Status: In Progress


A Very Unlikely Friendship


"It's as simple as zat, keep your hold firm und all of zat power vill be in ze bow."

The tanned, spiky-haired teen grits his teeth and cringes as his wrist is held by two small pale hands that had twisted his to the point the pain brought him down to his knees. The hold on his wrist is released and he uses the other hand to nurse it. He puts on a smirk and looks up at the instructor.

"I would love to use this on Malik one day," he comments as he stands back on his feet. He now looks down at the instructor, being taller than her. He takes his stance before her once more, just like they've been doing for an hour and a half. "Okay, I'd like to have a turn." He tells the woman in front of him.

The woman in question, was much smaller than him, him being 5'11" while she only stands at 5', but her form was quite fit for someone her size, she was slender with slight curves and had nice muscle tone. Her deep red hair reached to about her jawline, being a bit spiky in the back while her bangs swayed off to the left, almost covering her left eye. Her eyes of two different colors, her right eye a very pale blue and her left eye a deep chocolate brown. Her skin pale and adorned various tattoos along her arms, mainly tribal design but her right arm had an entire dragon slithering up her arm and stops at her shoulder while its tail wraps around her pinky.

She takes her stance before him, holding her hands out at waist level while keeping a firm stance with her feet spread shoulder-width apart. "Take hold of either hand and follow through with the movement," she instructs. She watches him take a step forward, grabbing hold of her right wrist with one hand, bringing it up while turning her hand so that her open palm faces her. He then takes hold with both hands, applying pressure to her wrist by pushing it forward with his thumbs. She felt her arm become tense and then observes as he slides his other foot over making sure that he now stood horizontally from her, twisting her wrist as he moves, feeling her arm become more taut. With the final blow, he simply bows his upper body forward and she is brought down to one knee and taps at his forearm to signal him to release. He gives her a triumphant smirk while she stands back up, this time it was her turn to rub her wrist.

"You're a fast learner, Mariku. Usually ze third technique ist hard to grasp for most people," she compliments, meeting his gaze.

He chuckles. "You're a good teacher," he replies.

"Heh." Was her only retort. She reaches down, picking up the hoodie that she had discarded almost two hours ago and places it over herself, having been wearing only a sports bra that concealed her already flat chest and tight fitting workout leggings that stopped just passed her knees.

"I think we should call it a night for now don't you think?" She suggests.

He couldn't agree more. "Yes, please, my fucking wrists are killing me," he complies, starting to feel the aches.

The two teens walk towards the exit of the empty dojo, the two of them grabbing their respected shoes and placing them back on after having been barefoot. Once outside, the two stop at his motorbike. He mounts it, starting the engine and looks over at his companion.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride to your place?" He asks, raising a brow.

"Yes, I think it's best zat you get home before Ishizu has another fit about you being out late again," she reassures, stuffing her hands inside of the pockets on her hoodie.

Mariku rolls his eyes in response but smirks. "You just don't want me to see where you live," he teases but doesn't get that much of a response from her. She gives him a small smirk.

"Du bist ein Idiot," she responds only to get a laugh from him.

"Sie können nicht weg mit mich zu beleidigen in Deutsch meine Liebe. Sie hat mich gelehrt, Deutsch, erinnerst du dich?"

The two of them had leaned their faces towards one another that one outside the conversation would think that a kiss was about to happen, but, instead they just smirk at each other and pull away.

"I'll see you in Chemistry tomorrow."

"I look forward to zat."

The girl turns on her heel and makes her way out of the parking lot of the dojo. She hears the motorcycle rev up before letting out a roar as the gas was accelerated. She gives her spiky-haired friend one last wave as he passes her and disappears into the dark city.
♠ ♠ ♠
Translations are as follows:

"Du bist ein Idiot" - "You're a moron"

"Sie können nicht weg mit mich zu beleidigen in Deutsch meine Liebe. Sie hat mich gelehrt, Deutsch, erinnerst du dich?" - You can not insult me in German my dear. You taught me German, do you remember?