A Vampire Story

The First

I stumbled out into the street. Feeling nothing but dizzy, tired, hungry, and most of all; thirsty. I was the first vampire created they said.

'She is the first success. What do we do with her?' said one male voice.
'We take the necessary tests and then we let her go,' said male voice two.
'Let her go?!' Are you insane?' yelled guy number one.
'Maybe we'll have a better chance of obtaining an unbeatable army if she goes out and does it.'
'Maybe your right, lets run some tests and then let her out.' said guy number two.


I had been hiding in the dark for three days now. I am just too scared to do what they think I am going to do. I don't want to take anyone's life away, like they took mine away. Maybe as a companion. I'll try animals blood just to see if that helps with the pain.

By now you are probably wondering what in the hell I am talking about. Let me fill you in. My name is Angela Baker. Nothing special, I was your average girl in high school. I have black hair and dark blue eyes that some people think that they are purple. See nothing special. I wasn't popular but I wasn't a loner either. I had my own group of friends, and that's all that I really needed. You see, average right?

You hear in the stories that Dracula was the first vampire. Its not true. I am the first vampire. In that flash back those men you heard were scientists. They have been working for a man by the name of William Baker. Yes, I am related to that bastard but not by choice. He's my uncle by marriage. My aunt (my mother's sister) went missing, but only I know the truth. I walked in on him raping her and then he killed her. Heartless. She was such a sweet women, and I know why. Its because he caught her sneaking around his house. Poking into rooms that he had forbidden her from entering. I lived by the rules, and I understood what was going on, for being all of thirteen at the time. He was doing forbidden things. He fancies himself a god, or something close to it. I don't understand. He's not he's an asshole. Sorry for the language but there wouldn't be much of other choice in words to describe him perfectly. I knew what happened and he told me that he would do the same to me if I ever told anybody. Oh I wanted to so badly, I don't understand why I didn't. He'd be able to buy himself out of it anyway's. He had everyone on his side. Who'd believe me anyway's.

Five years later he brought me to the lab. I spent the better part of six months getting tested. My genes to be exact. Not pretty. I always put up a hell of a fight. I hated them, I hated him. I don't understand why I was so damn special. I said I was average didn't I?
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Constructive critisism and comments on how bad I suck!!! Anything welcome!!! Please help me get better.