The Leather Jacket

Return The Favour

The cameras started rolling and the backing track kicked in. Alex took his guitar and began to sing but the only sound to be heard was the backing track, the amps weren’t on and even Alex’s mic had been turned down. It was a music video, it didn’t matter Alex wasn’t really playing because the song would be synced up later. Alex just continued to dance around and sing, trying not to feel too embarrassed by the whole thing. He’d been doing this for nearly 3 years and he still wasn’t quite used to the camera in his face.
“Cut! Alex that was great”
Alex just nodded and ran a hand through his sweaty hair, the lights made it ridiculously hot in the small studio. He’d been doing this for just over 6 hours and all he wanted now was a cool shower.
“Right Alex I think that’s everything. That’s a wrap guys!” The director yelled.
Everyone clapped and Alex took a fake bow.
“You did really well Alex” said Matt, Matt was Alex’s manager the person in charge of Alex who made sure he got up on time and didn’t get too lost.
“Thanks” he said, taking the towel he was being handed and ran it through his sweaty hair.
“You go get changed then we’ve got a bit of press to do”
“Press really?” Alex sighed.
“The songs amazing but it’s not going to sell its self” Matt gave him a pat on the back and pushed him in the direction of his dressing room. Alex sighed and headed for the shower, he loved his job of course he did. Making music was everything he’d dreamt of since he was 8 years old but sometimes all the press and interviews it all got a bit much.
Alex showered for as long as he could before Matt started banging on the door to tell him to hurry up. He quickly got dressed, not in the same clothes he’d been wearing for the video, something a little more comfortable and less sweaty.
“Alex come on!” Matt shouted.
Alex checked his hair in the mirror before grabbing the leather jacket and following Matt out of the studio. Alex never went anywhere without that leather jacket, some said it was like his lucky charm but that’s not the way he saw it. No Alex thought that if he had it on him all the time the person who gave it to him might recognise it one day. It had been 3 years since Jack had given it to him on the streets of Baltimore and ever since Alex has wanted to repay him, to be able to thank him. That leather jacket had saved Alex’s life in more ways than Jack would ever know. He pulled it on, it was slightly beaten up and even had a few worn patches but it was comfort to Alex, he slipped on his sun glasses and got into the car waiting for him. Matt was going on about the interviews he’d lined up but Alex wasn’t listening, he was staring out the window watching all the people. He always did it, whether it was concerts, signings, or just walking through the streets. Alex was always on the lookout for the spiky dark hair and warm brown eyes, most of him knew it was pointless but it still did it.
“Alex, are you listening to me?”
“Oh err...”
“I said I want you on your best behaviour, I don’t want a repeat of last time”
“It’s not my fault, she wouldn’t stop pestering me about having a girlfriend, I got a bit annoyed”
“Alex that’s no reason spill your drink down her front!”
“It was an accident...”
“Accident my ass” Matt laughed, Alex joining it. He knew he shouldn’t have done it but it still had been funny.
“Okay it was quite amusing, but don’t do it again!”
Alex laughed again but agreed, no more throwing things at reporters just because he didn’t like that one question...

“So Alex, tell us about the new single?” the reporter asked, a little too sweetly. Her lips were too red and her hair too blonde, she was trying too hard for his attention. He looked away and tried to focus on the question.
“It’s called Return The Favour and it’s out on July 2nd”
“Is it similar to your older stuff?” she asked.
“It’s a bit poppy, a bit faster and just a really good summer song”
“Well we’re all really excited to hear it!” she gushed.
Alex could see some of her bright red lipstick on her teeth as she smiled at him.
“Now I know all your fans are desperate to know, is there a special girl in your life?”
Alex sighed and he saw Matt sigh in the background. Why couldn’t people just give it a rest? So what if he’d never had a girlfriend? Why did everyone need to know about his love life?
“No there isn’t”
Alex had had enough, if they wanted to have an answer so badly he would damn well give them one.
“Oh... Got your eyes on someone?”
“There’s someone... Someone I’m waiting for”
“Awwh! How romantic! What’s her name?”
“His name is Jack”
Alex would never forget the look to the girls face, complete and under shock as she fumbled for an answer. He looked over at Matt to see him with his head buried in his hands shaking his head.
“Oh hmm, that’s nice?” she asked, unsure of her own response.
“Yeah I think that’s it for today” Matt stepped in. The reporter just nodded and gathered up her things.

“What was that?!” Matt demanded once they were outside.
“I’d had enough! Everyone’s always pestering me, where’s your girl Alex? Did you get laid last night? Well now they know!” Alex yelled.
“Do you realise the mess you’ve just made? This is going to take some serious damage control!”
“Look Matt I’m sorry, that was probably not the best way to do it but I just couldn’t lie anymore”
Matt sighed and twiddled with his lip ring, something he always did when he was nervous.
“Okay, just next time tell me first?”
“Sorry” he said, rolling up the sleeves to the leather jacket, even in the heat he was still wearing it.
“Your plane for Baltimore leaves in 2 hours, you better be on it. I have some major damage control to do”
“I am sorry Matt”
“It’s okay, I was worried this job was getting boring”
Alex laughed and gave his manager a hug. He might have been his manager but he was as good as a best friend to Alex.

It was dark when Alex landed back in Baltimore, he hadn’t been back for over a year. With no family (or least no family that wanted to see him) he didn’t have much of a reason to come back to his old home. He was glad of the time alone, he was able to spend the flight with his headphones on just listening to music. Despite working in music he didn’t always get a chance to just sit and listen to it, a few hours peace on a plane had been quite welcomed. He’d picked up his bag and was on his way to his hotel when something caught his eye. It was a person with dark hair but not quite black that was spiked up all over the place, a part of had been bleached blonde but Alex knew. He tired to ran after the him but it wasn’t easy in the crowded air port. When he finally stopped to catch his breath Jack had disappeared. As much as Alex was sad he’d been so close he did know one thing, Jack was in Baltimore and Alex was sure as hell going to find him.
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Thank you for reading/subscribing! I hope you enjoy :)