Sequel: Demon Eyes
Status: Active, Please be Kind <3

Indigo Soul

Chapter one Chosen

Chapter one

The shrill voice of my Home-ec teacher Miss Deveron broke the dead silence in the room. All eyes fixed on me as cake mix dripped from the ends of my hair and from the faces of anyone in my general location at the center station of the room.

I hadn’t meant for any of this to happen really; one minute I’m in the middle of the only class I can get through without having something embarrassing happen to me. And the next the mixer turns on full speed the moment I was inches from touching the button. Like a static shock between my index finger and the mixer caused this whole mess to happen. Of course, Miss Deveron and the other victims of the cake mix massacre wouldn’t believe that story in the slightest.

I was still in a state of shock gaping open-mouthed like some kind of cake coded frog looking at the mixer that had to be unplugged before it would stop. I couldn’t speak, I was still having trouble processing what just happened here.

“I-I barely touched it”.
I muttered to myself no one else hearing me. Miss Deveron cleared her throat as she looked at me with that furious disapproving look.
“Speak up! What do you have to say for yourself?”
She roared at me like some kind of enraged tiger. I didn’t deal with being yelled at well. Hell I was completely socially awkward. I never made eye contact with anyone and had nearly no friends to my name.

“It was an accident Miss Deveron”.
Lilith McCoy spoke up. She was the only friend I had to my name. We became friends in pre-K and the rest as they say is history. She was covered in her fair share of cake mix too but smiling doing her best not to laugh.
“We didn’t check the setting, it was stupid of us. And we whole heartedly apologize to everyone who got caught up in our mess”.
Lilith said being a better public speaker then I was but that didn’t stop me from nodding vigorously in agreement with everything she said.
“You two are staying after class to clean this mess up! And you are going to write a formal apology to me and your class mates in detention!”

I could only nod agreeing to her punishment, I’ve never stuck up for myself in 16 years, why start now? For as long as I could remember, whenever something bad happened that was my fault the authority figures in my life came down harder on me then a supreme court judge. However if someone else had caused this to happen it would be funny and everyone would laugh.

“I’m so sorry Lil”.
I said as we were wiping down the last desk on our lunch break. Lilith shrugged it off smiling to herself.
“Hey, it gives us something to do other than eat”.
She said in a sarcastic tone. We finished cleaning the class room and managed to get enough time to eat something before next classes started. For the rest of the day everyone was laughing behind my back about what a total “disaster freak” I was.

Relief came to me when I finally got to go to my favorite class. Music, to be more precise vocal music. I loved to sing. It was the one thing in this world that made me truly happy. And in a room full of egotistical girls who brag about the fact they auditioned for the latest reality TV singing show. I didn’t stand out, I could sing to my heart’s content and not get noticed.

We ended class with a song chosen by the most popular girl in class. Of course it was one I didn’t know well. I wasn’t into the pop music scene or the kind of music you’d hear at a popular girl sleep over party. Too bubble gum for me. My choices in music was far different from anything other people my age listened to. At least my age in this part of the world. Sure I was into some English music bands, Iron Maiden, Metallica. Avenged Sevenfold. Black Veil Brides. But my heart belonged to J-rock bands. I had discovered J-rock one night browsing the internet when I had nothing better to do and I was hooked.

Yet another reason why I am so sure that I don’t belong in this world. I’m too different from anyone my age. And I knew damn well that wouldn’t change in any other part of the world. It was my curse. I was beyond an outcast, I just plan didn’t belong here and the rest of the world made no apologize to show me that. It was never clearer just how much I didn’t belong then in that moment.
I rounded the corner to meet up with Lilith at her locker. We normally walked home together. Lilith was coming out of the girl’s gym change room followed by two other girls I knew well as the ring leaders in the emotional abuse I encountered here daily.

“So tell me again, what did she look like?”
Laughed the blond girl Becca Roberts. Lilith smirked as she grabbed her gym bag from her locker. I dipped back out of sight and listened closely to what was happening.
“She looked like an ugly hag covered in chocolate cake batter”.
My mouth fell open at Lilith’s words, the tears of rage burned in my eyes as the girls laughed together.

“You so need to ditch her. She’s such a loser freak! Come to our party tonight. Ditch the hag freak and come to our party. You are way too cool to be around her”.
I balled my hands into fists feeling my anger building inside me as tears rolled down my cheeks. As I listened for Lilith’s response.
“Alright, I’ll just tell her I’m sick or something, I am technically, and I’m sick of her and her needy freaky ways”.

