
Chapter 7

I walked home at a quick pace. It was pouring outside and I had no other way to get home besides walking. I noticed something that stopped me dead in my tracks. My father's car was in the driveway. My breath hitched, not in good way either.

I knew what this would mean, and I didn't know if I could handle it again. I took a few breathes in then out before finally deciding to take my chances and go inside. I didn't want to piss him off more than he probably was.

When I walked into the house, he was passed out on the couch. He must've gotten drunk, he did have a bottle of beer in one of his hands. I scrunch my nose up in disgust, deciding to leave him before he woke up. I dropped my things off in my room, changed into dry clothes quickly, and then I walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water and grabbed a slice of cold pizza before heading up to my room.

After I was done eating I decided to do some homework while I had the chance. I was half way done with my Math homework when my dad walked in. He was in his normal attire, an old t-shirt, and blue jeans that where loose on him. He had on socks that where the color of his heart, black. He kept the door open, leaning against it. His eyes grazed over me, watching my every movement. I didn't speak a word to him until he said something.

"How's school?" he asked, being abnormally casual.

"I-I-It's f-fi-ne." I replied, trying to focus on my school work.

"I got a call from one of your teachers today...Your gym teacher." I paused from writing, my body froze. " He said he wanted you to try out for the team." he paused. "I'm taking you to the try outs that day, I want to see if what he says about you is true." He went to leave. "I won't be here this weekend. I'm going on a business trip." he added before finally leaving the room.

I bit my bottom lip nervously. Maybe, just maybe, he would let us stay some place for a while. The business trip meant he hadn't lost his job, yet, If only I could make the team. I groan, setting my pencil down and putting my face in my hands. My elbows rested on the table in front of me.

I wanted to make my father proud of me. I wanted to be able to do something more than just sit around and wait for him to kill me. Whether it was by beating the life out of me, or letting me rot away in my room for eternity. I wanted to prove that I could do something with my life, something much more than what he could have done with his own. I just hope that when that when the day comes he'll accept me as who I am. He probably won't though.


My father was gone, he left late last night. He wouldn't be back until sometime on Sunday, I didn't know when. I still had the same symptoms, however a new symptom had started to occur today. Cramps. The cramps weren't horrible, but they were not too pleasant either. It was like a dull ache running through my sides, adding to the pain in my stomach.

I guessed I had gotten sore from vomiting so much. I needed to go to the hospital, but I didn't want to. I had to go hang out with Mike today. We had made plans to hang out, play some video games probably. I suck at video games, it's something I haven't done in a while. I wouldn't mind playing video games with him though. I wouldn't mind the possible cheers of victory. I just wanted to be friends with someone. Mike was suppose to come and get me from my house.

I texted Justin while I waited, we had been talking through text messages when we where not at school. I wasn't aware that he had the same lunch as me before. I sat with him instead of with Matty and his crew. We'd talk, well use sign language, when we where face to face. People gave us both these odd looks at first, but they got over it within a day or two.

I had told Justin I was trying out for the soccer team. He told me the players already on the team. The team caption of the school's team was Vic Fuentes. Just my luck. I didn't want to be on the same team as him, but I had to learn to suck it up and get over it. I needed a position on the soccer team to impress my father. It was the only reason why I was trying out at this point.

No one knew why I was trying out for the team, at least not the real reason. I told the few people I knew half-truths. I didn't tell them anything about how I wanted to impress my father, and even if I didn't want to try out, I would be forced to by him and I wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.

I grabbed my jacket, hearing the engine of Mike's car. I pulled the jacket over my arms, covering the hideous scars that would haunt me for the rest of my life. I bit my lip, making sure my hair was somewhat decent.

I opened the door when I heard a firm knock. I looked up at the tattooed giant. He didn't have many tattoos, just a few. He was only in high school, but I could tell he'd be loaded with tattoos when he was older. I smiled up at him, careful not to show my ugly teeth. Even though my teeth where straight and an bleached ivory color, I still hated them. Mike smiled back, shifting his weight from his left leg, to his right leg.

"Ready to go? " He acted as if he was a ball of contained energy, ready to explode at any moment if not released soon.

"Y-yeah." I answered, nodding a little bit.


His house was very large. It was at least three stories, and it was one of those rich houses you'd see in movies. Expect, the inside was much more cozy than those houses. It was spacious, but it didn't overkill it. The interior was simple, yet professional. I liked that about this house. It gave me the feeling of a family that had everything put together. A perfect family, with a wife, a husband, and a few children to inherit the family business, or whatever it is the Fuentes' family does for profit.

I didn't make any comment on the house itself. I had a feeling most people would be amazed by this place. They probably got comment after comment on how amazing it was. I wouldn't say what I wanted to out loud. They probably where annoyed by people complimenting their home at this point.

I always kept my mouth shut unless spoken to. This was driven into my mind like a tattoo was driven into the skin. My father made sure I didn't speak unless he asked me something. It's just how it's always been.

"Mike? Is that you?" I heard a feminine voice call out. I guessed it was Mike and Vic's mother.

"Yeah. I'll be up in my room, with a friend." He called back, leading me up the metal looking stairs and into his room.

I was doing fine for the first 2 hours. The key word here is was. Mike went to give me a high five, but I flinched. An obvious sign of abuse in some manner. Whether the abuse was at school or at home. Mike didn't say anything about it, but he did have a curious expression on his facial features. I hated that look. It meant he wanted to know something about me. It always did.

After the small incident, I decided to take a break from gaming and to go to the restroom.

"M-Mike? W-Whe-re is t-the b-bath-room?" I asked quietly.

"It's down the hall, third door on the right. It's in front of Vic's room." He said, masking the curious, yet confused look. I gave a little nod and placed the controller down on the beanbag I had been sitting on. I then exited the room and headed down the hallway to clear my mind some.

I closed and locked the door the moment I stepped in. I didn't really need to use the bathroom, I just needed a little alone time. I wasn't use to this and my mind was on overdrive, overthinking the smallest things. For example, what if Mike thought of me differently for flinching away from his high five?

He probably wouldn't think differently of me, but he may want to know why I flinched away. This was something I shouldn't be overthinking about. I was lucky enough to have Mike as, what I guessed to be, a friend. I was just about to walk out of the room, when I felt that one feeling come over me again.

I quickly made my way to the toilet, letting the bile out into it. After a few minutes I stopped and leant back on my heels. I groan, holding my head in my hands. My elbows rested on the seat. Once I had recovered from the experience, I stood up, flushed the toilet, and went over to the sink.

I splashed a small amount of water onto my pale face. When I was sure that I was clean and dried, I went back to Mike's room. Vic's door was open, but I made no move to go, or look, into the room. I didn't need to make friends with that charming devil.

For the rest of the time I was at the Fuentes' house, I sat on a beanbag and played video games with Mike. Eventually I left, just before anyone could invite me for dinner. I sort of didn't want to become their dinner, in a metaphoric way.

Mike didn't take me home, instead I walked home. I didn't want him to drive me home anyways. If his mother was there when I left, I probably would've been forced to get in his car and let him take me home. I was lucky that that wasn't the situation.

When I arrived home my dad's car was still gone. No one was in the house, so I took out my house key and unlocked the door. I then closed, and locked, the door. My dad had the other house key with him. I'm sure he could find his own way in if he had lost it.

I didn't bother eating anything that night. I went straight to my room and got ready for bed. It took me a while, but I finally fell asleep. However, it was with the thought of Vic on my mind.