Status: Active <3



His eyes widened “What happened?” he asked, helping me up and walking me out of the building.

“He came back” I stumbled out “He came back” I repeated.

“Let’s go, I have stuff up at the apartment to treat you” Nathan said softly, walking me slowly along the path.

When we got up, I noticed Kris wasn’t there.

“Where’s Kris?” I asked as Nathan went around grabbing some things to clean up my cuts.

“He went to get something to eat” Nathan said, walking over with a bottle of some green liquid and
some bandages “This is going to sting, but it’s the only way I can clean you up without you getting an
infection” he said softly, wiping my head first of all, before putting a clear stick stitch on it, and
tending to my arm.

“Why’d he come back?” Nathan asked.

“He tracked my phone” I mumbled.

“I should have stayed with you” Nathan frowned, letting out a breath as he cleaned and wrapped up
my arm.

“It isn’t your fault” I pointed out.

“If I stayed with you…” Nathan began.

“Nathan” I breathed “You didn’t know he’d come back, I didn’t know he’d come back, and I’m ok” I

“If he hadn’t run away…” Nathan began.

“What? You would have hurt him? Don’t be stupid, you could get in trouble, we just have to let the
police deal with it now” I breathed.

Nathan sighed “Ok” he said.

I let out a breath, suddenly realising Nathan’s hand was on my leg.
It was weird now to be around him after what we did.
I shifted my leg slightly “Uh…” I began.

Nathan slid his hand away “I’ll change the dressings on your arm tomorrow, we have to do it daily” he said, cringing, causing me to realise what he had said, as juvenile as it was, it stuck.

“What was Kris getting for dinner?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Pizza, I reminded him to get your beloved ham and pineapple, so don’t worry” Nathan said, smiling
a small smile.

This made everything hurt so much more, to think that I could have actually had something truly amazing with Nathan, and now, we screwed it up, quite literally.

Kris came back, saw my head and arm, and flipped “What happened?” he demanded.

“Beau tracked my phone, he came back” I mumbled.

“I should go and…” Kris began.

I shook my head “Just leave it Kris, if we leave it, he’ll be charged properly, and you won’t get in
trouble if you do nothing” I pointed out.

“He can’t get away with this” Kris frowned.

“He won’t” Nathan said “I’m backing this” he pointed out.

“Your grandpa’s status won’t matter here” Kris frowned.

“No, I mean as a doctor, I can back up the injuries” Nathan said “I can even put in the files from
when you lost the baby and…” he began.

I jumped “No….” I began.

“The what now?” Kris demanded.

I groaned, burring my head in my hands “He didn’t know, no one knew” I whimpered, shaking my

“Oh” Nathan breathed, shaking his head.

“You were pregnant?” Kris frowned.

“I… Yeah” I mumbled.

“I can’t believe this” Kris breathed, pushing the pizza’s slightly and turning for the door.

“Where are you going…?” I began.

“If he thinks, he can put you through all of this, and get away with it…” Kris began.

“Kris, if you go over there, you’ll make everything a whole lot worse” Nathan sounded.

“What, you think because you slept with my sister, you have a say in this now?” Kris demanded.

I noticed Nathan cringe slightly “I’m just thinking about what’s best for her here, and if you go over
there, you don’t know what he’ll do” He pointed out.

Kris let out a frustrated groan “Fine” He breathed, turning back and shaking his head “You have to
tell mum and dad eventually” he pointed out.

“I know” I breathed “But can we just save it for a few days, if you don’t want me to stay here I can
go stay at a hotel…” I began.

“You can stay here as long as you need” Kris promised “You can stay in the spare room” He added.

“Thanks” I said, smiling a weak smile.

Kris slid a pizza over to me “here’s your disgusting ham and pineapple” He announced, trying to
lighten the mood.

“I don’t feel that hungry” I breathed.

“You have to eat something” Kris pointed out.

“I don’t…” I began.

“Just have a small piece” Kris breathed, pulling out a piece of pizza and putting it on a plate for me.

“Fine” I sighed “Can I eat it on the couch?” I asked.

Kris nodded, waving me off.
I sat on the couch, swearing as I realised I couldn’t curl my leg under because of the pain I was in.

“You ok?” Nathan asked, sitting by me and flicking the TV on.

“Yeah” I breathed, nibbling on the slice of pizza.

