‹ Prequel: Indigo Soul
Status: Active, Please be Kind <3

Demon Eyes

Chapter Three Krissi

Chapter Three

My dreams were vivid and always the same. A demon with black angels wings keeping me safe and protected from the darkness and shadows that tried to smother me like some kind of light. My body was a glow the whole time and the demon never let anything or anyone hurt me. There was no pain or suffering, nothing but safety and security. I was content in the arms of my black winged demon. Happier then I had ever been. When I started to wake up my body ached a little. I felt different and I couldn’t put my finger on just what it was that had been so different about me now. The last thing I remembered was the most beautiful sapphire eyes I’d ever seen looking down on me.

My eyes met the same set of eyes looking down on me just as worried as before. But I wasn’t scared, I didn’t feel fear or panic as his eyes held mine. I felt content, like I had waited all my life for this moment.
“How do you feel?”
He asked helping me to sit up slowly. I looked around the room then back to me.
“Weird, really weird”.
He smiled a brilliant heart melting smile as he looked at me.
“That’s probably the best way to describe it. Do you remember what happened to you?”
I thought for a moment then the flash backs to my parents dying and that strange man stabbing me came back and I gasped in shock of them. Tears coming to my eyes.
“I, my parents”.

“They weren’t your real parents”.
He said placing his hand over mine. I looked up at him feeling confused and kind of scared now. I wasn’t scared of him more of this new information that the people who raised me were not my parents. He sighed tucking my hair behind my ear with a gentle tender touch.
“I’m not sure how much you’re ready to take in.”
I smiled at him feeling nervous knowing whatever I was about to hear was a big deal. I straightened up folding my hands in my lap looking up into his kind sapphire blue eyes that left me breathless.

“Tell me, I can take it”.
He nodded to me thinking a moment before he began.
“My name is Sapphire Bane, and you are my Demon eyes, a demon eyes is someone with a deep psychic bond with the demon they are bound to. A demon eyes is everything to their demon, their best friend, their closest confidant. Their truest love. Demons value no other higher than their demon eyes. The bond allows you to read my mind, feel my emotions and experience my pain as it does me from you”.

I was shocked already, this amazingly good looking guy that took my breath away made my heart flutter all at once was mine? He was beautiful to look at. Mostly his eyes above anything else. Sapphire took a breath giving me a moment to let that information set in and started again.

“You were born a mage, it is a level of magic user that comes without limit, Witches and Wizards can only control the elements. Wizards are a level below what you are. Or were”.
I panicked a little. Sapphire gave a heavy sigh.
“The man who attacked you was a vampire. He stabbed you with his sword and his sword was coded with vampire venom. You’ve gone through the change and are now the world’s only hybrid. Half vampire, half mage. You are an immortal”.

I looked down at myself feeling like my head was going to explode with information. This couldn’t be happening to me. This stuff didn’t happen to girls like me. Sapphire cupped my chin.
“I think that’s enough for now. You need to get a grip on what I’ve already told you”.
He stood walking to the closet and opening it. I turned myself setting my feet on the ground.
“So, there’s more?”
Sapphire turned back to me.
“Like I said, you are going to need time to let everything settle in”.
He handed me one of his shirts and a pair of shorts to wear. I looked up at him.

“Will you tell me the rest?”
Smiling at me, Sapphire gave a curt nod cupping my cheek.
“I will tell you everything. For now, you look like you could use a nice bath and some relaxing time. Julius will take care of you while I’m away. I need to meet up with the demon court, they seem pretty instant that I present myself to them”.
I nodded to him as he grabbed a leather jacket form the back of the door pulling it on. He looked back at me.

“I won’t be long. And use this to buy yourself some clothes”.
He gave me a credit card and I was shocked by his generosity. It wasn’t something I was use to in the slightest. So much raced through my mind as I watched him disappear down the stairs. I couldn’t shake the feeling we’d been together before.
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