Status: Work in progress

I Fell Into Harry Potter

Chapter 5

I guess Snape was to tired to argue cause all he did was give Albus a very cold glare, sighed, looked at me, then walked out the door. I foolwed after him and his long ass legs. I had to jog to keep up with him.

"Wait!" I say panting. "Get down on one knee facing away from me." I give him my best puppy dog eyes to make sure he did what I wanted. He does what I told him to and I proceed to jump onto his back.

"ON WARD MY NOBAL STEED! LEAD US TO VICTORY!!!!!!!!" i yelled to annoy him more. But, he just sighs again, gets up, and continues to walk to his room. I didn't really pay attention to where we were going. But, we got there fairly quickly.

Snape stopped outside a portrait of a very handsome gentalman wearing green and silver robes.

"Aconite." Snape mumbles. The potrait swings open to reveal a nicely done living room with leather couches and all different shades of brown, green and blue. It looked just like I expected it.

I hop off his back (which was pretty fucking far down if you ask me) and look at him.

"I don't have a guest room so you can either sleep on the couch or the floor cause you are not getting my bed." Snape says glaring at me again. It still has no affect on me what-so-ever.

"Okay, but can you conjure me a big shirt?" I ask as politely as I could. He glares at me than conjures a long sleeved shirt that was 2 sizes too big. 'Perfect.' I think.

Snape walks away into a room and closes the door. So I start undressing right than and there thinking he went yo bed, but apparently not. His door opens again when I'm in my underwear........ 'Uh oh this isn't good.' I thought seeing the astonished look on his face. I was actually kinda funny.

"I thought you went to bed, but apparently not." I said to him. I than spot the large wool blanket he has folded in his hand, so I try to play it cool. I walk up to him (still in my sports bra and underwear), grab tge blanket and walk away again...... well I tried to walk away, but I fell...... onto Snape...... ans he caught me.... and his hand landed on my boob.

I shriek and yell in horro and surprise causing him to drop me onto my ass. 'EWW.... on second thought, OWWWWWW that hurt. Does he drop everyone on their ass or is it just me he does it to.' I thought. I cover my cheat and sanh, "Hey! Don't touch me there, that is my no-no square....... R.A.P.E KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM ME..... just kidding..... sorta." I couldn't. help but laugh at his expression. He turns away into his room, closes the door and doesn't come out again.

I walk back to the couch, put the shirt on (it was dark green and came down to the middle of my thighs) ans laid down on the couch with the blanket on me.

I trird to sleep, but I couldn't. I kept thinking about my home. I miss my friends. Alanna with her purple hair and extreme tallness. Dakota and Jesenia, my twins in everything but blood. Kevin, Daemon, Zach, and Antonio my craziest guy friends, tgey always make me laugh. Sam,Hunter and Eli, the guys who will always talk with me.

Bit, I miss my mom most of all. She's always there to make me smile and laugh. She may be inappropriate at times, but I love her anyway. Without knowing it, I fell asleep.