Status: Active <3



In the morning, I woke up, with an arm wrapped around me, groaning, I turned to the side, breathing in Nathan’s scent.
I didn’t move away, it felt nice to be wrapped up in his arms.
I closed my eyes again, but couldn’t get back to sleep, last night; I had had the best sleep ever, from the time I woke up that is.
I felt Nathan shift slightly, and I looked up, noticing him open his eyes “Hey” he breathed in a deep voice, causing me to giggle slightly “Hi” I said.
“Sorry, I fell asleep, I didn’t mean to” Nathan said.
“It’s ok” I promised, sliding from his arms.
Nathan slid from the bed “Better get to the shower, I have work today” He said.
“Mkay” I breathed, he left the room, walking out to the hall and instantly I realised, Kris must have just walked out.
“What the hell were you in there for?” he demanded.
I jumped from the bed “Nothing happened” I announced as I reached the hall.
“So he just wound up in your bed?” Kris demanded.
“I got freaked out last night, so he offered to stay till I fell asleep” I breathed.
“And then, I fell asleep” Nathan added.
Kris frowned “I’m meant to believe that?” He asked.
“You don’t have to believe it, but it’s the truth” I breathed out.
“Fine” Kris sighed.
“Dude, we’re telling the truth” Nathan breathed.
“Ok” Kris said, shaking his head and turning “I’m going to work” He said.
“So no one will be home?” I asked, bitting my lip.
“I can drop you off somewhere if you want” Nathan offered.
“I’ll take her to my parents place” Kris said.
“They’ll wonder why…” I began.
“Just, spend the day with mum, she’s home today” Kris pointed out.
“Ok” I breathed.
“If you get the call about the court hearing, tell them I’m available, I’ll take off work if it collides” Nathan announced.
“You don’t have to take off work” I breathed.
“I want to” Nathan said, shrugging before going off to have a shower.
Kris let out a breath “You want some toast?” He asked.
I shook my head “Not hungry” I breathed.
“I’m sorry I jumped to that conclusion” Kris sighed “I’ve just, I’ve seen the way you two are around each other, I can tell there’s a connection there” he said.
“There’s no connection other than us being friends” I breathed.
“Friends don’t do what you and Nathan did” Kris pointed out.
“It was a mistake” I mumbled.
“Do you regret it though?” Kris asked.
“I, Nathan’s your friend, I shouldn’t have let it happen” I breathed.
Kris sighed “But you don’t regret it” He said.
“I do regret it” I sighed, shaking my head “Nathan’s amazing Kris, we actually get along, we like the same things, he knows more about me than Beau ever did, we could have had something almost perfect, but I let myself ruin that just like I ruin everything” I breathed.
“Why do you think that?” Kris asked.
“Because we can’t go from this to being in a relationship, it isn’t how it works” I frowned “Can we go now please?” I snapped slightly.
“Ok, fine, we can go” Kris said, walking to the door and unlocking all the bolts.
When we got outside, I stayed close to Kris, fearing that maybe, Beau would be somewhere.
“You’ll be fine” Kris said slowly “he won’t try something in public, will he?” he asked.
“He did yesterday” I breathed out.
“Car’s just over there” Kris pointed out, we made our way to the car, and got in with no sign of Beau.
“Just make sure you stay by mum if you go out” Kris announced as he pulled up at home.
“Thanks for not forcing me to tell her” I mumbled.
Kris sighed “I know it’d hurt both her and dad to know that Beau has been hurting you, so for now, we have to deal with things without them” He said.
“I don’t want to hurt them” I breathed out, shaking my head.
“They’ll be happy to know you’re out of the way of harm, that Beau can’t hurt you any more” Kris said.
“Yeah” I sighed, shaking my head slowly “Wait” I breathed “What do I say about the cuts?” I asked, motioning to my head and arm.
“Just, tell her you fell” Kris said “You’ve been doing it for a while” he reminded me.
“It’s never been this bad” I mumbled.
“Well, just, lie” Kris shrugged.
I nodded, getting out “See you later” I said.
“I’ll come pick you up” Kris said.
“Thanks” I said, smiling weakly, I was scared to drive myself, fear of what Beau might do, and Kris was being protective enough to look after me.
I knocked on the door, and mum answered “Hey” She smiled “What’s up?” She asked, letting me in.
“I thought I’d spend the day with you” I shrugged.
“What happened?” She asked me, motioning to the cuts.
“I fell, hurt myself bad” I shrugged.
“You go to the hospital?” Mum asked.
“Something like that” I breathed, following her to the kitchen.
“Did you eat some breakfast?” Mum questioned.
I nodded into the lie, not wanting her to force feed me something.
“So, what’s your plan for today?” I asked.
“I was going to go shopping, you interested?” Mum questioned.
I didn’t really feel all that up to shopping, but if it got me out of harm’s way, I was willing.
“Sure” I shrugged.
“Ok, well I need to just do one more thing, and then we can go” Mum said before taking off.
I sighed, sitting on the bench, jumping when my phone rang.
I checked caller ID, frowning when Beau’s name and picture came up.
I quickly clicked block, shaking slightly, I didn’t know how to handle this.
For years I’d been with Beau, and for the first one, things had been perfect, I actually fell in love with him.
Now, as stupid as it seems, the thoughts in my head conflict with my heart, part of me knows him hurting me isn’t right, but the other part, still wants to be with him.
I sighed, shaking the thoughts away and tapping my nails lightly against the bench.
“Ready?” Mum asked.
I nodded, smiling a small smile, and following her out to the car.
We drove to the shops, and whilst there, chatted and walked around each shop.
It was fun to spend the day with mum, and slowly, my anxiety began to fade.
At lunch time, we grabbed something to eat, and then continued to shop.