Status: Active <3


Nearly Impossible

“Hey, ready for a good home cooked meal?” Mum asked as I walked into the kitchen.

“You’re not cooking?” I asked, grinning.

Mum rolled her eyes, she had gotten better over the years, but she wasn’t the best cook “Thanks” She said.

“Need help?” I asked.

Mum shook her head “Nope, just go relax” She said.

I shrugged, going to the couch and flicking on the TV.
The front door opened, and Kris walked in, someone else following him, instantly, I felt myself looking him up and down, he was gorgeous, tall, tanned, muscular, soft blonde hair, and green eyes.
“Hi” He said to me, causing me to blink.

“Hi” I breathed.

“Oh, Nathan, this is my sister Simona, Sim, this is Nathan, my roommate” Kris said.

“You’re the infamous Simona, Kris always talks about you” Nathan said, smiling a catching smile.

“Sorry, I can’t say that’d be fun to listen to” I said.

“It isn’t when it’s him complaining” Nathan said.

“Dude, just get what you needed and go” Kris said “You don’t need to make small talk with my sister” he said.

“Why don’t you stay for Dinner Nathan?” Mum asked as she walked into the lounge.

“He can’t” Kris said, for some reason he looked at me, and I frowned, what was that about.

“You don’t have work do you?” Mum asked.

“No, my shift got cancelled for the week, the hospital’s still going under reno’s so I have time off” Nathan said.

“So, stay for dinner” mum said.

“If you’re sure Mrs Harper, I don’t want to be a hassle, Kris was saying this is a family dinner” Nathan said.

“Well you’re close enough to Family Nathan, Kris is just being rude” Mum said.

“Can I talk to you?” Kris demanded of Nathan.

Nathan shrugged, following my brother, they stood out the front, and I heard them slightly.
“You can’t” Kris said.
“Oh come on” Nathan said “I’m not going to hit on your sister” He added.
“Not what I’m afraid of” Kris said.
Mum told me to tell them to get inside, so I jumped up, pushing open the front door “Dinner’s ready” I announced, smiling brightly, Nathan slid inside “So, you liking Australia so far?” he asked me.

“It’s great, though I haven’t seen much of anything since I’ve been here all day” I shrugged.

“Need a tour guide?” Nathan asked.

Kris jumped in from behind now “We’ll show you around tomorrow” He announced.

“Okay…” I breathed out slowly.

“I’m just going to wash my hands” Nathan said before going off to the bathroom.

“What’s your issue?” I asked.

“He saw a picture of you a while back, and he said, he thought you were hot, I don’t want you alone with him, he’s a good guy, but he’s a good mate, I don’t want you two dating” Kris said.

“Because after getting out of a relationship with Beau, I’d really want to walk straight into another one” I frowned.

“Ok” Kris sighed.

We sat down to eat now, and as a family, with the inclusion of Nathan, we talked.
After a while, I needed some air, so I jumped up, dinner was over, it was chatter amongst everyone now.

I breathed out, grabbing my lighter and a cigarette from my pocket.
It was a bad habit I’d picked up from Beau, and it was hard to kick.

“Smoking is bad for you, you know that right?” A voice behind me sounded, I jumped, spinning around, thinking it was Kris, it was Nathan.

“I know it’s just something I’ve gotten use to” I breathed, puffing out the smoke.

“They don’t know you smoke do they?” Nathan asked.

I shook my head “Please don’t tell Kris, he’d kill me” I breathed.

“You and Kris are close” Nathan said, making a point.

I nodded “Out of everyone in my family, he’s the one I trust the most” I said.

“It’s good to have someone to talk to” Nathan acknowledged “Anyway, I’m off, nice to have finally met you” he said.

I smiled “Same” I said as he took off down the driveway to his car.
I sighed, going back inside and letting out a breath.

Something smells like cigarettes” Ali announced as I walked into the kitchen, I bit my lip “Someone walked by, they were smoking” I lied.

Mum frowned “Tell me you haven’t” She said.

I shook my head “Why accuse me?” I demanded.

“Because you have that same look on your face as you always did when you got home late and lied that you weren’t hanging out with Beau back when you were in high school” Mum said.

“Fine, I smoked, I’m an adult, I can if I want” I shrugged.

Dad frowned “Not if you plan on living here you can’t” He said.

“Are you seriously so opposed to me smoking, that you’d kick me out?” I demanded.

“Yeah” Dad breathed.

“I’ll stop then” I frowned, shaking my head.
Dad left the kitchen now, letting out a grumble as he went to the lounge.

“Something isn’t the same about you” Mum announced.

“I’m a year older mum, I was bound to change” I pointed out.

“No, it isn’t just that you’re older” Mum said.

“I’m no different to when you guys left” I shrugged.

“Ok” Mum breathed out slowly, letting out a sigh.

“I’m fine mum, if that’s what you’re thinking, that I’m not fine” I breathed.

“You’re missing Beau right?” Mum asked.

I sighed, I actually was missing Beau, no matter how much he hurt me, I still loved him, those feelings were never really going to just disappear.
“You got it to a tee mum, that’s what’s different” I announced, grabbing a water bottle “I’ll be in my room” I announced “Thanks for dinner mum” I added, before going to my room.

I let out a breath, sitting on my bed, jumping as my phone rang.
I checked the caller ID, and the breath hitched in my throat.


I knew I had to face it eventually, so I answered the call.

“Where the hell are you?!” Beau’s angry voice sounded, I cringed at the tone, unsure how to respond.

“I just want to know” Beau said, his voice lowered, it wasn’t so angry right then.

