Status: one-shot smut

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

"Knock knock,sleepyhead!" Alex groaned and rolled over,finding the other side of the bed unoccupied. That explained the voice. He sat up and stretched,the sheets falling to his waist and exposing his body. His eyes were slightly cloudy still,and he blinked them hard at the light.

The door to the bedroom slowly swung open,and there stood John,holding a tray with such concentration on his face that Alex could not help but laugh.
"Hey,I make you breakfast in bed and you laugh at me?" He whined,putting on a fake hurt tone.
"It's lovely," chuckled Alex,voice still gruff and sleepy.

John climbed back into bed,on top of the sheets,his eyes gliding down his partner's body. They travelled over his chest,down his abs,and onto the very top of his pubic area,Alex's modesty being just protected. He could see the pale skin that trailed down to his balls,but no more. John felt his morning erection hint at returning as he looked at the rise in the sheets over Alex's way,and forced himself to look back at his face.

Plenty of time for that later...

"John,you shouldn't have." Said Alex through mouthfuls of pancakes.
"Its Valentine's day,and I wanted to show my boyfriend how much I really love him." Inwardly,he chuckled to himself;Alex would definitely be shown before the day was out.

"And besides," he added,"The breakfast is just the start. I believe you have a present to open?"
Alex glanced down at the bed and saw that,while he'd been eating,a small box had appeared. It was perfectly wrapped in purple,complete with a little bow.
"Oh,yeah,wait a sec..." he muttered,fumbling around in the drawers for John's gift. A few moments later he resurfaced,holding a present of his own.

"Here you go." he said proudly. Wrapping,John knew,was not one of Alex's strongest skills. The gift was a lumpy parcel,the paper scrunched around it and what looked to be yards of unnecessary tape sprinkled on.

"Well it's.....certainly original." He winked,and then tore lightly into the paper,peeling it away(along with all the tape) to leave him holding a new pair of pants,some bracelets and socks. Ordinarily it wouldn't be a particularly exciting gift,but on a shopping trip a few weeks ago he'd pointed out all of them,and he was just amazed Alex had actually remembered the exact ones he wanted,when he couldn't usually remember his way downstairs.

John leaned over and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Your turn." He felt his heartbeat quicken as Alex picked up the little gift. He was sure he'd love it,and had the whole day planned out perfectly for them.

"Go on,open it!" Alex carefully untied the bow,and used his nails to remove the tape and neatly unwrap it. Soon he was sitting with a plain white box in his hand. He opened it and shook the contents out onto the bed.

"An....egg timer?" he asked,confused. On the sheets lay what looked to be an egg,about two and a half inches in length. Alex was utterly bemused;he didn't cook,why did he need an egg timer?

He looked up to ask John again,but saw a smirk on his face.
"John....? That's not an egg timer,is it?" When John shook his head,Alex wasn't sure whether to be thrilled or nervous. He wasn't an idiot,he could tell what it was(after egg timer,there weren't really that many options,especially considering the look on John's face).

"Do you like it?" John asked,and when Alex nodded-however hesitantly-he felt himself relax. Alex had never said no to stuff like this before,but he had been worried. In fact,he still was when he thought about the day he had planned....

"Get dressed then," he said,"I thought we could go out."
"Go out where?"
"Shopping. We can drive to that new centre if you want." John explained,and got up to leave the room. Just before he left,he turned back round,smiling.
"Oh,Alex,I was,uh....thinking that maybe you could try your present out?" He posed it as a question;the two engaged in a lot of experimental things,but before they did so they always made sure the other consented. At the start of their relationship they'd agreed to it-That way whatever they did would be as enjoyable as possible for both of them.

Alex bit his lip. On the one hand,the idea of going out in public with that inside him,and nobody he saw knowing,made his erection even bigger,but on the other hand.....well,he was just a little nervous. Eventually he decided to throw doubts away and just trust his boyfriend. It was Valentine's day,and he wanted to make him happy.
"Ok. But you have to help me put it in." He said. John turned and came back to the bed,shuffling around in his bedside cabinet for the pot of lube they kept in there.
When he sat back up,Alex was out from under the covers. His morning wood had softened considerably,and he looked a little nervous.

"Bend over for me,then." Alex got up onto the mattress and bent himself over on his hands and knees,his ass up in the air. His heart was racing as he waited. Soon there came a cold pressure at his asshole,and John slowly pushed one finger in,coated in lube. Alex inhaled shakily,nervous and excited at once. Even the feel of one of John's fingers inside him made his cock twitch,and when he began to move it around,creating as much space as he could,it grew hard.
Next,John positioned another lubed up finger at the entrance to his asshole. It wasn't too hard to get it in(Alex had taken much bigger),but he still went slowly just in case. Alex felt the familiar twinge in his asshole as it was stretched,and as John lightly curled his fingers his cock shot out at attention. A shiver ran down his spine and his breath came in short and shaky. John used his fingers to fuck his boyfriend's ass for a few minutes before sliding in another,and the feeling of relative fullness made Alex feel weak and more than a little light-headed.

