Status: In progress


The three of them had maintained a friendship for longer than it took to swim the English channel. They had met in fashion school. And probably the most unique part of their little triage was, none of the males and females had ever seen each other sexually, though they'd come to realize their true orientations within months of each other. That's likely what had kept their bond in such a timeless state, despite their differences. Charlie and Jamie were bisexual, though their female friend, Addy was a lesbian. They all became flat mates in the region of Hampshire, upon graduating. They had no idea what they were going to do with their newly obtained degrees, or how they were going to continue to pay the rent, even after downsizing to just the spare room across from the kitchen.

Addy entertained the idea of purchasing an over locker off eBay, as well as jersey fabric in a vast array of colors, with which to make shirts. The boys thought this was absolute bullocks, however, as Addy's idea of over locking consisted of accidentally attaching one side of the sleeve to the back of the garment and acting as though it hadn't been a mistake at all! They doubted the public was ready for such groundbreaking a trend. Plus, the cheapest over locker she had found was on Gumtree, and it required the buyer to pick it up. Well, they had no car. Jamie had come from a family of eight, so he had no trouble getting the odd position in childcare here and there, but it was still only enough to barely pay for rent and food.

Charlie had his head in the clouds, as well... He had his mind set on working for the House Of Chanel, as Karl Lagerfeld's personal assistant. Jamie often teased him about how perverted he was for chasing after a man so much older. Although usually quite sensitive, Charlie jousted with him acknowledgingly, insisting Jamie was and always would be the only man he'd be interested in chasing after.  There was some suspicion as to whether Charlie was teasing at all. But, with the amount of homosexual fog floating around that they had, even if he weren't, everyone simply shrugged it off, the same as if they'd just used up a last roll of bathroom tissue.

If Addy couldn't have an over locker, she wanted a baby, and if nobody could give her that, she'd happily settle for  the landlord's wife! Addy had had it the roughest of them all, before traveling overseas to study fashion. She had endured the loss of a child to the system, and countless women who had taken advantage of her apparent naive-like state. She was starting to believe happiness didn't actually exist, and if it did, it was fleeting and could only be found in the arms of another woman, or at the end of a bottle of flavored water!

Though normally they had become well known to their landlords for their clean way of living, one night they decided they needed a break from all their struggles. Their landlords had been on a weekend excursion forty-five minutes away, so they took this opportunity to break into their liquor cabinet. After originally searching for the key to no avail , Addy suggested using a bobby pin. It had worked on her Mom's door, whenever she didn't agree with the boundary setting back home... Charlie advised against it, as where would they live, should the landlord become aware of such debauchery and turn against them. Jamie reminded him of how they'd been offered wine to settle in upon their arrival. And Addy just figured Charlie was afraid to touch the stuff, due to it's ability to act as a truth serum! Things had already gotten a little more real between the two men, after Jamie's recent break up with his girlfriend of two years...

To Addy, it seemed like Jamie knew exactly how Charlie felt about him, but was just waiting for him to come out with it. Though he had almost got too comfortable in the confidence that it was one of those things that would never materialize. Charlie was just far too much an introvert in the field of initiation. Perhaps Addy just had some sort of strange perversion in this regard, too...
Once their inhibitions had, more or less, been accounted for by a couple swigs of the bottle being passed around, they began a game of truth or dare. Quite childish, really, though it wasn't as if said trait was entirely out of character for the trio. Charlie was the first to be cohorsed into sipping from their version of the holy grail. Something he really was not looking forward to, though with a little added peer pressure from Addy, he, too, was able to become a statistic within merely hours. Would he go for the truth or dare in his newly intoxicated state, Jamie eagerly wondered aloud. Sometimes, being a true friend meant, anxiously anticipating sharing in said friend's utter embarrassment from time to time. He chose truth, as their living arrangements were nowhere near properly equipped for his sudden departure, had he chosen the latter. He had no other choice, financially speaking, at the moment, but to be in this friendship for the long haul, so better to be safe than sorry, he surprised even the toughest critics, arguing the inability of rational thinking over the course of excessive inebriation. Though this still may have only excused him from future humiliation to a degree...

