Sequel: Demon Eyes
Status: Active, Please be Kind <3

Indigo Soul

Chapter Twenty The Powers of evil

Chapter Twenty
The Powers of evil

When I finally opened my eyes I was hanging by my wrists in what looked like an old meat locker. I struggled to free myself but nothing I did worked. The heavy metal door opened and one of the poltergeists walked into the locker grinning at me.
“Good, you’re awake”.
I narrowed my eyes at the bastard before me trying to free myself.
“Struggling won’t work. But you’ll be out of here soon enough”.

With those words the poltergeists put a black sack over my head. I fell to the ground when the chains were cut and was disoriented long enough for him to shackle me. I was forced to my feet and from the meet locker. I tried to fight free from my shackles but nothing I did worked.
After being forced to walk a long distance I was forced to my knees. The sack was ripped from my head and I was looking up at the psycho bitch that had been attacking Karissa.

“Is this the one?”
The poltergeist asked looking to her. She smirked looking down at me.
“No, it isn’t but, he will still be of great use to me”.
She tossed him what looked like a small sack of coins. Turning back to me she snickered to herself.
“Load him up for me would you?”
Two very large poltergeists heave me to my feet and threw me into the back of the windowless van. I narrowed my eyes at them trying to free myself again. The woman smirked at me.

“You are going to be very useful to me”.
She closed the doors and I felt the van take off with a jolt. It was a long drive and whoever was driving didn’t stop for a second. I looked around as I started to open my eyes, something was wrong or maybe we’d finally arrived. The large men that had loaded me into the van opened the doors and heaved me out again dragging me towards a church we were outside of.

The woman who had attacked us was leading the way. I was left on my knees in front of her as she barked orders at her lackey’s.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

I snapped at her my eyes narrowed. She drew a dagger from her belt grinning at me now.
“I am using you as bate. The chosen one won’t let anyone die. Even a prick like you. It’s only a matter of time before she shows up and tries to save you”.
My thoughts went back to my vision. The one I had of this woman killing Lazarus. Maybe it wasn’t Lazarus at all. Maybe it was me.
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