Status: why do I do this to myself. AU. coming soon.

Star of the Sea

Ten Years Later

“They’d be proud of us ya know that right?” Marlene heard Sirius say before she took a sip of her tea and then rested her head on his shoulder with a smile on her face.

The last ten years had been hard. Of course, no one ever said, raising a kid was easy, especially when the child you’re raising isn’t even yours. Though just because Marlene didn’t give birth to Harry had never once made her love him any less. She did everything she possibly could to make sure that Harry felt loved, welcome, and like they were a family because they were. Even if Marlene wasn’t his mum, and Sirius wasn’t his dad, didn’t mean they weren’t a family. Over the last ten years, she’d started to feel like his mum. She couldn’t even count how many times she’d tucked him in at night, or kissed his head. It didn’t stop there either. She was the one who did everything she could to make sure he felt better when he got sick, and just listened when he needed her to. Marlene had put her heart and soul into raising Harry for the last ten years, something she was sure Lily and James would’ve done themselves if they could. She was sure they would’ve also done the same thing for her, and Sirius were the roles reversed. All of that was probably why it was so hard for her to accept that Harry was turning 11. And in their world that meant Hogwarts.

“I know,” Marlene finally said as they watched Harry run around the living room without a care in the world.

They’d already talked to him about being a wizard, and how that made him different from the other kids around them. They’d told him all about how much fun the school was, and that even if he was scared of going to a new school away from them and all the friends he’d made that he’d like it at Hogwarts. He’d make new friends and go on all kinds of new adventures. They told him all about the great time they’d had while they were there. And of course, they’d mentioned his parents. Which he’d seemed okay with everything.

“And I’m sure he’ll be safe at Hogwarts, I mean we both know it’s always been a safe place. Plus the teachers haven’t changed that much since we were there,” Sirius said, kissing Marlene’s head before he continued. “Once he’s gone though we’ll have so much free time that we can work, giving him that little sibling, he wants.” Sirius joked though he wouldn’t complain one bit about actually getting to have a kid with Marlene. Hell, he might even decide actually to listen to Harry and ask Marlene to marry him already.

He didn’t know why it hadn’t happened yet to be totally honest; after all, they had been together for close to fifteen years now. And there wasn’t a shadow of doubt in his mind that Marlene was the only woman he ever wanted to be with; given they had spent the last ten years raising their best friend's kid together, he was pretty sure she felt the same way. Of course, if he were to think about it, were someone to ask, he’d probably reply with something about how much stuff was going on in their lives.

A lot had happened, in the last ten years, though. Marlene’s family was killed, they’d lost a lot of their friends from school, James and Lily were murdered, Peter had gone missing and was presumed dead. Though Sirius didn’t believe he was dead, just that he’d gone into hiding. Of course, without actual proof of that, it was a little hard to prove. And they’d been given the chance to raise Harry since they were his Godparents. Which honestly raising him took a lot of their time, and it was almost all they did. Because he was James and Lily’s son, something they were reminded of every time they looked at him. Still, though the last thing either of them wanted was to screw something up and have him either not think they loved him enough, or that he wasn’t good enough. Frankly, because it wasn’t true. With him being older now, though, and about to go off to Hogwarts it made sense to Sirius that they’d try and add to the family they already had going. And Harry was bound to be more understanding of things.

“Do you think you’re ready for another baby?” Marlene asked, wondering if Sirius was being serious about having a kid or not. Honestly there were still times when she couldn’t tell between when he was joking and when he wasn’t.

“I am, I think the better question though is, are you ready for another baby? I mean I’m not the one who has to carry the thing around inside me for nine months you are.”

“I think it’d be delightful actually,” Marlene said, biting her lip, “I feel like we should ask Harry how he feels about it, though.” She added, hoping he would be because it was kind of what she wanted, but the last thing Marlene would ever do on purpose would be anything that could hurt Harry. Emotionally or physically.

Once Harry was sitting on the couch between them, Marlene smiled at him and kissed his head.

“You know that we love you right Harry?” She asked him messing with his messy hair a little, which reminded her more of James now more than ever.

Harry nodded his head. “Yea, I love you guys too,” Harry replied, looking between them, all of a sudden worried they had bad news, like he hadn’t been accepted to the school, and maybe they were going to get rid of him.

“Good, because well Marlene and I we want to have a baby together, but we don’t want you to feel like we’re trying to replace you or like you’re not enough for us. Because you are, and, we’re not trying to replace you. No matter what, we’ll still love you. Do you understand?” Sirius asked.

“So would the baby be my little brother or sister?” Harry asked, feeling a lot better knowing now that they weren’t getting rid of him, and maybe he was still going to the school they’d told him all about.

“That’s right, they’d be like your little brother or sister,” Sirius said pretty sure that Harry had wanted a sibling, and even if he weren't blood-related to them, he’d learnt a long time ago that blood doesn’t always make a family.

“You’re alright with that aren’t ya Harry?” Marlene asked smiling at him.

Harry nodded his head, then smiled back and leant into Marlene. “I’m sure the new baby will love you as much as I do. Because you’re a great mum.”

Marlene just hugged Harry and smiled, trying to hold herself together and not cry. Honestly, though it was a lot harder than it seemed. She hadn’t taken Harry in hoping to get anything in return. She’d done it because it’s what she promised Lily and James she’d do with Sirius if anything happened to them and they couldn’t do it themselves. Hearing Harry tell her, though that she was an excellent mother just made her heart swell with joy because it was probably the sweetest thing he’d ever said to her. Sure she loved it when he told her he loved her. But usually, she said it first, plus she and Sirius had done so much to teach him how to talk and even say I love you in the first place. So this was entirely different. And she liked it.