“I’m, I’m in Melbourne, I needed to get away” I said.

“For how long?” Beau asked.

“Forever Beau” I breathed, closing my eyes tightly “I can’t do it anymore, I can’t be away from my family” I whispered, we’d never spoken about how he hurt me, it wasn’t right to bring it up.

“So that’s it for us then?” Beau demanded “You didn’t even tell me you were leaving” He pointed out.

“I know” I sighed “I just, if I didn’t go then, I would have stayed, and I missed my family too much to stay Beau” I sighed.

“What if I came there to be with you?” Beau asked.

I bit my lip, it was then that I admitted to myself, I was running from him, and I didn’t want him in my life “I don’t want to take you away from your family” I lied.

“I want to be with you, and besides, I can get a job transfer to the hotels there anyway, I need to move on from London” Beau said.

I let out a breath “ok” I whispered shakily.

“I’ll look for an apartment for us there” Beau announced, it’ll be great” he added.

“So great” I mumbled.

“You don’t sound happy about it” Beau breathed.

“I am” I said, faking enthusiasm “I’m so happy, I can’t wait” I announced.

“You’ll live with me there right?” Beau asked.

I bit my lip “Yeah” I whispered, cringing slightly.

“I love you” Beau said.

I felt my eyes fill with tears, not in a good way “I love you too” I whispered, biting my lip.

As I hung up, I looked up, freezing when I saw Kris in the doorway “You heard everything, didn’t you?” I demanded.

“Why are you doing this to yourself?” Kris sighed, shaking his head.

“I…Just, stay out of it Kris” I breathed, standing up and attempting to shut the door in my brothers face.

Kris held it open “He hurts you, physically, and emotionally, you can’t put yourself through it anymore” He breathed.

“I have someone who loves me, I don’t want to trade that in Kris, he’s willing to move across the world for me” I mumbled.

“For what? So he can throw you against the wall a few more times, how many times can he do it till you’re hurt badly?” Kris exclaimed.

“Keep your voice down” I hissed, shaking my head.

“You could have gotten away with it S, he’s in London, you could have lied about where you were, he’d never know, but no, you tell him exactly where you are, you invite him back into your life” Kris snapped.

“He didn’t sound angry, Kris, he might have realised I’m not worth loosing” I breathed.
“It’s impossible for him to have changed overnight sis, you’re just making excuses and reasons for him once again” Kris pointed out.

“You have no reason to judge how I go about my life” I pointed out.

“Oh come on, you confided in me about what he was doing, that spells need for help, that spells need for saving, and yet you don’t even want to save yourself” Kris sighed.

“He knows what he did was wrong” I breathed.

“If he knew it was wrong, why did he do it more than once?” Kris demanded.

“Look, you have nothing to worry about Kris, I’m fine” I breathed.

“And why exactly are you in pain if your fine?” Kris demanded.

I cringed as Kris touched my side lightly.

“Stop” I snapped “Just leave me alone” I mumbled.

“Fine” Kris sighed, shaking his head before leaving my room.

I let out a breath, sitting on my bed, I could feel the tears, and every ounce of my body just wanted to collapse and fall into tears.

But I held it together, like I always did, and I got up, My eyes fixed on the suitcase in the doorway, and I cringed, in a matter of days, Beau would arrive, and I’d have no choice but to move in with him.
There was no point unpacking.
A knock at my door, caused me to look up, I smiled as dad slid in.
“Thought you’d be unpacking” he said.

I bit my lip “Dad” I breathed “Please, don’t be mad at me” I whispered, closing my eyes tightly for a second “Beau called me, he, he’s coming here” I said.

My dad froze, his eyes meeting mine “And?” He demanded.

“He told me he’s coming to be with me, I can’t tell him no” I whispered.

“You can’t tell him no?” Dad demanded, frowning “Are you insane?” he asked.

“You don’t get it, you’re narrow minded like Kris” I breathed.

“What don’t I get? He hurts you, he physically hurts you” Dad frowned.

“I know” I breathed “But he never mea….” I began.

“There is no excuse for hitting anyone” Dad cut me off.

“Dad, I’m an adult, I’m…” I began.

“Barley” Dad frowned, cutting me off.

“I know how to handle myself” I breathed.

“So how’s this going to work then? You’ll just go straight back to him?” Dad asked.

“I don’t know what you want me to do” I breathed.

“I want you to break up with him forever” Dad said.

“I’m not going to do that, I actually love Beau” I breathed.

“Do you know why I haven’t spoken to you much the past year?” Dad asked me.

“Because you hated that I choose him over you” I breathed.

Dad shook his head “Because I hated that I was losing my little girl, and yeah, I am aware that Alison’s younger, and trust me, I am struggling with the fact that she’s starting to move on, but you, you’ve always been a daddy’s little girl, you’d always go with me to the studio when you were little, while Ali and Kris stayed with your mum, you’d follow me around, slowly it stopped, and when you started dating Beau, it was over” Dad breathed.

“Even if I wasn’t with Beau dad, eventually I would have found another guy” I pointed out.

“I know” Dad breathed “But maybe you would have found a guy that didn’t take you away from your family” He said, sighing.

“He didn’t force me to stay” I pointed out.

“How can I believe that?” Dad sighed “you’ve lied about everything else” He said.

“He didn’t” I breathed “Case closed dad” I said.

“Your mum won’t be impressed that you’re moving out” Dad sighed.

“Evidently dad, it’s my decision” I breathed.

Dad let out a sigh, and turned, leaving my room, shutting the door behind him.
Escaping was nearly impossible.
♠ ♠ ♠

Another chapter in an hour :)
