
Jamie Hillington

Jamie had once believed that money could buy him anything, but it was clear that these hijackers had no inclination towards wealth. He was certain that his mother would give their entire fortune for his safe return and he found himself wishing that they were money-driven. It was a futile attempt at trying to ignore the explosives that were currently strapped to his chest. He didn't even want to breathe just in case they went off.

He was currently stood about five feet away from the girl while the other man was being strapped with yet more explosives. One of the hijackers had tauntingly warned that any sudden movements would make them explode so they were both stood in the spots they had been instructed to remain.

A beep sounded and his eyes darted towards the hijackers. The one who was supervising the other checked his watch and pressed a button on it. "We have seven minutes," he said.

"Don't rush me," the other snapped.

"I'll get on that jet without you."

"You try and I'll put a bullet through your skull."

Jamie looked back at the girl. The fear that was etched on her face made him feel worse but he was certain he looked about the same. His jeans were sticking to his thighs and the sweat from his back had stuck his shirt to his skin. If he was asked to talk he didn't think he would be capable of forming any words.

For a moment his thoughts wondered to the passengers still on the plane and he wished that he could trade places with one of them. He didn't care who - it could be a man, woman or even a child - just so long as he could remain on the plane rather than face the explosives. They might not even crash the plane now that they were on the ground, he thought. Why would they need to fly into a building and explode a private runway?

"Alrighty, the show is about to begin!" a hijacker exclaimed, striding towards them. "Now, lovely, you have a very important part. You have to remain in this warehouse, over here by the boxes." Jamie watched as he led the girl slowly over to the boxes that they opened when they had first landed. The hijacker placed one of the girl's hands on the top of the box and before anyone could say anything, he had pulled a knife from the waistband of his trousers and shoved it through the back of her hand, wedging it deep into the wood beneath it.

Jamie wanted to cover his ears as the girl let out a pitiful scream but he didn't want to set his explosives off. However, he did look away. Witnessing two shootings was bad enough but there was no way in hell he was going to stare at a knife protruding from a hand.

"Careful, you don't want to struggle too much," the hijacker warned.

His heart sank when he realised the man was now heading towards him. "You, you're coming with me," he said, placing a hand on Jamie's shoulder.

"Where does this one go again?" the other hijacker asked, pointing to the man he was stood next to.

"He's got no real purpose now that you killed the biddy. Unless he comes on the jet with me."

"Could stick him with the girl. That way we make doubly sure those boxes go if they refuse."

Jamie felt the man's grip on his shoulder tighten. "And secure him with what? There was one knife in that bag, dipshit."

The other hijacker clenched his gun tighter. "Screw this!"

But before he could raise gun, the hijacker holding Jamie grabbed his gun from his waistband and shot his accomplice straight through the head. Jamie tried not to jump but he jolted in his spot, his heart hammering frantically in fear he had triggered his explosives. Thankfully, he hadn't.

"Well that's fucking great," he muttered, letting go of Jamie and going over to where the other man stood, seemingly paralysed from the shock of the gunshot. "You're coming with me." He grabbed the bag that the other hijacker had let go of before leading the man away from the body.

They were both guided onto the jet that sat outside the warehouse. He could still hear the girl's sobs as they were instructed to climb up the jet's stairs. Once Jamie would have appreciated the interior of the jet but considering the circumstances, he barely spared it a glance as they were both gestured to take a seat. He began to wonder why until the hijacker opened the bag and pulled out a roll of masking tape.

He looked between the two and gave them a grin. "Show time."