Sequel: Two Halves of a Moon
Status: i love vampires. this is loosly based on the book.

Half Sisters in More Ways Than One

6:What Is Imprinting and Why Did I Turn Just Into a Wolf?

The next day our biology classes were set to go on a field trip to a greenhouse. I stood with Bella as we waited for the buses to begin loading up.

"Somebody was happy this morning." she said nudging me with her arm.

"I saw Paul last night and before you ask, it was with permission. From Sam at least. A kind of surprise visit."

I felt as my cheeks heated up as Mike walked up to us. He irritated me to no end as is, but since he'd taken a liking to Bella it's only been getting worse.

"Look at you. You're alive!" Out of courtesy Bella laughed at his lame joke. I rolled my eyes. After a minute I noticed Bella wasn't really paying attention to him. Following her gaze I noticed she was staring at Edward...again. He was smiling as if he knew what Mike was saying.

"So what do you say?" Asked Mike bringing our attention back to him. "You want to prom...with...with me?"

"No way." I mumbled with a scoff as Bella shot me a glare. I know she thought I was being rude, and even though I was, it's like no one knew how much of a teaser I could be.

"Prom? Dancing? Um...I can't. I'm going to Jackson that weekend. I really miss my mom, ya know? You should ask Jessica though. I know she really wants to go with you." Just then we were called to the buses. I looped my arm with Bella's and laughed as we headed over. She mumbled a quick shut up as we loaded the bus. Soon we left. During the entire trip it seemed like I was constantly three steps behind her. For whatever reason I just couldn't keep up. It was even weirder when I seen her and Edward talking. I audibly gasped when he stop her from tripping. How could such a gentleman be bad news? To makes matter worse they usually kept to themselves, but Edward had obviously taken a liking to Bella and I couldn't figure out why. On top of it all she didn't seemed to bothered by him and whatever they were talking about was interrupted by Jessica.

"Isa, Bella. Guess who just asked me out?" She gushed as he walked away.

"I don't care." I mumbled getting a stern look from Bella. I gave a fake smile as I rolled my eyes. I really didn't care.

"I totally thought Mike was going to ask one of you out. It's not going to be weird is it?"

"No zero weirdness." Said Bella obviously disinterested. Jessica looked to me.

"Again I don't care."


"What? I have to be honest Bella. Geez."

"You spend too much time on rez. You're sounding just like Jake." She rolled her eyes and walked away from me. By the time I caught up to her again it was time to go and she was talking to Edward again. For a loner he was surly couldn't shake this interest in Bella and I didn't like it. They spoke for a moment before he got on the bus. I could tell she was hurt by whatever happened between them as I walked over to her ready to kick his Cullen ass.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing." She said getting on our bus. I looked at the other bus to see that Edward was staring at me in a confused way. What was his deal? By the time we got home Bella had gone mute on me. I was starting to get frustrated with her again. For the sake of Charlie, I didn't want a big argument taking place, but She was keeping to many secrets.

"Hey dad. I'm going to the rez. Already cleared it with Sam." I said throwing my bag down and basically rushing out.

"How are you going to get there?"

"Bella said I could use the truck."

"Okay. See ya later I guess." I groaned as I walked back into the kitchen where he was sitting and kissed his cheek.

"See ya later Charlie."

"Enough with that Charlie stuff." he spat as I laughed. I liked that Charlie didn't hover, but some times I find myself wishing he was as involved as Sam and the rest of the rez were in my life. As I pulled up to Jake's house I could see all of the guys waiting out front. I smile as I turned the engine off and sat back in the seat with my arms folded across my chest.

"Get out of the truck already Isa!"yelled Jared as they walk towards the truck. Quickly I locked both doors.

"Either come out and face us or we're taking the car apart." It was then that I notice the smug looks on their faces. Oh no, I'm totally not going to hear the end of this.

"Be nice or I'm never coming out."

"Come on out" says Quil. "We won't bite as much as Paul."

"No!" I blush throwing my hands up to my ears as images of Paul biting my neck flashed before my eyes. It's funny how all day every little thing as been ticking me, but with these idiots nothing.

"Come on Isa. Paul is waiting. He's been in front of the mirror all day trying to look perfect just for you." Laughed Embry.

"Oh wow. She's actually wearing his jacket. Now how did we not notice that." said Jacob. I glared at them but couldn't stop the blush from deepening.

