Status: published

Suspended Animation

About Shweta Ganesh Kumar

Shweta Ganesh Kumar is the bestselling author of ‘Coming Up On The Show’ and ‘Between The Headlines’, two novels on the Indian Broadcast News industry. Her last worldwide release ‘A Newlywed’s Adventures in Married Land,’ a modern take on Alice In Wonderland has been getting rave reviews from critics and readers alike.

Her travel columns have been featured in The New Indian Express, One Philippines and Geo. Her non-fiction pieces have appeared in multiple Indian editions of the Chicken Soup series. Her short fiction has been published in more than twenty anthologies and online literary magazines in more than four continents. She has a monthly travel column called ‘Trippin With Shweta’ in Travel and Flavours Magazine.

Shweta currently lives in The Philippines with her husband and two-year old daughter.

This book is for all those who stand and wait. May you be released from your state of suspended animation soon and till then may you have the company of good friends and happy days.
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I both dread and love writing the acknowledgment page for my books.

On one hand is my firm belief that the more you express your gratitude, the more things there will be for you to thank. And on the other hand, is me wondering if the space I have, will ever be enough to thank everyone I want to thank.

Quite the quandary! Let me dive in anyway, starting with my parents who are the reason why I am who I am. My husband and my daughter for being my spark and my safe place.

My in-laws for being my unconditional support in a society still ruled by conventional norms of how a daughter-in-law “should really” be. My Apoopan for being the reason why I write.

My readers for being my constant source of motivation. And all 4,354 of you (at the time of writing) who cheer me on through my Facebook page. Thank you.

A huge note of gratitude to Anirban and the team at Cresco books, for believing in this short story collection when the publishing world at large is shying away from the genre.

Thank you to all the editors I’ve ever worked with. My work shines thanks to your unstinting efforts.

And finally, thank YOU the reader for choosing this book to read. I hope you enjoy it.