John reached his other hand round to his front and brushed his fingers along Alex's hard-on. It was as stiff as it could ever be,and he wrapped his hand around the shaft. The drop of precum at the tip acted as additional lubrication as he began to work his hand up and down in time with the fingers of his other hand.

"You like that? You like having my fingers in your ass? You like having my hand wrapped around your cock, Alex?" He kept up the slow,deliberate pace as he spoke,pushing his fingers in harder on certain words for emphasis. Alex let out a groan.
"Oh god,yes,I love it!" he moaned. John sped up,until he knew Alex was close to cumming. He felt his cock twitching in his hand,and as his breathing became quicker and quicker,and the moans more frequent--he pulled his hand away and his fingers out,leaving Alex with a frustrating sense of emptiness and need. He turned his head as far as it could go.

"Oh,Alex,please," said John with a smirk,"You know that pathetic,helpless look just makes it worse. You know it gets me going." On the last sentence he leaned in so Alex could feel his hard-on through his jeans,pressed against his ass.

Alex stayed perfectly still,waiting. He could hear the slick sound of the lube on the egg and gulped,bracing himself. When it first touched the entrance to his asshole he gasped;it was colder than he'd expected.
John laughed softly,and then ever so slowly began to twist the egg against his asshole. The tip slipped in pretty easily,but as it widened it required a little more effort. Alex felt the coldness inside of him,and it was such an alien sensation that his cock was instantly hard again. His ass stung as the egg was pushed into him,and he winced,but bore it in silence,desperate to make John proud. He endured it for about a minute and a half before finally the whole thing was inside of him. John leaned forward and softly kissed up Alex's spine,then over his neck,stopping with his mouth beside his ear.

"You were amazing,baby. It's all in. How does it feel?" Alex experimentally clenched his ass around it,and exhaled sharply. He was so conscious of its presence,and he just felt so full.

"I-I can feel it in my ass," he said in a shaky voice,"I can feel it filling me,John." It was only as he said it that he realised how full he actually felt,and how good that made him feel. John sat up,landed a quick slap on his ass,then left the room,calling over his shoulder for Alex to "be ready in five minutes".


Alex was aware of the cool object inside him as they drove into town. He'd known he would be,and so had selected a loose-fitting jacket to try and cover the bulge in his jeans.
"I was thinking we could have roast chicken tonight,what do you say?" John spoke as if it was just a normal day,but for Alex speaking without a shake in his voice was still pretty hard.
"Y-yeah. That sounds good." To tell the truth he didn't care what they had for dinner. The only thing he cared about was getting fucked,and knowing he'd have to wait all day was already driving him crazy. Really,he should have been used to being teased;John loved to keep him waiting,whenever he could.

They pulled into the car park,and John reached into his pocket.
"I've got another surprise for you." He held his hand up,holding a small black rectangle. Alex frowned.
"What's that?" he asked,but John only smirked.
"You'll see." With that he unlocked the doors and they stepped out into the cool,bright day. As they walked,their hands entwined,Alex rubbing his thumb over John's. He remembered when they'd first got together,and had been nervous about showing affection in public.

I was so shy,he thought, And now here I am walking around with a fucking plastic egg up my ass.

When they were inside,Alex lead John around all the shops. John had never been that big of a shopper,but he went anyway to make Alex happy. Besides,today wasn't going to be like any other boring old shopping trip.

After wandering aimlessly around a few stores they found a clothes store that looked cool. John didn't object to going in,but followed a few paces behind Alex. A devious grin spread across his face as he reached into his pocket,drawing the black box out again.

"Excuse me miss,do you have this is a medium?" Alex asked a shop assistant. It seemed she was a fan,because the two launched into an animated conversation. The time was perfect. John subtly flicked the little dial on the black box,and Alex let out a huge gasp.

"Are you ok?" asked the girl,and he tried to nod in as normal a way as he could. He understood what the box was now. It was a wireless remote,connected to the egg,with three different settings--all of which John planned on trying out. He had flicked it to the lowest setting,and now the egg was vibrating gently but persistently inside Alex's ass. It made it impossible to concentrate,and to Alex's horror his dick was growing rapidly. The sensation just felt so goddamn good,he couldn't do anything but hope the shop assistant hadn't seen his raging hard-on.

"Um,I'll just get you that shirt." Too late. Her eyes were staring anywhere but his crotch,and she was blushing a furious scarlet colour.
"Forget it. I'm sorry,we have to,uh,go." Alex stumbled over the words,and grabbed John's hand as they walked out of the store,squeezing it involuntarily.

As soon as they were outside,John flicked the egg off again.
"What did you do?" Alex didn't know whether to laugh or yell. Who was he kidding;if he yelled at John he'd get one hell of a spanking later.
"I thought you'd like it." John couldn't stop grinning.
"I did. But you could have warned me!" His erection had subsided slightly,and was no longer visible,much to his relief.
"Where's the fun in that?" John tutted softly as they walked through the shopping centre,his hand still on the switch. Then,just as Alex was about to talk again,he flicked it up to full.

