Status: Active <3



+Skip 6 months+

“I’m fine” I announced, rolling my eyes and sipping down another drink,
I wasn’t drunk, I was tipsy, I knew exactly what I was doing.
I pulled Nathan towards the dance floor “Come on, just dance with me” I said, giggling.
“You need a rest” Nathan said.

I shook my head “No, I’m all good” I said.

“I’m not dancing with you” Nathan announced.

“Oh come on, live a little doctor” I grinned, placing my hands on his shoulders, and pressing myself
to him.
I felt Nathan tense, his eyes sat on mine, he was frozen.

“Oh come on, you’re supposed to dance” I said.

“Why are you doing this to me?” Nathan demanded, pushing me away slightly, causing me to stumble.

He grabbed me, just as I was about to fall, sighing.

“Doing what?” I asked.

“Making me feel, things I shouldn’t feel for you, you’re with Beau” Nathan said.

“Yeah” I whispered, shaking my head, pulling back slightly as Nathan tried to grab my arm.

“He’s done it again, hasn’t he?” Nathan frowned, his eyes meeting mine, he turned, motioning
outside, out of the club we were in.

“It was an accident” I whispered as we were out, away from the music.

“It’s always an accident” Nathan sighed “Are you ok? I didn’t mean to hurt you” he breathed, leaning
to the curb to hail a taxi.

“I’m fine” I breathed “You didn’t hurt me” I promised.

“You coming in with me?” Nathan asked, pointing to the taxi.

I nodded, sliding in after him.
I fell on him slightly, and that’s when it happened.
Nathan’s eyes met mine, and suddenly, our lips were moulded together.
His hands held my face lightly; the kiss was full of passion, fire.
Slowly, his hands trailed down, sitting on my waist, his thumbs dug circles into my sides.
When the taxi reached the apartment block, the kiss didn’t end, Nathan paid, and we slid out, still kissing, fumbling over our feet as we made our way to the apartment.
Nathan pressed me against the door, kissing me slowly, before unlocking it with one hand, pulling me in, pressing me now, against the closed door.

He stopped suddenly, his eyes meeting mine, but before he could say anything, I leant up, kissing him again, tangling my fingers in his hair and pressing my body against his.
Eventually we made it to the bedroom, flinging clothes everywhere, and falling into the bed, covers clinging to our damp bodies.
Nathan’s lips trailed me, along my neck, down, on my shoulders; he pressed me lightly into the mattress. His hands held me tenderly, touching each inch of skin with care.
Everything was a blur,
A hot, sweaty blur.


