Status: incomplete

The Best Mistake

Chapter 22


Alan's p.o.v

5 months....(continued)

After a wait that seems like a lifetime Dr. Fuentes finally comes into my room.

"Ah! Alan, good to see you again" He says cheerily.

"Good to see you too Dr. Fuentes." He blushes and nods.

"Please, call me Vic. Anyways, sorry I was so late. My husband was at a ultrasound. He's four months pregnant" he chirps excitedly. I can already tell he's going to be a great father. Just like Austin.

"Okay, let's continue this, shall we?" He tells me to pull up my shirt so he can put the cold gel on my bump. He moves the wand thing around and looks for my baby on the screen.

"Ah there she is!" I gasp and tears come to my eyes when I look at the screen. A little tiny thing floating around inside of me.

"I-it's a she?" My voice cracks and the tears run down my face when Vic nods. I look over at Austin and see him smiling with tears of his own.

"I'm so happy for you baby" he whips my tears before kissing me softly. I put my hand on his cheek before pulling away and looking back at Vic, who's smiling. His eyes even look we from tears.

"Would you guys like a picture?" We get 10 of them for: me, Austin, my parents, Austin's parents, Tino, Phil, Alex, and Jack.

"Thank you so much." We both tell him before hurrying out of the hospital.

"So, what do you want to name her?" Austin asks during the walk home.

"I don't really know. I actually haven't thought about it, since I've been so busy with work. Will you help name her?" I look up at Austin with puppy eyes I know he can't say no to. He sighs and smiles.

"You know I will."

I take Austin's hand and think about my life for a moment. So much has happened over the last few months. I'm pregnant, I'm dating Austin and I actually got a job. I'm more happy than I have ever been and I consider that a huge accomplishment. But I couldn't do it without Austin by my side because he's my rock, and I don't think I could live without him.