“You mind if I catch the football?” Nathan asked.

I shrugged “Whatever, it’s your TV” I breathed.

“Ok” Nathan sighed, flicking channels.

We ate in silence, the whole time; I avoided looking at him, feeling extremely weird.

“I need to go pick something up, you too will be ok alone right?” Kris frowned after a while, when the
pizza was gone.

I nodded my head, “I’ll be back in an hour” Kris said before leaving.

As soon as the door shut, Nathan turned to me “Why are you so pissed off at me?” He demanded.

“Who say’s I’m…” I began.

“Cut the bull, you’re pissed off or something” Nathan breathed.

“I’m not pissed off” I frowned “I’m, I feel weird around you ok” I sighed.

“Oh” Nathan mumbled.

“Yeah” I muttered.

“I, I’m sorry” Nathan sighed “For letting it happen” he breathed “I, I was the sober one” he added.

I bit my lip, looking to the ground “I wasn’t drunk” I mumbled.

Nathan frowned “You weren’t?” He asked, squinting slightly “I, you seemed like you were” He said.

“I know” I breathed, shaking my head “But I wasn’t” I mumbled.

“So, you actually knew what was going on?” Nathan frowned.

“What, it would have been better if I didn’t? That would mean you took advantage of me” I breathed.

“No” Nathan sighed “I just, Why did you let it happen, I’m a guy, I don’t really have much control” he

“I let it happen, because I let my feelings over take my judgement” I breathed.

“Again you mention feelings” Nathan said.

“I’d be a hollow tube if I had no feelings for you, from the start you’ve been so, supportive of me, you’ve been an amazing friend” I sighed “But that doesn’t mean I should have let it happen, I acted drunk” I breathed.

“We both did” Nathan sighed, shaking his head.

“I don’t like this” I mumbled, my eyes finally meeting his “I don’t like feeling weird around you” I

Nathan breathed out, his eyes locked with mine “I don’t like it either” he said.
I felt myself stuck, staring at him, unable to move.
Nathan reached his hand out, touching my cheek lightly, causing me to shut my eyes tightly for a second.

I felt Nathan’s breath on me and flickered my eyes open, realising that I had moved closer to him.

I moved away, bitting my lip “There’s no way we can go back is there?” Nathan sighed.

I felt myself shake my head “I don’t think so” I sighed.

“Things don’t have to be weird though” Nathan pointed out.

I frowned “How can they not be weird?” I asked.

“We don’t let it, we just, we hang out like we did before” Nathan said.

“Mmm” I mumbled.

“Come on, it won’t be that hard to do” Nathan pointed out.

“I don’t know why you’re pushing this” I breathed out.

“Because, I, I like spending time with you” Nathan sighed.

“Ok” I said.

“After everything with Beau, it will be easier, the police said they’d contact for court” Nathan pointed

“Yeah” I breathed.

“It’s going to be alright” Nathan said.

“I know” I said, smiling a weak smile, at least he was optimistic, because I certainly wasn’t.


A loud thump from the kitchen caused me to jump up from my slumber, fear shaking me.
I didn’t know why, but I forced myself up, making my way to the kitchen, fearing it was Beau, who broke in.
My main thought, was to ensure that Kris and Nathan didn’t get hurt, so I tiptoed into the kitchen, jumping when the figure spun around, letting out a breath when I realised it was only Nathan, a shirtless, Nathan.

“You scared me” I breathed, blinking rapidly, trying to force the thoughts entering my mind, away.

“Sorry” Nathan sighed “I wanted a drink, and I dropped my cup” He said.

“I thought Beau broke in” I mumbled.

Nathan shook his head “We bolt locked the door, he can’t get in” He said “You’re safe with us” He

“I’m more worried about you and Kris” I said.

“Don’t worry about us” Nathan said.

“I don’t think I can get to sleep now” I breathed, my eyes darting to the door, fear flooding through

“I’ll sit with you if you want, till you get back to sleep” Nathan offered.

“Won’t that be weird?” I asked.

“It’s what friends do” Nathan breathed, drinking his water, he popped into his room to grab a shirt,
before following me to the room I was sleeping in.

I curled up on the bed, leaving room for Nathan on the side, and he sat down beside me, resting
against the head board, putting one arm around me.

We talked quietly for a bit, and then, I felt myself fade into sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