Status: For NikNik on her birthday! She wanted a slice of kawaii Junsu pie so a slice she shall have!



“Please, be careful of those pins. My skin is sensitive and you seem to think I have the pain tolerance of a pin cushion.” Junsu harrumphed, raising his chin defiantly as Nikki worked at pinning the corset of the dress closer around his waist.

“Don't be such a pansy,” Nikki mumbled around a mouthful of pins as she stuck another in the cloth.

“I'm sensitive!”

Nikki rolled her eyes and kept going about her business. Yes, people judged her for dressing up her boyfriend and using him as her mannequin. However, it was not her fault that he had thin features, long legs, and the perfect woman's body without the boobs. That was the one problem they faced, but Nikki quickly fixed it with an old bra and a bunch of paper towels. Junsu should have minded being embarrassed in such a way, used as his girlfriend's dress model which was completely un-manly. Personally, he did not mind it. Fashion designing is what Nikki loved and he wanted to be apart of it and show his support one hundred percent—and apparently being his girlfriend's dress dummy was the way to do that.

Stepping back to survey her work, Nikki made Junsu turn this way and that and he tried his hardest to look like he was enjoying himself. He wanted to get the whole designing thing over with for the day so they could go on the date that Nikki had promised him. Currently, they stood in a corner of their studio apartment that Nikki had claimed as her personal designing space. The section of the large room set as organized and pristine as if no one ever used it. Junsu admired that about her. Her organization, her determination to keep things as spotless and perfect as possible. It went into her designs too. It was fresh, simple, yet in such high demand Nikki could hardly keep up.

After pleading endlessly, Nikki finally gave in and helped Junsu out of the dress. She placed the dress on one of the non-human mannequins and turned away, only to have Junsu press his lips against hers with an well-aimed kiss. Nikki froze in surprise, but quickly followed suit and gripped the back of his neck to pull him closer. Junsu smirked at this new sense of passion, wishing they did not have dinner plans set for them in two hours. Nikki took her time to get ready and he was still standing in nothing, but his boxers. For emphasis, Nikki grabbed the elastic band and snapped it at his waist.

Junsu grunted and stumbled back, rubbing at his reddening waist. “I was enjoying myself!” he grumbled.

“I know,” Nikki replied, strutting past him. “I'm going to go take a shower and get ready. You best do that too.”

Junsu perked up like a puppy sighting a tennis ball. “Can I join you in the shower?”

She peered around the the doorframe and smiled sweetly. “Then, we won't make our dinner reservations, will we?”

When she closed the door behind her, Junsu let out a frustrated growl before shuffling into the bedroom.

Nikki slipped into a pair of black pencil heels, tossing her long hair over a shoulder to see if Junsu was close to getting done. He was not. Rolling her eyes, Nikki sat on their bed to wait. She watched him as he finished tying his tie and finally fix at his hair.

"Are you sure you're not gay?" Nikki asked, cocking her head to one side as she watched Junsu pluck at his bangs for the fifteenth time.

Junsu turned his head from the mirror to glare at her with the ferociousness of a puppy. Then, he approached her, thin frame layered in the suit she had picked out for him. He sat down on the bed next to her, raising a hand to gently caress her delicate jaw line. He smiled. "The only person I'd ever turn gay for is Yoochun, but he's forever straight so I guess you're stuck with me."

"Well, I guess I can find that comforting..."

Junsu grinned. “Of course its comforting!” He hopped to his feet, pulling her with her. “And I don't know what you're sitting around for. We're going to be late for our reservation!”
He pulled her through their apartment and to the door.

Late morning light struck the bedroom floor in golden pools of light. A ray fell across the foot of a ruffled bed where the couple slept in quiet. It was a Sunday, both their day off, and they were pleased to sleep in late and be lazy.

Nikki's body curled into Junsu who was sprawled out on his back, mouth gaping open. A peaceful slumber next to a snoring catastrophe. Nikki was accustomed to Junsu's less than graceful sleeping situations because it was Junsu who woke first. He peered down at the woman sleeping next to him, all cozy among the sheets. He smiled. Often her insomnia got the better of her so to see her sleeping so peacefully put Junsu's own mind at ease.

After their night out, they had stayed up until two playing Halo. Junsu was a flunky when it came to video games, while his girlfriend a pro, and she was determined to teach him how to fight aliens appropriately.

Junsu checked the clock on the bedside table; it was a quarter until ten. Slowly and carefully, he rose from the bed and crept out to the kitchen to make breakfast. No doubt they would be spending the rest of the day in front of the TV playing the video games and Nikki had a habit of forgetting the importance of food.

Omelets sounded appropriate. Junsu got to work, cracking eggs, mixing meat and cheese and vegetables into his own personal creations. The smell of the concoctions and coffee woke Nikki. She stretched upon the great bed, enjoying to the still-warm patch of cotton where Junsu had been laying. When she finally pulled herself from the bed, she peeked into the kitchen to see Junsu finishing their breakfast.

Without a word, she stood next to him and opened the cupboards. She had to stand on her tiptoes to reach for two pastel green coffee mugs. Junsu smiled to himself while he dished out the omelets. He turned and the two made a trade-off. Nikki took her plate and Junsu took his mug.

However, before Nikki could turn away, Junsu gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Good morning, beautiful,” he said, his face inches from hers.

Nikki flushed and quickly turned away for the table. Junsu snickered, earning a slight glare from hazel eyes. They ate in silence. Junsu's feet constantly brushed up Nikki's legs, his face a full gin every time she glanced at him. Finally, Nikki locked one of his legs with one of hers and held it firmly between her ankles. Over the table, she continued to chew in silence while Junsu openly struggled to get his leg free.

When they finished eating, Junsu took the dishes to the sink, but Nikki stopped him by wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling him away.

“Let's go get aliens, oppa,” she said determinedly, still pulling.

Junsu smirked, watching her struggle as he stood still. “What about Call of Duty?”

“After Halo!” she argued, pulling at him harder.

Junsu watched her pull at his waist a little more before he hurriedly placed the dishes on the counter top and ran for the living room. “I will destroy you, little Bengali woman!”

Nikki rolled her eyes, “puh-lease,” and followed after him.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Nikki bb, Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you enjoyed some cutesy fun time with Junsu! ^.^