Addy had absolutely no problem with the option that had been selected. In fact, she basked in it's sheer glory, especially after electing herself in the role of small scale press reporter! She purposely left him squirming for some time, as it had been obvious what truth Addy had wanted Charlie to come clean about all along, hadn't it? Finally, she let him have it between the eyes, once Charlie began looking so apprehensive, she worried he may pass out. Over the course of their friendship, had the thought of getting into Jamie's pants ever crossed his mind? Right. She certainly had a lot of nerve to ask such a private question in front of such a public audience, he silently fumed. Especially knowing he wouldn't be able to back out for fear of more dire consequences. At the same time, his recent alcohol consumption had brought him to a point of no longer caring one way or the other. He just wished she wouldn't have gone so far as to insinuate these rumored feelings were merely skin deep. Since he'd chosen to give only honest answers in response, however, he couldn't very well have defended his position for fear of being mocked. So, throwing caution to the wind, something that he never would've done while sober, he passed, leaving himself vulnerable to a dare once his turn came round again!

It was Addy's turn. Brilliant! Maybe, that bitch would finally get a taste of her own medicine, Charlie continued to stew in discontent over being outed. She picked truth, as well, though Jamie would have to do the asking, as it could be argued Charlie's judgement had recently become too clouded with rage to perform a proper, unbiased line of questioning on their lesbian friend. Jamie took the road less traveled by going easy on her, much to Charlie's disappointment. He simply asked her to share a fantasy that neither of them had been made aware of until that evening. It didn't even have to be sexual, if she so preferred. But Addy's private fantasy had been extremely sexual, and not unlike Charlie's reaction to the alcohol, she no longer cared about the repercussions that would follow upon sharing it! In fact, she welcomed them. Nothing would peak her sexual arousal more than to watch her two best guy friends go at it in front of her, she daringly disclosed. Intoxication had taken them from melodrama at a high school level to a mature, consenting, sexually explicit relationship Charlie and Addy had probably only ever experienced in the movies, Jamie predicted. Within a matter of minutes, too. This changed everything...

Even though Addy could be a little shit ninety-nine point nine percent of the time, they loved her and wanted to see her as sexually satisfied as they could ensure, with her being gay. Both of them had secretly wanted to date her after all this time. She was one of those beauties that only came around once every full moon. Jokes aside, she had fair skin, tumbling blond hair, green eyes and an adorable little turned up nose. They were already living together, might as well go all the way... Jamie wanted to know if they should retire to the bedroom. Charlie was all but having convulsions at the prospect of Jamie just taking charge like that, no questions asked. If only he would've known he was so open to the idea all along... Of course not, Addy continued to portray the bitch, pounding Jaime's shoulder like the dyke she was, it has to tie in with the game. Did he think she'd actually sit through something so boring otherwise? Addy got even more demanding and mean while drunk, apparently.

Addy wasn't just your garden variety slut, you see. She had what they call erotic compersion. It wasn't about the sex they agreed to have in front of her. It was because she knew they sort of loved one another that it was even remotely capable of turning her on. Jamie didn't know something like that even existed. And so they continued on with their little game of truth or dare... It was Jamie's turn. Having since acquired a fair amount of confidence with Jamie's proposal to retire to the bedroom, Charlie dared him to sleep with him. No, no, no, Addy threw her wine glass across the room, that's not how it's done! He was to start off slowly, so that the game could continue on for as long as possible!  He may have no longer cared what anyone thought of his feelings for Jamie, but no matter how drunk he got, he'd always fear the wrath of Addy.

He obligingly did as he was told, daring Jamie to suck his cock instead. Jamie undid Charlie's zipper and stuck his hand inside his trousser's to retrieve it, before ever so gently tonguing the head, much like a cat did it's bowl of milk. This pleased Addy, a sheer shire grin forming across her face. She'd heard they were bisexual, but she'd never actually seen them enjoy themselves around the same sex until that night... Charlie, then, had to make the mistake of looking up at her, while getting his cock sucked. No, she continued to rage, pretend I'm not here. I don't want you thinking you're only fucking to impress me. Seeing intimacy pass between the two of you is enough. That was their cue to really get into it, then. Jamie felt his own cock get harder and harder, as he sucked Charlie off, though Charlie was having noticeable trouble maintaining an erection. So when it came round to Charlie's turn again, Jamie dared him to give him a hand job. Less pressure, more arousal, Jamie figured, especially if he couldn't help but cum in the palm of Charlie's hand! Surely, that would get him going and continue to build his confidence, he mischeviously calculated... So long as Addy didn't start yelling again...
  1. I - In The Beginning
    Introduction-Like Chapter Of Triage