I’d always just brush It away, Beau was always perfect, It was just when he was angry, which to come to think about it, was a lot of the time.

I sighed, walking out of the gates, smiling a big, happy smile as soon as I saw my family.

Kris instantly hugged me, causing me to cringe “Nice to see you too bro” I said, laughing a weak laugh.

“You changed your hair colour” mum said, hugging me.

I had gone from a dark, chocolate brown, to a light, borderline blonde.

“So?” I asked.

“I liked your hair” mum pouted slightly.

I rolled my eyes “It’ll grow out” I pointed out.

Ali grabbed my wrist and sighed “Really?” She demanded, pointing to the wrist tattoo I had gotten, it
was no were near bogan, as the Australian’s say, but it was not a London thing to do “Don’t Judge” I said, pulling my hand away.

Dad hadn’t said anything, in fact, he hadn’t spoken to me much in the year that they’d been gone, only on a few occasions did we talk.

“Hi dad” I breathed out.

Dad let out a sigh “You don’t look like you did when we left” he said, his eyes meeting mine, something in the look scared me, it was like he knew what was going on, like he could see the broken part of me inside.

“In a good way, right?” I asked, forcing a smile.

Dad breathed out “in a different way” he said.

“We have to get your bags” Mum announced, pointing to the baggage area.

We went over to get my bag, before going over to the car.

As we drove to the house, I Ali filled me in on the neighbourhood.
She then muted me by asking me a really hard to answer question.

“How’d Beau take it when you left?” She asked.

I bit my lip, I actually didn’t tell Beau I was leaving, but Ali thought we were loved up; she doesn’t get the extent of the situation.

“Uh, well…” I began, looking to Kris for help.

We had arrived now, but no one got out of the car.

“Not working sis, you need to tell the truth” Kris said.
I frowned at this.

“What’s he talking about?” Mum asked.

“Can we get out, I want to see the house” I said, pushing open the car door and sliding out.

Everyone got out as well now “We’re not going in till you explain” mum said.

“I just want to go in and see my room” I breathed.

“Fine” Mum sighed, we went into the house, and Kris and Ali pointed out my room.

“I’m heading to my apartment” Kris announced.

“Oh” I breathed.

“I’ll be back for dinner though, family dinner, joy” Kris chuckled before leaving.

I smiled as I walked inside, mum had decorated it, and it was perfect.
Dad knocked on the open door lightly, before walking in “Is it ok?” He asked.

I smiled and nodded “It’s perfect” I breathed.

“You avoided talking about Beau pretty quick considering you were so in love with him” Dad breathed out.

“I…” I began.

“Your brother told me everything, so you don’t have to make up some lame excuse as to why you left” Dad said.

“Kris told you?” I demanded, frowning.

Dad nodded “he had to, you were making him keep something big from us…” he began.

“US? He told mum too?” I demanded.

Dad shook his head “Only me, he was concerned, but I kept it to myself because I knew you wouldn’t
want your mum to know” He said.

“It wasn’t that big a deal” I breathed.

“He was abusing you” Dad frowned.

“Beau never meant to hurt me” I whispered “he did love me, he just, he lost it sometimes dad” I breathed.

“I’m just glad he’s out of your life” Dad sighed.

I nodded “me too” I breathed, though a part of me missed him, he was sweet at times, he made me happy, that all made the pain worth it, the fact that I had someone to sleep next to at night, and though at twenty one, you don’t normally look for that, I have never had anything else in my life.

I jumped as my phone rang, prompting dad to leave the room.
I checked the caller idea, letting out a breath,
It was him, it was Beau,
It took all the strength I had to let the call go to voice mail.
I had to let him go.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I've got so much more of this story, and the next chapter will be longer.
any readers, let me know you're around :)
