Mermaid's Lake

Mermaid's Lake

Mermaid’s Lake

By: Anna Courtney

September 21st, 2014
I walked to my uncle’s old cabin on the hill where he resided when he was alive. I loved that place when I was young. He left this cabin to me in his will before he passed away last week. The cabin’s secluded from everything. There is no civilization for miles. I had to talk to the police 3 towns over to take me to my uncle’s cabin. Right next to it was a swampy lake. When I was younger, my uncle told me that there were mermaids in there and he would always braid my hair and tell me to swim with the mermaids. but after a couple of summers, he told me to stay as far away from the lake as possible. I never questioned him about it. My uncle really loved that cabin. He loved his privacy. I was the only niece he had for it was only my mother and my uncle that I had in my life. He always told me that I was his ‘little mermaid.’ Although, I’m not really sure why he left me the cabin. I just thought that he left it to me because he loved me so much. In his will it read, “To my niece, Amelia. I give you my cabin just outside of town on top of the hill. May you take care of the mermaids in the lake.”
October 1st, 2014
The first week there seemed pretty normal. I was used to being alone a lot since I only had my mother and she was always working the whole time. I enjoyed my privacy just like my uncle did. I woke up around 4 am one morning to sit out on the porch and look out across the lake. It used to be so beautiful. There is so much moss in the lake that you can’t even see the water anymore. The water is so foggy and there was a faint mist above the water as well. I didn’t think anything of it at first, but when I walked back in the cabin to brew some coffee, I heard a faint sound of splashing that was coming from the lake. I just assumed that it was a frog and walked back inside.
October 13th, 2014
This is the second week I’ve been here. It’s starting to get very uncomfortable. Whenever I take a shower, the water would turn black and moss would come out of the spout, but when I would come back to clean it out, the bathtub would be perfectly clean. I woke up in the middle of the night in cold sweats because I felt like someone was in the cabin. I would go to the bathroom and the bathtub would be full of foggy black water. Someone has taken a bath in my bathtub. I’m starting to get really worried. There are water puddles leading out to the back down towards the lake. Someone must be playing a trick on me. My uncle never mentioned any of this when he lived here, so why would this happen to me?
October 20th, 2014
This is the third week I’ve been in this cabin. I called the police and told them that I suspected that someone was breaking and entering into my cabin. I’ve changed the locks in my cabin, I bolted the doors, and I only go out of the cabin when I need to. For some odd reason, every night around 4am the room starts to get cold, and no matter how much I tried to turn on the heater, it wouldn’t heat up the room. I lie in my bed freezing every night around 4 am. I lock my door and every night, it sounds like someone with wet socks was walking around on the hard wood floor…squish….squish…squish…

October 31st, 2014
I have had enough of this. I am finally going to confront whoever is breaking into my cabin. I’m taking the knife from the kitchen just in case they try to hurt me. I’ve called the police so they can arrest the intruder. I’m tired of being scared for my life. I’m going towards the lake because it seems like the person is coming in the cabin through the lake.

Police Report: October 31st, 4;30AM
Police have found four bodies in a lake by a cabin about three towns over. All bodies have been drowned post mortem. All bodies seem to have lacerations around their necks before they were drowned in the lake to make sure the victims were dead. Three of the bodies seem to be the little girls who went missing in our town about 10 years ago. All three of the victims have their hair braided with a seashell on the side of their head. It’s as if the killer dressed them up as “Little mermaids.”
The cabin was owned by a man named George Cooper who passed away a month ago. George Cooper’s DNA was found on the three little girls. The cabin was willed to his niece Amelia Bonds who has also been found in the lake with lacerations around her neck and drowned post mortem. The murder weapon was the knife that Amelia Bonds had clenched in her hands. What seems to be disturbing is that Amelia’s hair was braided like the other younger girls with a seashell on the side of her head. George Cooper’s DNA was on the knife clenched in Amelia Bond’s hand at the crime scene. George Cooper’s DNA was also found on the body of Amelia Bonds who drowned in the lake only less than 24 hours ago.