Sequel: Demon Eyes
Status: Active, Please be Kind <3

Indigo Soul

Chapter Twelve Identity Crisis

Chapter Twelve
Identity Crisis

I pushed my hand back through my newly dyed vibrant red hair, it was a deep crimson color and had been cut into a swooping spiked style. In all honesty I felt like the member of a boy band. Karissa had talked about different ranges of music to keep our minds off of things during the drive to this remote part of the country side. Thankfully word about us hadn’t gotten this far. I was already missing my hair, I made a mental note to never let Karissa cut my hair again before turning towards the archway of the bathroom.

Karissa’s curls fell to her waste and were now a vibrant bubble gum pink. She was all smiles at the sight of the vibrant color. It was in that moment when the thought came to me. She was color in my bland black and white angel supplied world. She held the scissors out to me biting her lip.

“Your turn”.
I knew it was going to break her heart to cut her hair. It was going to break mine too. But it needed doing. I began to cut her hair and she kept her eyes closed during the whole ordeal. When I was done, Karissa’s curls were now resting in a bob hair style against the sides of her face. She turned back to me looking nervous.

“I probably look awful”.
I shook my head smiling at her.
“No, it’s cute. It suites you”.
Karissa stood grabbing the flat iron picked up and got to work flattening the curls that I loved so much. She reminded me of a cherub the angels associated with love and Valentine’s Day. I filed out of the bathroom and rummaged through the bag of clothes we managed to grab on our way out of that poltergeist infested town. That would give the F.B.I and C.I.S.I something to work through. Grabbing a black t-shirt that said “Metallica” across the front. Karissa said they were a band. I pulled it on and grabbed a pair of black pants that had belts and chains hanging from the legs and waste.

I looked back over my shoulder at Karissa once I was changed. She was changed too, wearing a crimson colored dress with black lace around the top and around the waste before where the layered pleaded skirt that stopped above her knees and had black lace around the hem of each layer. A black leather jacket with a crimson rose on the back of it and a black knit beany that sat loosely against her freshly flat ironed hair. She was wearing fingerless lace gloves and a pair of knee high brown boots that matched her look.

“Wow, look at you”.
Karissa did a modest turn and smiled at me.
“Yeah I guess I clean up nice”.
I smirked at her shoving my hands in my pockets.
“Now we just need to get our hands on a car”.
Karissa nodded to me grabbing the other bags we brought with us form the small town.
“We should be able to get something of value for the items in this bag fine china and stuff is worth a lot of money”.
I nodded to her grabbing the baseball cap and putting it on. Karissa sighed.

“You’re going to look like your hiding something”.
She took the hat and turned it backwards putting it on me again.
“There, now you look like every other guy your age”.
I smirked at her shaking my head.

“Let’s go”.
We got into the jeep and I was driving this time. We arrived at a pawn shop in the small town not far from the motel we had held up in to change our appearances. We entered the pawn shop together and made sure to stay calm as we handed over the items we were cashing in for money which was required in this world. We managed to get a little over 3,000$ for what we handed in. Karissa and I traded in the jeep at a used car lot and paid about 900$ for a used car. It was a red convertible that had a couple of dents in the trunk.

We started driving to the next nearest city. Now we needed documents, passports and what have you. Hopefully I could get the help needed at the DMV our agent should be there. But I wasn’t sure if he’d know what Karissa and I were due to our vibrant choice of hair colors. I looked over at Karissa as she remained silent gazing out at the passing country side. This was all so new to her, and now we were ladled as terrorists and had demons all aiming to kill her and only her.

I turned on the radio as it came to life and began to sing along with the words. Karissa looked at me cracking a smile at me. All I wanted was to make her happy, to watch her smile and laugh. If I could ease her stress or pain going through all this I would. She started singing along with me as we continued down the back roads.

We arrived at the DMV and Karissa looked at me worriedly.
“If we make a scene in there someone will know us from the news, there has to be another way to get the agent to notice us”.
I shook my head looking over at her.
“There isn’t. We just have to hope our disguises are good enough”.
Karissa nodded to me. We walked into the DMV and again I took her hand in mine so that we would come off looking like a couple. Or maybe it was for my own benefit. I liked people thinking we were together and I got the feeling she did too.

Karissa and I made our way through the line, once we were half way we began. This time I grabbed the guy in front of us and shoved him aside grabbing the man behind the desk.

“Do you know how long we’ve been waiting?”
I roared at him appearing like an out raged human. The man sputtered and stammered unable to speak. I slammed my fist down on the counter top.
“You think we don’t have anything better to do!”
I roared at him. The guy looked about ready to wet himself when security came towards Karissa and I. we were ushered out through the back doors. Karissa looked at me and I didn’t blame her for being nervous since the guards didn’t un- handcuff us right away. When the cuffs were removed a familiar female angel agent stepped out.
“Really Lazarus? And what have you done to yourself. You look like you should be in a boy band”.

I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. Look we need documents everything you can get for us”.
I said getting to the point. She looked at Karissa raising an eyebrow at her.
“Who’s your friend?”
Karissa looked at her feet not responding.
“She’s the indigo soul. And I’m her guardian”.
I thought I saw her wince out of the corner of my eye after I gave my description of who she was. She was more than that and I knew it. But I couldn’t say so. Not in front of her.
“Karissa this is Lela she’s the agent here”.
We each stepped up to have our photos taken and passports where made up for us along with any other form of identification that we’d need on our travels. Lela looked between us as she sat at her laptop computer.

“Ok, we need names. I know you two are still unknown to the media but that won’t last long. So you’re going to need new names”.
I sighed shaking my head at the idea.
“Ok, just put Laz on mine and Risa on Karissa’s”
She typed quickly.
“Ok, Laz and Risa Monroe. You’re a newlywed couple on your way to a honey moon in LA I am assuming”.
She said as she type since that was where the closest Sanctuary to us was. I nodded.

Karissa was blushing scarlet by this point. We took our documents and made our way out the back doors. Once we got back to the car I looked over at her wanting to say something about why I described her the way I had to Lila. But Karissa made no eye contact with me. Her hands folded in her lap. The look in her eyes told me she knew nothing could happen between us and she was accepting it.

That made me feel like someone had just ripped my heart out. Was I going about this whole thing all wrong? I kind of wished my brother was around to give me advice. But I knew Leviathan. He would tell me to get what I could out of her then cut the cord. I didn’t want that though. I wanted something more with Karissa.
“Something wrong?”
Karissa asked looking up at me. I forced a smile shaking my head.
“Of course not”.
I started the car pulling out of the parking lot. I focused on the task at hand as I always did. Getting Karissa safely to the sanctuary in LA.
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