Status: Haitus


Morning After

Usually when I wake up after a crazy night, I just get out of bed take a nice long shower, pour some cereal and get on with my life like nothing happened. This morning is different, I couldn’t even will myself to sit up in bed, every time I tried to open my eyes the sun was so bright it forced me to keep them shut, and don’t get me started on the noise I kept hearing coming from the kitchen. You would think in a studio apartment everything would be easy to see from one side, but the way my kitchen was designed made it difficult to see what was happening on one corner of the apartment.

Being one to want to know what’s going on in their own apartment, I push the covers off my body and squint my eyes to try and get up. I walked towards the kitchen, holding myself up steady by gripping the sides of the wall and peaked around the corner, and froze. There stood, in my kitchen, was the cutie I went on a blind date with last night. He wore shorts and socks, that’s it and it wasn’t a bad sight. Watching a hot guy stand there cooking, what looked like oatmeal, with eggs made me almost forget that I was hung over. I was brought back to reality when the hot guy in my kitchen decided to speak up and trigger my headache.

“Good morning” he said as he poured oatmeal into two bowls that he had next to the stove.

I shook my head and sat down on a chair next to the fridge and laid my head on it.

“Why are you still here?” I groaned and squinted my eyes to try and get a better look at him.

“I wanted to see if you were going to be okay in the morning,” he grinned and set the bowl on the table in front of me, “eat.”

I shook my head slowly trying to avoid upsetting my head anymore than I already have by getting out of bed. “Shouldn't I be eating fried foods or something?”

Liam nodded, “yes, but oats work, so eat up.”

The rest of the morning went by pretty fast, after finishing my bowl of oatmeal, I took a shower and then Liam made some tea for me. I was actually taken back by how nice he was. We didn’t know each other, hell, I wasn’t even sure if I really wanted him there to take care of me but I never did ask him to leave. Once I started feeling better and more hydrated I asked him about what really happened last night and he told me about how I invited him over because I was “scared to be alone” and he actually jumped at the opportunity, not so that he could get lucky but because he said I couldn’t even walk. He was worried I would end up somewhere else other than my own apartment and wanted to take care of me.

I felt so embarrassed because I didn’t know this guy and he didn’t know me and the last thing I wanted was for him to think that I was the type of girl to get drunk on a first date, black out and then invite guys to spend the night.

“No, I don’t think that,” He gently placed his hands on my left thigh and squeezed it. “I think that with everything that happened with you and your best friend you deserved it.”

My eyes met his and I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

“You told me everything last night on our way to your place. I guess if I were in that type of love triangle I’d want to get drunk too.”

I shook my head, “except it’s not a love triangle. He loves her and she, I guess, loves him.”

I slouched in back into my couch and pulled my knees up to my chest. “You know way too much about me and I barely know anything about you.”

He laughed and scooted closer to me, he lifted my legs and laid them over his. He raised an eyebrow up at me and smirked, “What would you like to know?”

I smiled, “how does Melissa know a guy from England? I’m guessing...”

“Well she’s engaged to my best mate. I met her a couple days ago when I flew out here to help Niall get ready for everything.”

If life had a pause button I’d hit it right now. How is it that I told him about my situation with my best friends but he doesn’t know that I was talking about Niall and Melissa? Is it possible maybe I didn’t say their names? Oh my god, is he going to go back and tell Niall that Melissa isn’t pregnant with his baby? Is he about to ruin my whole life and then fly his sexy ass back to England and leave me to sort this mess out by myself?

I guess I was too lost in my thoughts and Liam decided to speak up, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell him that you’re basically in love with him.” He said laughing.

I coughed and then forced a laugh, “Oh yeah! Is that it? Is that all I told you, that I’m in love with him?”

His eyes studied mine and I felt like he was reading my mind and was going to pry out all my dirty secrets and thoughts just from that one look and then he smiled.

“Yep, that’s all.”

