Night Changes


Joanna’s POV- Summer 2014
I turned off the car and let out a deep breath. Well Sidney did not want to continue the relationship that was blossoming and honestly I wasn’t that hurt over it. Sure I liked him and thought he was a handsome guy but honestly I didn’t know much about him just that he was Canadian and that he traveled. I was attracted to him but I felt like I told him more about my life than he did about his. I was an open book, and he was a diary with an actual good lock not those crappy ones you jiggle to unlock. Oh well, I wasn’t going to let that ruin my night. I grabbed my purse and made my way to the restaurant.

I spotted Ariadne and made my way over to her. Her boyfriend was sitting next to her texting away. He frowned and sighed as he put his phone on the table. He was blonde, tall by the looks of it and a very handsome guy. Ariadne had mentioned that he hated wearing a tie because he said it was constricting but there he was wearing one and not fidgeting. He told her something and she shrugged and smiled at me when she saw me. She elbowed him making him look up with wide eyes.


I smiled as she stood up. We were roughly the same height. I hugged her and she grinned at me as her boyfriend continued looking up at us. I then noticed he was waiting for Ariadne to tell him when to stand up.

“You look so good!”

“Me? You look great” I told her.

She smiled and she was about to introduce me to her boyfriend and he was standing up when my phone began ringing. I pulled my phone out of my purse and saw it was my boss.

“I need to take this” I told her.

I turned to him and smiled. He was literally shaking in front of me.

“You can stop shaking, I’m not going to kill you” I said making him laugh and sit down.

Ariadne was like my sister, she always came to me for advice and the fact that she wanted me to meet her boyfriend meant that she was really into him.

“Hello” I said.

I excused myself and I made my way outside because the phone reception was pretty bad in there.

“I’m sorry for interrupting your Saturday evening but I just wanted to call you to tell you about the position you applied for. I heard back from my friend”

I leaned back on the wall, and took a silent deep breath. I had applied for my dream job; the only problem was that it was out of state.


“Yes?” I asked him.

He let out a laugh

“You need to come pack your desk tomorrow because you got the job”

I smiled and let out a deep breath.

“Congrats Joanna”

“Thank you” I told him sincerely.

“I didn’t tell you the location but I will tell you now. The job is in Pittsburgh. You will be foreseeing that leg for me”

I nodded slowly and smiled. Pittsburgh was beautiful, Ariadne was always posting pictures of the city all the time, and I loved how homey it looked.

“If you say yes, you start in two weeks”

I rubbed my face this was going too fast. This was too good to be true.

“I need to think this through” I said and flinched as I said it.

I had to tell my family.

“Of course, we need an answer by tomorrow though”

I nodded slowly and laughed.

“I will get that answer, thank you so much” I told him.

“Congrats again Joanna”

“Thank you, I will see you tomorrow Mr. Swanson” I said.

“Have a nice evening”

“You too, bye” I said.

I hung up and let out a deep breath. I made my way back inside and he looked up. He stood up and smiled at me.

“I’m Beau”

I shook his hand.

“Joanna, or Jo. I turn to both” I told him as I smiled because he didn’t laugh.

He was afraid of me, wonder what Ariadne must have told him about me. He nodded slowly and smiled as I took a seat.

“How’d the phone call go?”

I looked at Ariadne and smiled.

“Remember the job position I was telling you about?” I asked her.

She smiled and nodded. She was studying Biomedical Engineering as well, but she had just graduated from her undergrad.

“I got it” I told her.

She smiled and Beau smiled at me.

“Why are we smiling?”

“Jo was an intern for a Architectural Engineer”

He looked at me and nodded impressed.

“He told her to apply for an out of state position and she got it. Where is it?”

I was about to answer but the waiter came over and asked me for my order. I ordered some pasta and some tea. I was driving so no alcohol. She waited and when he left I smiled at her.

“Pittsburgh” I told her.

She shrieked so high making some people stop what they were doing to look at us.

“Oh my god! Really!”

I laughed and nodded.

“If I say yes, I start in two weeks” I told her.

She frowned.

“What do you mean if you say yes? You obviously have to talk with your family but even they will agree that you have to go to Pittsburgh!”

I sighed and looked at her.

“I’d have to find a place to live in less than weeks” I told her.

She shook her head and looked at me.

“Nonsense! You’d live with me!”

I looked at her and she nodded.

“Yes, you’d live with me! I need a roommate and everyone is stupid except you”

I laughed and looked at her. I looked at Beau who smiled and nodded.

“I’ll think about it, that’s really sweet of you though” I told her making her nod.

I looked at Beau and smiled.

“How old are you?” I asked him.

He looked at Ariadne who laughed and nodded.


He smiled.

“I’m 22”

I smiled and nodded.


I grinned at him and looked at Ariadne.

“You don’t ask a lady that” I told him making him laugh.

He was a sweetheart who obviously adored his girlfriend. He was gorgeous, and tall. He played hockey as well, for the Pittsburgh Penguins. I’d have to look into the team because he claimed I would be going to a lot of games with Ariadne.
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I have so much to do and it is barely noon. I hate Thursdays, I'm literally out until 9. when i get home at 9 i have a shit ton of homework oh and i eat a late lunch on Thursdays. I don't like it because that is so bad! Anyways enough about me.

Tell me how your day was and what you guys thought about this! I don't really reply to comments because i don't know what to say but i would love to get to know the people who read my writings :)