The Home


Rogue was getting restless without any reason. She had this feeling that something was going to happen, and she didn't like it. She had been thinking of leaving the Home for a few hours, until she was sure of what was going on and what those mixed signals had meant. Another one of her kind was coming, but that wasn't the problem. The bloodthirsty aura that kept coming onto her as to bite her was the cause of her uncertainty.

Deciding it was better to leave this place for a few hours to clear her mind without distractions, she went to the library where her eyes landed upon a note on the door.

A one on one session? Why now? the vampiress thought. She was about to rip apart the note when Marina called her name.

"Rogue?" came her sweet pheromone-filled voice.

The vampiress turned her head to face the young mind-reader. "Have you read this yet?" she asked, pointing at the note.

"No, so leave it in one piece please. I'm not really interested in playing with puzzles." Marina stepped beside the vampire and read the note. "Excellent!" she exclaimed.

"I guess you'll be reading everyone's mind during their session? 'Cause I can't think of another reason you'd be smiling about that." The vampiress was quick to catch on.

"I'd say you know me too well. It will be fun, don't you think?" And with that she turned on her heels and left.

Even though Rogue wanted to leave and forget all about the one on one session, she knew she had to stay and actually do it, so she went back to her room. Maybe staying alone in her own room would calm her somehow.
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Below, characters are linked to their writers:
Khloe | Camus | Mabuz | Tahmoh | Rollin West | Lana Bristow | Rocio Ryland | Marina Austin | Blyme Brodim | Abigail Peston | Alexander Aita | Dillon Shepherd | Maxwell Alchemy | Mariaxielle ''Rogue'' Hartsong

Special thanks to:
exploding boy. and Mr. Darcy for editing.
She Said Poptarts for the banner and layout.