Green Eyes Dont Lie


I laid there on the kitchen floor, vision going in and out of focus spots dancing around the edge of my vision fighting for control. I groaned as I lifted my head to see the damage that has escalated over a simple question
'What do you want to do for dinner?'
I guess what was one of the 'do as your told' situations. I shifted my weight so I could scramble off the cool tile, broken glass, water a few ice cubes and take out menus littered the counter top and floor.

I sat up slowly wincing at the kitchen light, taking a mental note of my injuries my lip was swollen and cut open, my vision was a little off meaning I have a pretty decent black eye, my ribs hurt as well as my shoulder and neck. I sighed closing my eyes fighting back tears, Never once did Mark my boyfriend of 3 years lay a hand on me, it had always been petty arguments and bull shit fights but physical abuse has never been a problem until tonight.

I stood grabbing the counter for support, I looked around taking a better look of what had happened. My memory fuzzy as I tried to piece everything that took place the past two hours, I swallowed back the acid building in my throat, I listened waiting for Mark but all there was; was the sounds of the ocean waves crashing against the shore line and the hush sound of the evening wind. Mark wasn't home he most likely went to the bar. I swallowed hard figuring I had a limited window of opportunity to get out of doge before it happened again.

I stumbled up the stairs my body refusing to move as quickly as I needed it too it protested with muscle screams of pain as I reached the landing of the second floor. I hurried down the hall to the bedroom. I grabbed some clothes and looked around, Pictures of Mark and I lined the dressers happy smiling faces stared back at me. I picked up the one of us smiling and happy it was taken just 2 weeks ago when he proposed to me and a photographer caught the kiss and the happiness in one shot. How could he flip a switch like that in 2 weeks? I felt tears well up as my hands started to shake I was broken, I was angry, I was hurt.

I threw the picture in the wall hearing the glass shatter upon impact, I took my engagement ring and put it on his dresser., After I witnessed my mom get beat by my step dad I vowed to never let a man treat me like that. I grabbed my duffle bag and threw what I could in to it and knew I could only go to one place where I would be safe.
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Forgive me, I haven't written for a while so I'm a little rusty, but I figured I'd give my notebooks a break and see what everyone thinks, I love feed back so if you have a moment just leave a comment and let me know.

Thank you.