Sequel: Demon Eyes
Status: Active, Please be Kind <3

Indigo Soul

Chapter Twenty One The Savior

Chapter Twenty One
The Savior

I couldn’t believe what Lazarus said to me. He meant every word, I knew because I felt every word he said as if it was my own. I had recovered somewhat from the tortured I endured at the hands of Rosary. I couldn’t believe that witch was so determined to kill me. But I suppose I shouldn’t be all that shocked. I was chosen to destroy the realm of hell and slay Lucifer himself.

This required heavy training, which once I was strong enough for, the members of the LA sanctuary took great pleaser in getting me started on. I was sitting in the library surrounded by stacks of spell books. My magic mentor hadn’t really shown up yet so I was winging it on my own for the time being. Lazarus kept his distance and It bothered me but I couldn’t blame him. I had rejected him too, now I felt stupid for letting my hurt feelings get in the way of how I really felt.

I’d been hurt so much and never expressed it, I had been a doormat all my life and I pick the one time a guy confesses he feels the same way about me to stand up for myself? It was late by the time I’d had enough reading. I put my books away walking the rows of books humming Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” to myself to keep my mind from going back to thoughts of Lazarus. The look in his eyes when he told me my days of being unloved by the people around me were over.

Putting the final book in its proper place I grabbed my bag and made my way from the library noticing on the clock that hung on the wall that it was almost midnight. As I rounded the corner to the dorm the mentor here let the girls and I use I saw flashes in my mind. A cathedral above ground. Leviathan bound and blindfolded. Rosary standing over him with a dagger in hand. She smiled looking directly at me.

“Give yourself up, or I’ll kill him in your place”.
I fell back into the wall when the energy that implanted the vision in my mind suddenly let me go. Leviathan, sure he hated me and had never once given me so much as a chance to be his friend. But he didn’t deserve to die. I picked myself up and without question or hesitation I bolted from the safety of the sanctuary.

My feet pounded against the sidewalk. My chest heaving and my legs felt like jelly. I kept running until I found the cathedral. I made my way up the stairs and forced the doors open. Rosary smirked at me as I appeared at the other end of the isle. Leviathan on his knees in front of her. She removed his blindfold grinning.
“What did I tell you? Miss goodie two shoes wasn’t about to let you die, she’s the savior, protector of souls”.

Rosary moved forwards with a wicked grin.
“The Spirit user, warrior fated to destroy hell, slay Lucifer and begin the true war between Good and Evil. You are fated to awaken the heart and soul of evil. A force only the light, the divine entity can destroy. The mother of all that is good and pure. But she will never find you. And Hell will never be destroyed because I am going to stop it here and now”.

“I’m not going to let you kill Leviathan! And I won’t let you stand in my way. The war will begin and I will slay Lucifer and destroy hell!”
I argued trying to be brave as I moved forwards. Rosary laughed raising her dagger up high to plunge it into Leviathan’s chest. I narrowed my eyes at her without hesitating I charged forwards as she plunged down with the dagger towards his heart.

I screamed throwing out my hand, the dagger caught in the mystical energy I manifested. I knocked Leviathan backwards and caught the dagger in my palm feeling the blade slice into my skin. Rosary growled with rage and slammed her fist across my face knocking me backwards. I hit the ground hard rolling to the side. Rosary laughed approaching me with the dagger.

“Don’t you get it? Your no savior, you are nothing more than a sacrifice!”
She raised the dagger ready to drive it into my chest, I was too dazed to move as my eyes focused on her I felt the tears burning within them. Now more than ever I wanted Lazarus with me. I wanted to tell him I was sorry for acting on my hurt feelings and rejecting him. I should have never done that.

The doors to the cathedral banged open and I turned my gaze towards them. Seeing him standing breathless with sword in hand. I smiled through my tears.
I beamed, He charged forwards at Rosary, their battle beginning as Fallon, Ember and Skyler pulled me back behind a pillar for safety. I could still hear the fight but I couldn’t see anything. All I could do now was pray that Lazarus was alright.
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