Status: Complete

Full Moon Blood Lust

The Forest Part V

"I think it is your emotions that are controlling this ability. Once you practice a little more it will be like riding a bicycle, you'll never forget how," Jasper smiled. He started to walk towards me, like everything was okay now. I trusted him and I took a few steps towards him.

"It's just I'm leaving so much behind! I'm leaving Jacob, my friends, and family. I can't go near them and I love them all so much!" I cried, but nothing came out. I was mad that I was a vampire; mad that I could not cry, and I was mad that I could not see the people I loved the most. I looked at Jasper and he just stood there, he could not say anything to me because he did not understand. Once again I collided into his chest and I hugged him tightly, I needed his comfort.

When I looked up at Jasper from our hug he told me, "Joanna, I promise that you will never have to feel alone with me!" We both smiled as we let go from our hug.

"Promise?" I asked.

"I promise!" Jasper agreed while I squeezed him into another hug. I could feel him get more comfortable with me, because he was accepting the fact that I needed him more than he ever thought I would. Jasper never guessed that I would become like him and his family.

"Good, because you're the only one left. You're my only friend!"

"You will always be more than just a friend to me," Jasper smiled looking down at me as his arms were still around me. I just wished I did not fall for Jasper because he has a girlfriend, but I cannot help myself. Jasper is my safe place, the only one I have.

"I feel the same way; you don't know how happy that makes me!"

"I am glad, I was unsure on our situation... But I just wanted you to know that you not only have me, but you also have my family," Jasper explained, but of course he was wrong. I knew his family would never like me because of what I have done behind Alice's back. So, why would they help me? I fear when they all find out what I have done.

"Are you sure?"

"I am positive; they understand what you are going through. Each and every one of us know the struggle of transiting into a new vampire, so of course we are going to help you. My family would never leave a new vampire out on their own, we understand that it is hard to transition and manage different changes. So, we are here to help you!"

"Well, I hope you're right Jasper!"

"You just have to trust me... Now do you believe you are ready to hunt?

"I know I'm ready! Where do we begin?" I asked him while I looked around and spotted a small wild rabbit. I looked over at Jasper and he nodded at me, to encourage me he nudged me forward. I stood there for one second to watch the rabbit; I did not want to scare it away. Once the rabbit stopped to nibble on grass I raced towards it and held onto it. My grip was so tight that its bones crushed underneath my fingertips. I plunged my teeth into its small neck, once I let go of the dead carcass of the rabbit I got up and looked back at Jasper. He was smiling and clapping at my achievement, I just successfully hunted rabbit. I bowed down and we both began to laugh.

"How do I look?" I questioned wiping my mouth off with the back of my hand. I knew by the look of the dead rabbit and my hands that there was blood everywhere; I guess that means I am a messy eater. I probably looked like I just stepped out of a slasher movie.