Sequel: Two Halves of a Moon
Status: i love vampires. this is loosly based on the book.

Half Sisters in More Ways Than One

12: The Ballet Studio

“Everything about this goes against the Treaty Isa. We aren’t to be in the same space as them.” Paul said as we finally hit the ‘Welcome to Arizona’ sign.

“Once again that damn treaty don't apply to me. As for you the treaty is void once we’re out of Forks. She’s my family and he always come over.” I laughed as Paul growled. I knew he was thinking about Edward being just inches away from me seeing as Bella and I shared a room.

“Trying to piss me off while I’m driving is not a smart move Isa.”

“So what Paul, if our lives were a movie it’ll still take you two movies to control your anger. Then a third one where you completely disappear only to show up in your wolf form.”

“Ha. Ha. Ha.” He said as he rolled his eyes. I was beside myself. He tried to act all tough and sarcastic, but I could still see the hint of a smile on his face. If I hadn’t said it already, I loved this side of Paul; my Paul. The one that smiles and laughs and continuously jokes and tease with me. My Paul is nothing like this when we’re with the others. All about keeping up his image.

“To bad we’re not in a movie where I am deemed some freak with ‘roid rage until they figure out we’re actually shape shifting mammals. This is real life and in real life you’re stuck with me. It’s our destiny.” He teased as he stuck his tongue out at me.

“No, it’s imprinting.”

“Isa… imprinting is our form of destiny.” We both laughed as I rolled my eyes at him. I’m not even entirely sure our conversation just made any sense. Just as I was about to open my mouth and say something a wave of dizziness washed over me.

“Paul, I’m pretty sure I’m about to faint. That means we need to hurry.”

“I don’t know where to go Isa!”

“Neither do I.”

“What does your instinct tell you Isa? Listen to your instinct, listen to your gut.”

“The only thing that comes to mind is that stupid ballet studio I went to with Bella for a week once when we were younger and Dad let me visit.”

“Good, do you remember…?”

~A while later~

I woke up just as Paul pulled into the archway of the ballet studio.

“Great you found it!” I yelled making him jump. I guess he thought I was still out of it.

“No thanks to you. Now go and be careful not be seen.” I kept my snarky remark to myself as I got out of the car. I strained my ears to hear if there were any signs of Bella when I heard an unrecognizable voice.

“Tell him how much it hurts Bella. TELL HIM!” I could hear the sick fuck smirk in his voice. I felt my temper rising. Just as I was about to rush in a hand stopped me. I turned to see Edward. He looked pained.

“You shouldn’t be here; We have this under control Isa.” Before I could reply he was gone. Again I listened as I heard grunts, crashes, glass and…

“Ahhhh!” followed by a sickening crunch. He bit her. It was my mother all over. I couldn’t help myself as the change took over my body and I barged into the room. He had Edward against the mirror taunting him. No longer in control of my own body, I was surprised when I had him between my snout before flinging him across the room. I could see more of the Cullens fall in as the stranger look back and forth trying to decide which one of us to attack first. I growled ready to launch as he focused his attention on me, only to have Edward get him from behind. He was purely animalistic. I could hear Uncle Sam’s voice in my head at the same time Dr.Cullen was telling Edward to stop. Neither sentence full registered as once again I fainted.
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will try to make the next chapter longer. 2 or 3 chapters left then new moon.