"OH MY GOD!" It was out before Alex could help it,and sent John into fits of laughter. Alex's hard-On returned with a vengeance,tenting the front of his jeans. He was in an intense haze of pleasure for a few moments,shivers running down his spine,blood flowing to his stiffening nipples,and saliva pooling in his mouth,before he realised he was standing in the middle of the walkway,hands clutching his crotch,groaning. Beside him,John was still laughing.

"John!" he protested weakly,but John knew he was enjoying it. Seeing Alex like that,in front of all these people,had given him an erection too. He could feel it straining against his jeans,and his crotch was hot all over. Alex's legs were turning to jelly,and he was forced to grab hold of John's shoulder. He'd never felt so fucking good in his life,but the people walking past looked disgusted,concerned,or a mix of both. Not wanting to make any more of a scene for either of them,he flicked the egg off. It took a while before Alex's legs regained their strength,so he practically dragged him to the nearest toilets.

"W-what the f-fuck?" Alex collapsed against the sink,grinning like a lunatic. For privacy purposes,they'd ducked into a disabled toilet,so were standing in what was essentially a small room.

John stood over him,staring down. He smiled,and rolled his eyes.
"I had a whole plan for today,you know," he told Alex,"But when I saw how well you reacted to that first hit,I couldn't help myself." Alex looked up at him.
"It was.....well,it felt amazing." He was still a little breathless,his groin still felt hot.

"I was going to wait until we got home to fuck you,but I can't. Seeing you so....helpless," John leaned in close to whisper in his ear,"It just made me want to pin you down and fuck you forever."

Alex felt himself tense with excitement at the idea of having sex with John somewhere so public. John helped him to his feet,and expertly tugged his jacket and t-shirt off,discarding them on the floor. He admired Alex's smooth chest for the second time that day,this time running his hands over the skin,caressing his stiffened nipples. He gave each one a pinch,then leaned in to take one in his mouth,swirling his tongue over it. While he sucked at Alex's nipple,his hands were unzipping his jeans,and pulling them down with a little help from Alex himself. As John licked his way over the other nipple,Alex's head tilted back and he groaned,sitting there in only his pants,his cock emerging from the top of the waistband. John took his head away and quickly shed his own clothes,then pulled Alex into a deep kiss,their lips twisting together. His tongue pushed its way through into Alex's mouth roughly,his hands working over his smooth skin,nails already leaving marks.
He broke the kiss to pull Alex's pants down and over his feet,his cock free and standing straight upright,then threw them into the corner.

Both stared at each other for a moment,standing naked in the bathroom,before John silently turned Alex around with his hands on his shoulders and bent him over the toilet seat. He squeezed his fingers into his asshole,and got a grip on the egg. He pulled at it until it was out,and Alex felt oddly empty after the time he'd had it in. That thought only lasted a moment,because he heard John rummaging in his bag. The familiar sound of the lube tub opening made his cock twitch in anticipation,and his head felt hazy as he pictured John,rubbing his hands over his dick,spreading the lube up the shaft and over the head,all in preparation for him.

John positioned himself at Alex's asshole. He pushed at the opening,his cock practically begging for its embrace,and felt Alex relax to let him in. Usually he'd work his way in slowly,but he was too desperate. He thrust forwards and in one motion was buried balls-deep in Alex,who let out a noise somewhere between a scream and a moan. Searing pain mixed with intense pleasure as John moved slowly out of him until only his head with still inside,and then thrust back in once more,pushing against his prostate and eliciting a yelp of pleasure,a good deal higher than usual. Alex gripped the sink in front of him as John powered in and out of his asshole,working animalistically. He loved it when John fucked him like that;the knowledge that he was at his mercy turned him on so much.

As he was pounding Alex's ass,John leaned forward and began to suck and nibble on his neck,leaving a bright red mark. He could tell Alex was drawing close,and the feel of him beginning to tense around his cock made him feel as if he could cum at any moment. All sense of rhythm left as John fucked him furiously,hands on his hips to pull Alex even further back onto his cock. A fire was roaring inside him,and Alex felt himself twitching,before he finally contracted. He felt as if the world had stopped and only the two of them mattered as he exploded,his cum practically flooding out of him after the day's teasing. His head was thrown back as he screamed in a haze of pleasure.
"OH FUCK YES! JOHN!" Hearing Alex scream his name was enough to send waves of pleasure pulsing through him,and he came,the release he'd desperately needed since that morning feeling like heaven. A loud,guttural noise escaped his throat as he slowed,and finally pulled out,his cock softening. He looked down at the floor and saw that Alex had left a nice puddle of his cum for the next person who came in,and smiled.

It felt like a huge effort to pull himself up,but when he did Alex was enveloped in John's arms,their lips meeting once again,gentler this time,full only of love. John gently caressed his spine as they kissed,feeling all his passion meet with that of his partner. Alex ignored the dull pain still present in his ass,but he knew that it was going to hurt for a long while. The two took a few minutes to catch their breath,the only sound that of their gradually subsiding gasps.

"Alex," John sighed,"That was fucking amazing."
Alex didn't reply as they both dressed with shaking hands. The sex had left them both feeling romantic and soppy,and as they walked out Alex slipped his hand into John's again,turning his head to smile at him.

"Happy Valentine's day."
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This is just a one-shot smut thing,it's only the third smut I've ever written so ehh