I smiled and sighed out of relief. I guess I should have been more taken back that he and Niall were best friends but I figured he already knew Niall if he knew Melissa who basically set this whole thing up. If anything, I was more worried that he was lying and that I actually did tell him more about Melissa’s dirty secret then he was letting on.

“Anyways,” I brushed my hair behind my shoulder, “How do you know Niall? Isn’t he from Ireland?”

Liam nodded, “Yeah, but we met auditioning for the X Factor. We were put in a group together but we never made it past the judge’s house. Niall and the rest of us all just kept in touch.”

“I completely forgot he auditioned for that show.” I smiled, “That’s really good that you guys kept in touch all these years.”

He smiled, “So, what are we doing today? Just going to sit around and talk or did you want to take me out and show me around?”

I nodded and lifted my legs off of his so I could sit up and get apartment keys. “Sure, but put on shirt,” I said checking him out, “it’s a little distracting.”


“When should we start thinkin’ up names, babe?”

I shrugged not wanting to look up from my cosmopolitan magazine.

“Okay,” Niall said placing a soft kiss on the side of my forehead, “How far along are you?”

I shrugged again, and closed my magazine, “I don’t know, Niall! I just found out a couple days ago too. Give me some time to think shit through!”

I sat up off the couch abruptly running into our bathroom and slammed the door.

I felt horrible but I can’t live with this guilt. Last night all Niall could do was rant and rave about how happy he was to be a father; he even called his parents to tell them that we were going to be starting a family. I can’t fathom how much he is starting to really annoy me with his happiness.

Yes, I might be a bitch for being the one that cheated and not even knowing whom the father is but I have never been in a situation this bad. The guilt is tearing me apart and it’s only been one day. I don’t know how I’m going to continue if I don’t say something to him.

But I won’t.

I won’t tell him and I can’t... but I can continue to treat him horribly because I know he’ll take it. To be honest, he puts up with a lot of my crap and that’s part of the reason why I love him. That’s part of the reason why I gave him a chance all those years ago, that and to make Eric Tracy jealous.

I heard a light knock on the door, “babe?”

“Go away!” I yelled, picking up a towel and throwing it at the door.

Yes, I’m very dramatic.

I heard him sigh on the other end, "Unlock the door and talk to me".

I got up and opened the door and glared at him. “What?”

“Why are you so upset?” his glare matched mine and I could tell he was angry and annoyed but I knew it wouldn’t last.

“Because, you’re being so,” I pushed passed him walking towards the living room, “so overwhelmingly annoying.”

I turned to face him and crossed my arms in front my chest.

His eyes widened in surprise, “I’m being annoying?” he said, his voice raising and his accent slowly creeping through his words, “You didn’ even tell me you were pregnant!”

“I didn’t know!” Lie.

“You didn’t know you were pregnant?” He chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief, “so you thought, I’m just going to go to the market pick up a test just for the hell of it?”

I stared at him shocked at his tone of voice; maybe he wouldn’t let it go.

“Niall,” I said calmly, taking a step towards him, “I’m sorry.” I reached out and cupped his cheek, looking up into his eyes.

He sighed and gently took my hand off his cheek and shook his head.

“I’m going out. When I come back, drop the crap and talk to me.”

He looked back at me once last time before walking out the door, “you have to start respecting me more because I won’t have you disrespecting me years later in front of our future child, Melissa.”

He shut the door behind him and left me standing in the middle of our hallway rethinking everything and that’s when it really hit me…

If this baby isn’t Niall’s, I might actually lose him.
♠ ♠ ♠
4 subscribers and 19 readers! I guess people are starting to see the potential in this story! This chapter I really wanted to give you guys and inside look into Melissa and Niall's relationship. There will be more chapters like this up until the big wedding but I need you guys to kind of understand who the characters really are before I get to that big chapter. :)

Quick question, what do you guys think of Melissa and Abby's characters?

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