Insanity’s Raven

Darkness Takes Over

Francis stands up fixing his dark grey suit and his hair.

“Devlin show this brat her room.”

The shadows were moving again.  Francis turned his back to me and started walking away.  Before the shadows could touch him, Devlin pulled me towards the door.

“Calm down Rav, I know he is a pain in the ass but he helped us escaped Dr. Frost.”

Devlin led me through a few more doors till we got to a hallway full of doors; each had a different symbol on it.
The first door on the right had waves engraved on it while the door across from it had clouds and swirls representing wind. The second door on the right had mountains engraved on it while the door across had a giant oak tree on it. The third door on the right had flames going up.

“This is my room if you need anything.” He said pointing to the one with flames

The door across for Devlin’s had snow and ice on it. The door next to his had lighting striking down. The forth door on the left was a never ending desert. The fifth door on the right had musical notes floating every which way while the one across was made of metal instead of wood. The sixth door on the right looked like it had a crater in it while the door across from that one had blood running down it. The seventh door on the right had a skeleton on it while the one across from it was all white.

We stopped at an all-black door at the end of the hall.

“This is your room. I hope you like it. The girls wanted to decorate it.” Laughed Devin

I opened the door expecting to see pink but instead my room was dressed in black and purple. The bed was in the center against the back wall. A black wooden desk against the right wall, while two more black doors were on the left wall opened. One led to a bathroom, while the other was a closet.

“I have to go back. Rest and relax for a while.” Said Devlin shutting the door as he left

I walked into the bathroom to find a pair of scissors. Smiling to myself I picked them up and proceed to chop off the waist length hair. I cut to about my shoulders, even adding layers. That felt so much better.

After a while a knock came from my door. I opened it to find Devlin standing on the other side.

“Come with me.” He said

“Why should I?” I asked

“I am to train you.” He said walking off

I followed him to a huge room with a raised, circle platform in the middle. He stepped on the platform, walking to the other side. I stepped on staying on my side. Vivi and Aron were on the sidelines watching.

“How are you going to train me?” I asked watching him carefully

“Since you were in that hell hole the entire time and after that little emotion display in the control room it has come to our conclusion you have little or no control of your powers.” Said Devlin

I raised an eyebrow. I couldn’t believe they just assume I sat in my little white room drooling all over myself. Out of the corner of my mind I saw Vivi trying to get my attention. Reaching my mind to hers, she let me in.

‘With the look on your face I am hoping he is wrong’ Vivi say into her mind

‘I was in my little white room bored so instead of playing with my weird abilities I sat there and sang about mashed potatoes.’ I whispered in her mind

I heard her giggling. I smirked at the giant fireball heading my way.

“You need to pay attention.” I heard Devlin say

I disappeared in the fire’s large shadow right before it hit me.

“Mate I think that hit her.” Aron say

I hide in the shadows. As smoke covered the room, I jumped to Devlin’s shadow. To me shadows were like water, I hid under them look up through a film of dim light. Reaching out I barely touched his ankle sending me to his mind.
As my body stayed in his shadow, my mind plunged in. At first it was a white room before changing into a hill overlooking the sea. I knew right away this was Ireland. A little house stood before me. I opened the door to find a room of doors. One said memories, one said dreams and another nightmare just to name a few. In the center of the room was what I was looking for, or I should say who. Devlin stood before me with wide eyes.

“Rav.” He said

“You are supposed to say ‘Welcome to my mind’.” I said

Shadows came wrapping themselves around him. I had them hold them as I stepped around him to a red crystal looking thing. I touched it turning it black, as I did memories, or thoughts rushed to my mind. I pushed them aside but one caught my eye and I stored it away for myself. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I was back in the arena. I could feel my body in the shadows. I carefully wrapped shadows around my body to make sure it stayed hidden.

“Mate you ok?” said Aron as he and Vivi walked in the ring looking at me, at Devlin.

“Great! Take me to Francis.” I said but the voice was Devlin’s

“Raven?” Vivi asked in shock

“Sup.” I said

“What is going on? “Asked Aron

“Raven took over Dev’s body.” Said Vivi

“Shit.” Said Aron

With shock written on their faces and fear in their eyes they led me to the control room where not only Francis was but so where the others.

“Devlin! My boy was I right is she damn near worthless?” asked Francis walking over

“I wouldn’t Mr. Clay.” Said Vivi

“Vivi what’s wrong? You look like you have seen a ghost.” Said a Spanish girl

“I have a question for you Francis. Do you like the dark?” I asked with a growl

I conjured fire in my hands but it was black fire. That was new but I was keeping that to myself. I knew Devlin’s eyes had turned purple to match my own.

“Devlin?” asked a now Scared Francis.

“No try Raven.” I said

“Raven seems to have better control of her powers then we thought.” Said Vivi

I went back to my own body keeping a very tight hold of Devlin. I emerged behind him, scaring everyone even more.

“Devlin?”Asked Francis.

“Dev.”I said wrapping my arms around his neck

“I belong to Raven.” He said

“Oops I have his leash on to tight.” I giggled losing his “leash”

“Shit! She still has a hold on me.” Devlin said now in control of his mind, just not his body

“Use this as a lesson. I. Am. Not. Helpless. I have control of my powers and I am not worthless.”I said with a growl.

The lights shut off and I disappeared back into my shadows, releasing Devlin. I hid in the shadows of the control room listing.

“Devlin?” asked the Spanish girl

“I’m me, Sonora.” He said

“I told you that was a bad idea.”She said.

“I should have at least asked if she practice while she was in there. She wasn’t able to get into my mind at the hospital.” Said Devlin

“She may have poked at your block without you knowing. She was used to being able to enter anyone’s.” said Vivi

“What did it feel like mate?” asked Aron

“Weird. Like I was floating in darkness with no control.” Said Devlin

“She conjured black fire while she was in your body.” Said Vivi

“How?” asked Devlin

“Maybe this time ask her.” Mocked Sonora

She turned heading out of the room. Her hair was black and up in a tight bun. Her eyes though were different colors like a rainbow. I wondered what element she controlled. Maybe I will go speak with her it seems she is more willing to speak to me.