Status: Active <3



I sighed sleepily, it had been a few days since I arrived in Melbourne, things had been ok, life without Beau so far, was good for me, the bruises had time to heal, but I knew that soon, he’d be back in my life, and no running could push him out.
I jumped from my bed, getting into my jogging gear, before taking off on a run, it was my second day out of the four I had been here, going for a run, it was great to just take in the fresh air.
I reached the lake; the lake which Kris explained was called Lassiters Lake, and sat on one of the benches, just taking in the fresh air.
Beau had called, telling me he’d arrive in a month’s time, it gave me a long while to think about how to stop him from making the move, but I knew I’d never say no.

“Hey” A voice sounded from behind me, causing me to jump.

I turned, smiling a small smile “Hi” I said, my eyes meeting the green of Nathan’s.

“Good day today, you’re lucky to be here when it’s good out” Nathan said.

“Kris told me it’s much better than London weather” I shrugged.

“Yeah, he tells me daily how shit the London weather is, not that I care about things he say’s sometimes” Nathan chuckled.

I laughed lightly and jumped up, cringing slightly.

“You fall or something?” Nathan asked, pointing to a bruise on my left knee.
I breathed out; it was a healing bruise from just before I left London.

“Uh, yeah” I breathed.

“Does it hurt to run on?” Nathan asked.

“No” I lied, it was a small twang of pain, but it wasn’t a big deal.

“You should go to the doctor, it could be tissue damage” Nathan said.

“Its fine” I shrugged.

“Ok” Nathan shrugged.

“Speaking of doctors, you haven’t really told me much about your job” I said.

“Yeah, Kris forbids me to actually talk to you” Nathan said.

“Why?” I asked, though I already knew the answer.

“He thinks I’d hit on you” Nathan said.

“I’m not your type?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t have a type, that’s the problem” Nathan shrugged “Anyway, how are you liking things here?” He asked.

“They’re ok, I guess, I still have only seen local things though, I want to explore a little more” I said.

“You should come into the city with me today” Nathan said.

I bit my lip lightly, the fact that I was instantly attracted to him when we first met, sent off alarms in my head, he’s my brothers best friend, I can’t be attracted to me, that was the first thought I had, and then, it hit me, technically, I’m still with Beau.
Funny how that thought came second.
“I don’t know if I can, Ali wanted to show me around today” I sighed.

“Maybe another day then” Nathan said.

I nodded “Sure” I said.

“Can I ask you something?” Nathan questioned.

“Okay” I said slowly.

“Why’d you come here after a year?” Nathan asked.

“It’s, complicated” I shrugged.

“OK” Nathan said.

“I got to get back” I said, “See you round” I added, before taking off, not waiting for a response.
When I got home, I went, showered, and had something to eat.

“Are you ready to go shopping?” Alison asked.

“Yeah, sure” I sighed, following Ali out to her car.

“I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but, you scare me when you drive” I breathed.

“Well too bad, you don’t have a car yet so you are not driving” Ali shrugged.

“Fine” I sighed, getting into the car.
Ali drove, and parked at the shopping centre, and we got out, walking around.

“So, are there any guys you like?” I asked as we passed some shops.

Ali shook her head “Not really, though I am starting Uni next year, so, should be some there” She giggled.

“Really Al? You’re going to Uni to meet guys?” I asked.

“Well not all of us meet a guy when we’re fifteen and fall in love” Ali breathed.

I bit my lip and shook my head, looking out the window, Ali and I talked about almost everything, this was one of the things we didn’t talk about, my relationship with Beau, much like mum, she thought everything was perfect between Beau and I.
“Yeah, well” I breathed.

“Aren’t you like, so happy he’s coming here to be with you?” Ali asked.

“I’m ecstatic” I breathed.

“Are you?” Ali asked, frowning slightly “You don’t look so happy” She said.

“I don’t know Ali, it’s maybe because he is moving away from his family for me, I think I just, don’t want to be the reason he loses his family” I lied.

“He must love you then” Ali said.

I let out a breath and nodded “he must” I said.
We shopped around for a while, buying a few things, before sitting for a coffee.

“So when Beau comes here, you’re moving in with him again right?” Ali asked.

“Yeah” I breathed “Listen Ali, can we stop talking about Beau, it’s all you’ve been talking about” I sighed.

“S, you stayed in London for him, I thought he’s all you’d talk about” Ali said.

“Yeah, well, I don’t keep conversation to him” I pointed out.

“Ok” Ali breathed.

“Sorry” I sighed “I just, I’ve gotten sick of how everyone assumes I want to talk about Beau and only
Beau” I said.

“Who?” Ali asked.

“Well back in London, the girls thought I should be talking about him every second of the day” I pointed out.

“Ok, well let’s talk about… what are you going to do with yourself now that you’re here?” Ali questioned.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, I’ve got a job at a café, what will you do?” Ali questioned.

“Are you serious? Princess Ali has a job?” I asked, giggling lightly.

Alison shoved me slightly “Mean” She said “shut up” she added.

“I actually think I’m going to go for a child care course” I said.

“Wow” Ali said “You’ve been saying since you left school that you wanted to do that, finally you’re willing to go for it” She said.

“I know, it’s not a done deal yet though, I’ll see what happens” I sighed.

“You know, Kris’ roommate seemed to take a shine to you the other night” Ali announced.

“Huh?” I asked.

“Nathan, he seems to like you” Ali said.

“How do you get that Al?” I asked.

“He kept looking at you” Alison said.

“I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m a Bogan because of the tat and because he caught me smoking” I said.

“Still…” Ali said.

“I’m with Beau” I reminded my sister.

“I know, I’m not suggesting anything sis, I’m just saying, he seems to have taken a shine to you, and I’m sure that you’ve taken a shine to him, or will eventually, not that it’s hard for Nathan, I mean, he’s, Nathan” Ali said.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked.

“He’s like, a God” Ali announced “I mean, seriously, he practically glows, he’s like a superhero, he
saves lives, and…” Ali began.

“He doesn’t save lives, he’s a medical student” I pointed out, cutting her off.

“Well, when he’s fully licence he will save lives” Ali shrugged.

“Trust me when I say this Al, Nathan is to me, just Kris’ roommate, he always will be” I shrugged.

“Seriously?” Ali asked.

“Seriously Ali, Beau’s coming to be with me, falling for some, doctor, it isn’t the right way to go” I said.

“So if he wasn’t…” Ali started.

“Alison, Nathan’s Kris’ roommate, Nathan’s hot, but he’s not my type” I breathed.

“What’s your type? Mean, because I like Beau, but he isn’t a nice guy, not like Nathan” Ali said.

“Doesn’t matter Al, I’m with Beau, I’ll always be with him” I said, the thought caused me to shiver; I’d always be with Beau, that was the end of that.
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I seriously love this story.
I'm kind of bummed that no one's subscribed... :|