Status: Complete

Full Moon Blood Lust

The Forest Part II

"James hurry up, someone is coming!" A man yelled. The vampire named James let go of my wrist while all of the other vampires ran away. In a blink of an eye they were gone and I was left to bleed out. They left me here in pain as it started to merge everywhere into my blood steam, I did not know what was going to happen to me.

I laid there all alone, no one came to rescue me. I wish I could have ran away and avoided this situation, but I was too weak to move. My broken bone and the loss of blood caused me to pass out; I did not know if I was ever going to wake up again. After sometime I felt the warmth of the sun shining down onto my face, my eyes fluttered open as the sun caused me to become disoriented. I realized that I did not die after all, in a sigh of relief I tried moving myself so I could go home. I needed to let Dena know about my encounter with these vampires. Dena's werewolf pack needed to know about the vampires in Forks, that they were dangerous and are looking for more blood. I shifted my body over onto my back and sat up, noticing I could painlessly move my ankle. I became confused and thought that maybe I was still sleeping; maybe I was in a dream. I did not feel any pain, it was as if something was different, I did not seem injured. I looked at my wrist and it was now just a crescent scar with crusted blood around it. To wake myself up I tried getting myself up off the ground, hoping within my dream I would fall in my sleep waking myself up. When I stood on my own two feet, I stepped forward without crutches and felt no pain. This made me curious so I pulled at my leg cast, with ease the cast busted open and broke. I began to feel that maybe I was not in a dream, that this all felt too real. I began freaking out; I started to shake as I brought my hands up to my field of view. I looked at my hands, they were pale and shaking. I had this strange argue in the back of my throat, I must have been dehydrated.

I then heard something coming; I started to run because I did not want the vampires finding me again. In fear I ran so fast that I did not know where I was in Forks, I stopped and looked around to see if I recognized where I was. On my left there was a large house where I needed to hide until I felt safe, however, the front door was locked. So with all my strength I pushed it open with ease and broke down the door. I ran over to a room within the house, which looked like a living room. I looked at the walls and I found a large mirror, I slowly looked at myself. Within the reflection I touched my face lightly, I looked different, I looked beautiful. My faded highlights were gone and it looked like I had natural blond hair again. Within my dream I went closer to the mirror and my eyes were red. In fear I reached out and punched the mirror, the glass shattered all over the room. When I brought my hands back to my body, I then realized that I was no longer in a dream. I was a vampire. I yelled out in frustration and fear, because James turned me into a vampire. I stood there for a second because I thought I heard something, and then I heard it again. Someone was coming from the other room and I was scared, I did not know who it was going to be. Once they walked into the living room, I went running and jumped onto them to hold them down. I did not know who it was; I just knew that I had to protect myself.

"Rosalie quit it!" The guy laughed as he called me Rosalie. Who was Rosalie? I looked at him as I recognized who he was, while he recognized me. I backed up and looked at him; I did not know what to do. Although, somehow he knew what was different about me because his heart was also not beating. Emmett Cullen was also a vampire, everything was a lie.