In the morning, I woke up with a splitting head ache,
I turned to the side, trying to force it away, and saw a sleeping Nathan beside me.
“Crap” I breathed, pulling myself from the covers.
Nathan woke up now, saw me, and let out a breath “Don’t freak out” He said, almost as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.
“Where’s Kris, he’s not here is he?” I asked.
Nathan shook his head.
“I need to leave” I breathed, turning.
Nathan grabbed my hand “Wait” he breathed out, his eyes meeting mine “Are you going to walk away from this without addressing it?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” I frowned.
“Last night, happened for a reason” Nathan pointed out.
“Don’t” I breathed, shaking my head and pulling my hand away “I need to leave, I need to go home, to Beau, before he works out what happened and kills me” I sighed.
“You can have a shower first, he’ll smell me on you” Nathan sighed, frowning slightly.
“You can’t honestly be mad that I think it was a mistake” I breathed.
“Maybe it wasn’t” Nathan pointed out “I mean, I know I’ve wanted that since the moment I met you, I’ve wanted to be with you for months” He breathed.
“Why tell me this?” I demanded angrily “I’m with Beau” I pointed out.
“Who was with you when you found out you lost the baby?” Nathan frowned.
“That’s because you work at the hospital” I breathed.
Nathan sat up, his shirtless chest now clearly visible; I had to shake my head to concentrate.
“I’ve been slowly falling for you for months, and I know you feel something for me too or last night would have never happened” Nathan said.
“I can’t talk to you about this now, Kris might come back” I pointed out.
Nathan let out a long sigh “Ok” He said “There’s a spare towel on the hook, if you want some clothes, I think you left some here when you stayed in the spare room” He said.
I smiled a weak smile, going to get the clothes, and then going to have a shower.
Once I was done, I changed, and was about to go out, when I heard Kris’ voice.
“You have a girl in there?” He demanded of Nathan.
“N-No” Nathan stammered.
“Dude, you haven’t had a one nighter in the whole time we’ve been roommates” Kris announced.
“Can you go, she’s shy” Nathan said.
“I’ll be in my room” Kris announced, I heard him walk away, so I pulled open the door slightly “Go” Nathan breathed “We can talk later” he said to me.
I set a foot out the door, and jumped when Kris’ voice sounded.
“What the hell?!” He exclaimed.
“Kris” I breathed, closing my eyes tightly “This isn’t…” I began.
“My sister?” Kris demanded anger clear in his voice “MY SISTER!” He exclaimed.
“Dude…” Nathan began.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Kris demanded of me “You’re with Beau, and you cheat on him with this son of a…” he began.
“Kris, stop, please” I whispered, blinking rapidly, my head felt dizzy.
“And you, you know she has a boyfriend, and I told you from the first day you met her, she’s off limits, she’s my sister!” Kris exclaimed, facing Nathan.
“I…” Nathan began.
“Don’t blame him” I breathed.
“Who am I suppose to blame then?” Kris frowned.
“Me, it’s my fault, I’m the one who cheated” I breathed out, feeling a sharp pain and twang of dizziness run through my body.
“I just, I don’t get why you’d do this” Kris hissed “I warned you from the start about him” he said.
“Dude” Nathan frowned.
“What, I just warned her than you’ve broken hearts before, I didn’t want you doing this with her” Kris breathed.
“Stop!” I exclaimed, shaking “It happened Kris, We can’t take it back, no matter how much I want to right now” I breathed.
A hurt look crossed Nathan’s face, but I didn’t really register it, I closed my eyes tightly, forcing back the next bout of dizziness.
Nathan grabbed my arm lightly “Are you ok?” he asked.
“I’m fine” I breathed, shaking his hand off me and taking a step forward, I stumbled slightly, falling, Nathan caught me, pulling me lightly toward the couch, Kris following.
“What’s wrong?” Kris asked me, sitting next to me.
“I, I don’t know” I whispered, shaking away tears, another sharp pain shot through me, and I turned, lying on the side to try and stop the pain.
Nathan let out a breath “You want me to check you out?” He asked.
“I think you’ve done enough checking out with my sister” Kris hissed.
“If it’s serious, and you wait in a hospital for hours, something could happen Kris, I want to help, I actually care about her” Nathan breathed, not looking at me.
“Fine” Kris frowned, moving away “I’ll call Beau, tell him you crashed here last night and couldn’t get home because no one was here to lock up or something” Kris sighed, going off to his room to talk to Beau.
Nathan couched down beside me, running a finger along my nose “I’m just testing your pupils” He said softly, his eyes meeting mine.
He stared for a second, before shaking his head “uh, their dilated a little, Where’s the pain” He breathed out.