"She's blushing! This is too perfect!"exclaimed Jared laughing harder. I felt my stomach twisting with nerves.

"Cut it out guys." Cut in Paul's voice. I smiled as I unlocked the doors, getting out and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Geez Isa, don't give them more amo." He laughed but wrapped his arms around me also.

"You two are sickening." Said Jake prying us from each other and hugging me. I laugh as I hug all of the guys hello before going back over to Paul. For the first time he looked me in my eyes. There was a moment were it felt like it was just us there even though I knew the guys were still gawking us. I could hear the sounds of calm waters and birds chirping. Then just as fast as the moment came, it was gone. We were looking into each other eyes and too my surprise he's blushing as much as I am. It's quiet. To quiet for my taste. I turn towards the guys and they're all smiling at me.

"Did I miss something?" I asked.

"Nope not at all." Says Jacob. "You two just had a beautiful moment and we're just touch we got to watch it."

"Okay I did miss something. How would you describe that moment?"

"Destined pure love." They all responded simultaneously. Paul shook his head as he wrapped his arms around me from behind and whispered in my ear,

"Don't mind them." I'm not sure but I'm almost certain that I hear him mumbling something along the line of, 'I didn't think it would happen, but it did.'

"And just like that, we're disgusted again." laughed Embry before I attacked him with kisses on his cheek. He couldn't stop laughing. For a moment, it felt like I could feel Paul's jealousy. Not liking it, I walked over to Paul and kissed his cheek. He smiled at me before grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him. My body began to tingle and get warm all over. I felt the blush coating my cheeks as I looked at the ground. Only to have him place his fingers under my chin and make me look at him. I smiled as my eyes connected with his and my blush deepened even more. Before I knew it he was placing a sweet gentle kiss on my lips. The guys were booing and yelling get a room as they threw grass at us. When suddenly a rock hit me in the head.

"Who threw it?" I growled stepping closer to them. I wasn't really mad until I felt something wet on my forehead. Using my fingers to wipe at it, I seen it was blood. Now I really was pissed and I didn't know why.

"Who fucking threw it?" I yelled. Not really caring that I was getting mad at something so harmless. So trivial. Paul grabbed me.

"Get off me Paul!"

"Just calm down Isa." he said obviously struggling to control his own anger. He grabbed me again and I bit him. I knew Paul hated when he was bitten, but I couldn't help it.

"You stupid bitch." He growled spit coming out of his mouth as I'm sure was the same thing happening to me. Next thing I know I staring at a huge wolf. Staring into those eyes are eyes of another huge wolf. That's when my anger deteriorated and so did Paul's. He was quick to wrap his jacket around my naked body, just as Sam walked up.

"Isa..."he said not really knowing how to finish.

"I just turned into a fucking wolf and all you can think is to say my name. It seems you left somethings out of you little story and I want answers Sam."

"Isa, please just calm down." Said Paul on side of me.

"You knew didn't you? I can feel your guilt in my bones." I snapped. He flinched.

"You two imprinted?" Asked Sam as Paul nodded his head with a small smile.

"I knew she would be the one from the beginning. At least I hope so. Not too often you can imprint with the same girl you're already in love with." Despite my anger I smiled too.

"Stop that. What the hell is imprinting and why was all of this kept a secret from me?"

"You're right Isa. Come with me and I'll explain it all to you, but you have to promise to learn to keep your anger under control. That's all I asked."

"No promises." I spat back.

"Isa!" He growled and his voice seemed to boom. Not only did I flinch so did Paul. That night Sam explained everything to me. Including that the Cullen's were vampires. I was also told not to interfere with Bella unless she was in absolute trouble. On top of that I had to stay on the rez for the night. For the next few weeks I was told that Paul would pick me up and bring me to the rez instead of me going to school. The only upside was that I could see of this was that I was never going to get cold again. That and the fact that I would be able to see Paul as much as I wanted. What bothered me the most was that my sister was falling for a vampire and she didn't even know it, and I couldn't tell her. After being explained the whole imprinting thing I knew why Paul could sense what I was feeling. Hence the reason he didn't leave my side the entire night.
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Sooooo, not to sure about this chapter. But I did want her and Paul to imprint and turn into wolves at the same time, even though he start phasing In like chapter three I think. Anyways hope you enjoy and feedback is always welcomed.