Status: this is for a contest

Twist in My Story

Chapter 3

"So you're that guy?" I am so lost.

"No I'm that guy way over there, yes I'm this guy ya loser," he laughs.

"I just don't understand, what's the point?"

"There's all kinds of points, you can be a theif, an assassin, a vampire, a warewolf, it's entirely up to you," his eyes are glued to the screen the whole time.

"Can I be a vampire assassin theif?" I say laughing at myself.

"Actually smartass, you can, you have to join the dark brotherhood for assassin, the thieves guild for the obvious, and just get a vampire to feed off you," still glued to the screen.

"I say it all as if it's so easy," watching intently, a battle in some kind of ancient ruins.

"Here you try," he saves his game and hands me the controller.

I start my game stuck in a horse drawn carrage with three other people, "I don't wanna listen to them talk," I'm whining at him.

"Oh shut up the story lines great," he glances from the screen to me.

By the time I could actually design my human 'nord' female all I had gathered was we were facing the death sentence.

Up on the chipping block waiting to be beheaded was my character when all of a sudden a dragon came out of no where, "Finish up this part and I'll make its some lunch," Jaxon gets off the couch and goes through the open doorway to the kitchen.

I went through a castle, escaped the Dragon and made it to a little town called Riverwood, "That's a good place to save," he shouts over his shoulder.

I save the game successfully and sit patiently on the couch waiting for what ever might be for lunch.

"Lunch is served," he yells only five minutes later.

I go to the dining room, which is part of the kitchen to the table set for two, which is all it's big enough for. I sat at one end and he places two grilled cheese and a bowl of tomato soup on the table in front of me.

"Well aren't we so fancy," I giggle.

"What did you want a five course meal?" he pokes back at me.

"Why yes, yes I do," I put my chin in the air.

"Well I'll go start the pasta," his hands reach towards my grilled cheese.

"What are you doing," I yell smacking his hand, "This is mine, don't touch," I smirk.

"Woah!" stepping back, "Don't bite my hands off, they're my best friend," he grins.

"Your disgusting, sit down and eat," I shake my head but I am use to his sick humor.

He sits across the table from me, and we eat, and talk about nothing important to anything at all, except us, in our own little world, doing what Jax and Mic do best, what we did best.