I motioned to my side, causing Nathan to let out a short breath “Can you lift the shirt a little?” he asked.
I did, and Nathan let out another breath “I thought so” he said, looking at the bruise on my side “I thought he stopped” He said.
“I don’t want to talk to you about this” I frowned.
“Yeah, well, I’m trying to see what’s wrong with you so you’re going to have to” Nathan pointed out.
“He threw me against the wall yesterday morning” I mumbled, shaking my head.
Nathan frowned “You might have really bad concussion, but it’s only just reacted, so it could be worst, we have to go in to the hospital, you need a CT scan” He said.
“I’m fine” I breathed, sitting up, falling back from the dizziness.
Kris walked out now, frowning “He wants to talk to you” He said, holding out the phone to me.
I noticed Nathan frown bitterly, but shook my head, grabbing the phone “Hi” I breathed.
“You could have called me, is this because of what I did in the morning, because I said sorry…” Beau rambled.
“I know” I sighed “And no, it isn’t, I just crashed here because I couldn’t be bothered to come home” I said.
“So you’re not mad?” Beau asked.
“I’m not mad, I promise” I said, closing my eyes tightly “I’ll be back later, I just have some stuff to do” I added.
“Ok, see you tonight” Beau said before hanging up.
“Come on, let’s go” Kris said.
“Go where?” I demanded.
“Hospital” Kris breathed.
“I said I’m fine” I frowned.
“You are not fine, you need a CT scan, and I can get you in the second we get there” Nathan said.
I continued the frown “I don’t need…” I began.
“Stop being so stubborn, what, are you scared Beau will find out that you’re getting a CT scan and he’ll hurt you some more?” Nathan demanded.
“You know about Beau hitting her?” Kris asked.
“I was at the hospital one day when she came in and she told me, but that isn’t the point right now, the point is we need to get to the hospital” Nathan said.
“Let’s go then” I frowned, walking to the door.
We made our way to the hospital, in a silent car, Kris drove, and Nathan sat in the back with me, to make sure I was ok.
When we got there, Kris dropped us off out front.
“You’re going to just ignore me?” Nathan asked.
“I don’t feel like talking” I breathed.
“Last night…” Nathan began.
“I most definitely don’t feel like talking about last night, ever again” I breathed.
“Fine” Nathan sighed, we walked in, now, and reached a bunch of chairs “Sit here, I’ll go get some paperwork” He said a little coldly, before taking off.
Kris came back before Nathan did “Wher…” he began.
“Getting paper work” I breathed.
Kris let out a breath “Why him?” He asked me.
“What do you mean?” I frowned.
“You know exactly what I mean” Kris said.
“I don’t know Kris” I sighed “I can’t say it’s because he was there, because if he wasn’t there, it wouldn’t have happened, I wasn’t just, looking for se…” I began.
“Ok, stop, I’m your brother remember” Kris said, cutting me off.
“Ok, sorry” I sighed “I just, I like him, and I know, I know I’m being stupid, but I let my feelings get the better of me last night, it won’t happen again” I breathed.
“You like him, like, you actually like him?” Kris asked.
I nodded my head and sighed “don’t you dare tell him” I breathed before turning, and shutting my mouth.
Nathan came back a few minutes later, handing Kris the forms “Just fill them in while I take her to the scan” He said, not looking at me as he turned “Let’s go” he said.
I frowned, following him “You don’t have to be an asshole” I breathed.
“I’m being your doctor, and that’s all I’m going to be from now on” Nathan announced, pushing open the door.
I frowned, grabbing his arm “What’s wrong with you?” I demanded.
“Did you even stop to think why I let last night happen?” Nathan frowned, pulling his arm from my grasp.
“You said it before…” I began.
“Yeah, I had to tell you that there was a reason, you didn’t wonder it” Nathan pointed out “I don’t do what I did last night, I don’t sleep with girls at a drop of a pin” He breathed, I was glad we were in the scan room, no one was around.
“I didn’t want to talk about it Nathan, because it made it real, it made what happened real, it made my feelings, real” I hissed, shaking my already spinning head.
“Your feelings?” Nathan questioned.
“What, you think I sleep with guys at a drop of a pin?” I asked.
“No, but, I didn’t think you had feelings for me” Nathan breathed.
“You have no idea” I sighed “I didn’t want anything to ruin the friendship we had, I like spending time with you, last night, it wreaked all of that” I said.
Nathan sighed “Let’s just, deal with this scan” He said “You just have to lie on the bench, and I’ll buzz you under, if you feel like you’re going to sneeze, or you feel uncomfortable, just buzz this” he said, handing me a button “Ready?” he asked.
“Yeah” I breathed, lying down and getting ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
My fav part :P
Hope any readers love :)
