So Kiss Me Goodbye

Chapter 19

Unlike last time I saw The Academy Is... from the crowd the elbows in my side weren't from strangers.

We had easily gotten to the front center of the barrier five minutes before the kids were let it.

I'm sure they wondered how we got there first but they didn't ask.

It wouldn't have been hard to figure out with 'William Beckett Loves Me' scrawled on my innocent shirt courtesy of Pete.

On the other hand Pete did the same to Jamie who was next to me, only wrote Mike instead.

Shelby was happy enough to be between two people she knew this time, Natalie and I, whereas Jamie was on my other side.

The boys had gotten through most the set when Will paused to let the guys catch their breath.

"I'd like to take this time to embarrass a few friends of ours in the audience right now. One of them is our guitarist Mike Carden's girlfriend Jamie, who we all love."

He paused as the crowd cheered and Mike and Jamie blushed together.

My heart leapt in my throat as I realized what was coming next when his eyes connected with mine.

"The other is my girlfriend Lilly. And now that we're here I'd like to remind her of a certain promise she made me earlier today in exchange for a jacket."

My cheeks burned and I couldn't stop grinning widely as Shelby, Jamie, and Natalie stared at me intrigued.

Grumbling and glaring at him with a smile I handed my jacket and purse to Shelby as I fumbled for the clasp of my bra.

His grin grew wider as he saw what I was doing, Shelby and Jamie laughing all the while as Natalie stared wide-eyed shaking her head in disbelief.

Laughing, I threw my black and white polka-dotted bra at him on stage.

"I want that back after the show Beckett!"

He merely shrugged, clutching it in his hand. "We'll see sweetheart, we'll see."

Two teenage girls behind me eyed me and scoffed.

Yep, they were those fans I saw all the time when doing interviews; wanted the rockstar for themselves even when there's eight years and a federal law between them.

As the crowd laughed, and some of the girls pouted, Sisky ran up, not quite finished.

"Also we'd like to cut to the chase between one little Santi out there and one very skinny kid backstage by saying this; Ryan likes Shelby, Shelby likes Ryan, go spoon."

All of us laughed at Sisky's abruptness except for Shelby who blushed madly.

"You'll be next soon Natalie." Jamie yelled over the crowd to the only one not embarrassed.

They continued with the rest of the show smoothly.

As we made our way backstage I continued tugging with Will's tightly zipped up jacket, feeling naked without my bra.

Walking in, Jamie ran to Mike, Shelby shyly wandered to Ryan, and I shoved Natalie at Patrick, but my boy was nowhere to be seen.

My eyes searching the now crowded backstage were quickly covered by a hand.

"Guess who?"

I laughed. "Travie I've told you, I'm with Will, you'll have to be more discreet."

"Travie?" Will exclaimed.

I quickly pulled his hand off my eyes and turned around.

"Kidding Will."

I pressed my lips to his immediately, feeling his smile underneath before he kissed back.

As he pressed his hand to the small of my back I felt him pull something out.

Opening my eyes I saw him holding up my bra.

"Plan on giving that back Mr. Beckett?"

"Maybe." He whispered dangerously close to my ear.

Smiling I murmured. "Tease."

Will's lips hovered over my own, almost touching when their tour manager Tony walked in.

"Hey guys these are the contest winners from the radio station. Go nuts."

Will turned around slowly to see the winners, the two girls from the crowd among them.

The guys quickly gathered around to be photographed and I shoved Will towards them.

He was still clutching my bra in his hand when I wandered back over to Shelby and Jamie.

Natalie was very animatedly talking to Patrick, leaving us to watch the boys at work on our own.

While we watched, one of the girls pulled Will in for a picture.

At the last second she turned and planted her lips directly on his.

In that moment I realized no matter how far me and Will got, him being a rockstar was always going to be a part of it.
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Not much to say here...
Thing'll begin picking up in the next few chapters... that's when all the drama begins.
Just remember I'm a believer in happy endings.
Oh and my new obsession right now is Family Force 5.
If I remember correctly their nicknames are SoulGlow Activator, Chapstick, Crouton, Nadaddy, Fatty, and their dancer Xanadu.
I love their nicknames.