Status: Haitus


Meet Melissa

Two weeks earlier

“I still can’t believe it,” I glanced over at my best friend, “I can’t believe you are getting married…” I chuckled to myself, shaking my head in disbelief.

Melissa smiled, “me either.” She brushed her long, wavy, beautiful brunette hair and looked at me through my living room mirror. “Who would have thought, right? I mean, Niall, the one that I could have sworn you would have end up with actually ended up proposing to me?” She chuckled at the thought.

I couldn’t help but smirk at the thought, “yeah, who would have thought.”

Melissa turned around and smiled at me while grabbing her purse off my bed, “Well, I got to go. Niall and I have dinner plans tonight and I wouldn’t want to keep you from your date tonight.” She winked as she handed me back my brush.

I nodded and smiled, taking the brush as I let her out. “Yeah, I hope you have fun tonight.”

Melissa left and I couldn’t help but sigh out of relief. Parts of me loved her and parts of me couldn’t stand her.

Melissa and I have a complex friendship. I’m the girl with the smarts and she’s the girl with the looks. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not hideous or anything, but I’m not the type of girl that guys notice right away. That is why I always get set up on dates.

This date that I have tonight, this date that Melissa set up for me, I don’t really care to go. I actually called the guy a couple hours before Melissa came over and told him I wasn’t feeling well.

I went into my closet and took off my not so classy dress that Melissa let me borrow and tossed it on the floor. I put on my favorite ‘Panic at the Disco’ t-shirt that came down to my knees and fell a little off my shoulder and hopped on my couch.

This is usually how I spend my Saturday nights, in a big t-shirt, watching Netflix while eating some chocolates out of my candy jar.

Yes. I have a candy jar.

A couple minutes into this Friends episode my cell phone starting vibrating. I took it off the coffee table and felt my heart speed up as I read the name across the screen. “Hello?”

“Hey” His voice was so calming to me. His Irish accent was like music to my ears and I couldn’t help but smile.

“What can I do for ya?”

“I need to ask you something…” He cleared his throat.


“Can I come over?”

“Um, sure…” I read the clock on my wall, “but don’t you have a date with Melissa?”

“Yeah, but I need to know something.” I heard keys jingle in the background, “I’m coming over.”

It was silent on the other end and I could tell he just hung up. I got up and ran to my closet throwing on a pair of jeans. I’m not exactly the type of girl to hang around with my best friends fiancé in just a big shirt and a bra and panties. Within minutes I heard my doorbell ring. I smiled and as soon as I opened my front door my smiled faded away. Before I could say anything, Niall spoke up.

“Did you know about this?” His face was hard and it's rare to see him so serious.

Looking at the pregnancy test he held up in his hands and back at him I just stared between the two. I shook my head and he walked in closing the door behind him.

If I would have known that the pregnancy test was the beginning to an end, I might have kept my mouth shut. Right about now I just wish I were anywhere but here.
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Okay this is just the intro and I'll actually be posting the next chapter later tonight or tomorrow morning. Please, please give feedback, it's been awhile since I've written any type of story and the more feedback the better.