How Far Will You Go to Save Someone You Love

How Far Will You Go to Save Someone You Love

CHAPTER 1: Prologue

Nock, nock!

My fathered stood up and opened the door. There was some silence before my dad came in followed by Carter Blake. I stood from where I was sitting on the couch, heart beating wildly in anticipation.

"Did you find him?" I asked. Blake shared a glance with my dad before turning back to me.

"Why don't you sit…"

"Carter," I snapped half heartedly, "did you. Find. My. Son?"

He chewed on his lip, before nodding. A breath rushed out of my mouth in relief.

I smiled tearfully, "is he okay? Did u catch the guy? Oh, god! My little boy, I need to see him! Let me grab my coat! God, Zack's gonna be happy," I rambled on as I made my to the hanger for my coat but my dad grabbed a hold of my arm.

I stared at his sad, tear glazed eyes in confusion, "daddy? They found him!" he shook his head. I turned back to Carter, "Carter tell him,"

But carter had his head down, eyes staring intently onto the floor.

"A body was found near the train tracks across Cosmic Park," he said, voice void of any emotion. I tried to cut in that it could have been the killer but Carter kept going. "The victim's face was smeared in mud with an Origami figure in his hand," my breath hitched in my throat,

"Oh, god!" I whimpered shaking my head, silently telling him to stop talking.

"Cause of Death: drowned in rain water!"

"Please, don't say it!" I whimpered. Carter finally looked up, eyes misty and apologetic

"I'm so sorry!"

"NO!" I cried out, shaking my head in denial, "don't you say that" I shoved him, but he didn't move an inch, "don't you dare!"

"Rosie," Dad came over wrapping me in his arms, but I pushed him away.

"No, he's not d…" I cut myself off, unable to say it, let alone think about it. "You can't give up on him" I marched up to Carter grabbing a hold of his jacket, "Carter, please! You can't leave him out there! You gotta find him, Please!"

"I'm sorry, Rose"

I pushed away turning around running my hand threw my hair before gripping my hair at the forehead, tightly. My thoughts were mixed and I felt like I couldn't breathe. My eyes met with a familiar pair of hazel eyes. Zack stared at me from the stairs, his face red and eyes already gushing tears. Soon, tears started running down my face as everything finally sunk in!

Richard 'Ricky' Shelby, My son, was the third victim of the Origami Killer!
♠ ♠ ♠


I must be on a roll! Another new Story!

I absolutely adore Heavy Rain; the story was amazing and sad. The characters were awesome! Not to mention Ethan and Norman were HOT!

I wrote this last summer when I was playing the game. I couldn't help but get this idea in my head! I just had to write a story!

I hope you all enjoyed reading it as I am now enjoying writing the next chapter ;)

Thank you for reading and hope you will be able to leave a review!
