
Jamie Hillington

"Hello everyone! This is your very happy pilot speaking and I just want to advise you to buckle up as we are about to take a short detour onto land," the man over the intercom announced, making Jamie raise his head. A detour? They were going to land and then go back into the sky? He wasn't an expert in any way about plane hijackings, but he had never heard of a plane making a quick stop being flying into a building. It normally just changed course before hitting its target. Everyone knew that.

As much as he didn't want to attract too much attention to himself despite being one of the 'chosen' ones, he couldn't help looking around at the other three people who had been chosen as well. The elderly woman was clutching her necklace and mouthing what he assumed to be a prayer, while the father looked as if he were struggling not to get up and run back to his family. He was still holding the girl's hand, although they would let go whenever a hijacker looked their way.

The announcement seemed to shift the atmosphere in the air. He could almost envision some people making plans to rush the hijackers once they had landed the plane and escape through the open door. It did sound like a tempting idea but from what he had seen, he didn't think they were dealing with men who were that stupid. They had hijacked a plane, for Christ's sake, did people honestly think they would land it and allow people to rush them? They probably had a plan, he thought. Some way to ensure that no one tried a stupid move once the plane hit the ground.

The hijacker that had chosen him came back into view and Jamie quickly dropped the girl's hand. Out of all the hijackers, it was this one that Jamie feared the most. He wasn't sure whether it was because the man appeared to be the most insane out of the ones that had presented themselves, or whether it was because it was he that forced Jamie to separate from his mates and seemed eager to inflict who knows what onto the four chosen ones.

"You heard the pilot, buckle up!" the man shouted, clapping his hands and making the girl next to Jamie jump.

All around he could hear people moving around and trying to make sure they were secured in their seats. None of them wanted to be discovered disobeying the orders, and he could definitely understand why. Since they had revealed their true intentions, there had been violence aplenty.

The man headed away from them, presumably to try and find someone who didn't listen. As soon as he was out of sight, the girl shifted slightly closer to him. He grasped her fingers and gave them a light squeeze. He wanted to naively believe that they would get through this, but of all hijacking he had ever heard of, survival was not something that accompanied them. Why hijackers needed to kill people when their intended target is a building, he would never know. Would it just be so much easier if they dumped the passengers somewhere rural and then carried on their merry way to wherever it was they intended to fly into? He could live with knowing that the people in the building wouldn't survive, he really could.

"We are almost touching ground. Would the ones getting off please be ready," the voice over the intercom said.

As if it was a signal, the man came back to the front and was joined by three others. They each pulled out a gun and if Jamie was religious, he would be saying a prayer right now.

The man he was all-too familiar with came over to the four of them and gestured for them to stand. The girl and he broke contact as they all climbed to their feet.

"Why the long face?" the man asked, looking between the four of them. "We're going outside, on an adventure! Be happy!"

Prompted by the gun, they all shuffled towards the plane's door where they were told to not move until they received the word from the pilot. In ordinary circumstances, he would be be thrilled to be in touching distance of getting off the plane. But these weren't ordinary circumstance, and while he might be getting off the plane, he didn't think this nightmare was going to be over just yet.

If Jamie thought it was dangerous on the plane, he couldn't begin to imagine what was going to happen on the ground.