Sequel: 12 Years of Secrets
Status: active

Untangle Me

Fight or Flight

Dumbledore did not return to his office until the early hours of the morning looking worn out. Never before had I actually seen him look old until now, I realised he must be at least one hundred and six.

"Mrs Black, I'm sure Professor Parris ensured you were comfortable and that Ezra is taken care of?" Dumbledore asked settling himself into his chair. I nodded silently. "Good, then we must get our affairs in order."
"I know you think it was Sirius but it wasn't Professor, you must believe me!" I begged. I wasn't sure if I even believed it myself.
"Ophelia, this morning Sirius was arrested in London for the murder of Peter Pettigrew and thirteen muggles."
"I.. He can't have. I don't believe - he wouldn't!" I rambled as tears began to spill from my eyes.
"I'm truly sorry." Dumbledore said gently.

I closed my eyes and I cried knowing I would never know anything of happiness again. My life may as well have been taken from me too. My family had been torn apart by this war and nothing would ever be the same again. My husband, the man I loved and believe to be my soul mate had given his best friend, my brother, his wife and their son to The Dark Lord. Sirius had given up his wife and his own daughter too. Nobody had anything left.

"Ophelia, I'm going to share some theories with you now, that must never leave this room. Do you understand?" Dumbledore said when I had calmed down.
"Yes.." I whispered.
"Very well then, I shall begin." Dumbledore said flicking his wand towards his office door and it locked with a click. "I want you to listen very carefully as you will have to invest in this completely. I require your help.."

Last night Voldemort succeeded in murdering The Potters but failed in his attempt to murder young and defenceless baby Harry. The question that remains is why? I believe Lily giving the ultimate sacrifice of her life to save her son had something to do with it. Do I believe that Lord Voldemort is gone for good? Not at all. I believe he will be back and he will return for Harry to finish what he started. Of you Ophelia, I ask that you join my teaching staff and work alongside Severus to help keep Harry safe when he arrives at Hogwarts in ten years time." Dumbledore said eyeing me over his glasses.
"Why is Snape involved? He hates James and Sirius! He'd love nothing more than to hand Harry over to Voldemort given the chance!" I fumed, "You're an idiot to trust him!"
"On the contrary, I have every bit of faith in Severus' allegiance to our side. I need not explain myself but just know I trust Severus with my life." Dumbledore replied coolly. "I am asking of you that you take up the shared post of Transfiguration teacher with Professor McGonagall in order to watch over your nephew in his years yet to come at Hogwarts. When school dismisses for summer you will have a home in Hogsmeade village for yourself and Ezra. Do you accept?"

I thought long and hard about my answer. Did I really trust Snape to keep my brothers son safe? Of course not. Even if he wasn't a Death Eater, which he is, Severus had hated James since our first day at Hogwarts and vice versa. Never in a million years would James ever have Snivellus Snape watch over Harry. Despite my lack of trust for Snape however, I did trust Dumbledore a little too blindly. What did I have to lose anymore? My only priorities now were to keep Ezra and Harry safe. I had lost everything and everybody else.

"I'll do it." I said finally.
"Nobody must ever know of the work you are doing for me Ophelia. Ezra must never know about her father until the time is right. Harry must never know that you are his auntie until the time comes for him to know the truth about his destiny. Do you understand?" Dumbledore asked.
"I understand." I nodded.
"You will also have to change your last name incase Harry should ever find out about Sirius. He doesn't need to make the connection between you both." Dumbledore said finally, letting me know the worst was over. "Now I've had your things sent to your office which is located on the Transfiguration corridor. I'm sure you're familiar with Professor Vaughan's old classroom?"
"I had my fair share of detentions with him." I admitted.
"I don't forget." he smiled, "Madam Pompfrey is looking after Ezra to ensure you get a full rest and there should be a sleeping potion next to your bed waiting for you."

I stood up feeling heavy and drained. The lack of sleep was starting to get to me. It was amazing how much could be ruined in one night.

"Goodnight Professor." I yawned.
"Good morning." he winked with a smile.

I made my way to the office Dumbledore had told me and found my things arranged neatly. My new classroom was off through a door to my left and my living areas through to my right. Not bothering to accustom myself to my new surroundings, I went straight through to the bedroom and crawled into bed, pulling the sheets way up to my chin.

My head was bogged down with so many secrets and information. Words just floating around in my mind, making me groggy. I guess this was my life now. Living secrets and lies, all for the greater good. If Harry was the only person that could help defeat Voldemort, then I would do all I could to protect him when the time came.

My body, mind and soul needed to rest now so I drank the sleeping potion that had been left for me. Almost immediately I fell into a deep and dreamless sleep to prepare me to start my new life as Transfiguration teacher, under my new name Odell Paul.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is the end, but keep an eye out for the sequel! I've got some of it written already which I will post soon but I'm currently writing mostly in dribs and drabs so you will have to be patient with me!

I've enjoyed this story, I love Ophelia, definitely one of my favourite and better written characters! Hope you enjoyed it too. This story started off as a series of one shots but it was fun.

Thank you.