As the three of them laughed I pushed off the wall running the other way. I’d heard enough. I hated this. I hated my life. I was now surer than ever that this world was not the place for someone like me. I would never be happy here. I ran until I couldn’t anymore out into the rain of the city dropping to my knees as tears rolled down my cheeks. My cell phone started to ring and I rummaged in my pocket taking it out seeing the photo that came up with Lilith’s number.

Our friendship was a lie and I knew that now. I got up tossing my phone in the trash bin, I didn’t need it anymore. Turning I headed towards the subway now drenched in rain. My adopted parents used me as a paycheck from the government. My best friend wasn’t really my friend at all. And I was left with that empty void of not belonging anywhere.

I got onto the subway not sure where I was going. Home wasn’t an option at this point. I was sick of being used by people. I wanted to be loved. Isn’t that really want anyone wants out of life? To be loved by one person, to have that one person you can turn to? I didn’t have anyone, I was alone now more than ever and it was only going to get worse from here.

“All alone?”
A voice asked, I looked up at the blue eyed Goth kid who had too much eyeliner on. He grinned standing with his friends that were also Goth kids.
I stammered looking away from him as he sat next to me. He laughed draping his arm around my shoulders.
“Oh yes you are. You’re more alone then you know”.
He licked his lips before taking hold of my arm and sinking his teeth into it. I screamed out clawing his eyes with my other hand falling back away from him and his friend my arm bleeding.

“She tastes like one of them. Get the novice!”
I scrambled to my feet running towards the back of the subway not knowing what was happening to me now. I pushed through the doors until I came to the back of the subway. The four of them closing in around me. The ringleader smirked approaching me blood on his lower lip.
“Relax angel girl, I’m doing you a favor, you don’t want to be a divine do you? So much work”.
I didn’t know what he was talking about as I gripped the latch of the door.

“Back off!”
I roared at them fighting back tears. My arm was throbbing like some kind of poison was in my blood now. He laughed stepping forwards.
“Come on girly, we’re starving, we’ve been waiting for you so long. Accept your fate”.
He held his hand out to me. For the first time in my life I fought back kicking him hard in the stomach and using both hands to open the latch. I flew forwards as the air sucked me out of the train car. I was expecting to die when somehow I landed on my feet with ease, like I had been in control of my flight.

I looked back over my shoulder seeing the four guys land on their feet too grinning at me.
“Did you think it would be that easy to get away?”
They closed in around me. I backed into a wall as the ringleader closed his hand around my throat lifting me off the ground.
“By the taste of her blood she’s a virgin too. Why don’t we enjoy her body before we devour her”?

In a blur of blue light the ringleader’s arm was sliced clean from his body and blood spattered forwards but I was shielded from it. I fell back into the wall sliding down it looking up at him as he stood, blond haired, blue eyed and the face of an angel. Eyes narrowed at the guys who had been attacking me. He moved again in a blur of blue light. When he stood still again all four guys were decapitated and his blade was coded in blood as was his face and clothing.

“What the hell are you doing down here kid?”
A voice spoke from the shadows. I looked at the tall dark haired guy who spoke tears glazed in my eyes, I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. My savior held out his arm keeping the figure back.

He said in a cool tone turning towards me as if he was looking at something that surrounded me. He kneeled down in front of me continuing to examine this unseen force.
“Whens your birthday?”
He questioned without looking directly at me.
“A-April 15th”.
I stammered not sure why I was giving him this information.
“How old are you?”
He continued his questioning. I stammered again and for a moment I couldn’t remember how old I was.
He sighed looking at me now our eyes locking.

I shook my head.
“Dead as far as I know”.
He moved forwards grabbing me in his arms in an embrace that shocked me, I felt him lift my hair looking at the back of my neck.
“What are you doing?”
I asked in a timid tone. I heard collective gasps from above us. He sighed letting me go.
“You’re the one, the Indigo soul”.

He said getting to his feet.
“Lazarus, are you sure?”
The dark haired guy asked narrowing his eyes at me. Lazarus as he was called nodded his head.
“Positive, it’s all over her soul. And she bares the mark of angel and goddess”.
I looked between them as my vision started to blur.
“Ok this is a dream right?’
I said weakly.
“She’s been bit!”
One of the figures that remained in the shadows spoke. I looked around as everything became a hazy blur and blacked out not knowing what I would find when I woke up again. If I woke up again.
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