Status: Hope you enjoyed my story

My Autobiography

My name is Andraya Randolph. I was born in nampa, ID at the Mercy Medical Center. My birth date is May 2nd, 1997. Nampa may not seem like the best place in the world to some people. But to me, it was home.
I dont remember alot of my child hood. But the stuff i do remember are the best memories i have. I grew up on the Northern side of nampa, by the train tracks. I lived in a little trailer with my grandma, my mom, my step-dad, my brother donny, and my sister mickayla. Our family wasnt perfect but we were happy. At least for a while we were.
Things started to go downhill when i was about 4 years old. My sister had died from being really sick. This had a huge impact on my family, and not in a good way. My step-dad, jeremy, would never come home. He began to use drugs again and repeatedly cheated on my mom. With my dad acting like this, only made things worse for my mom. Not only did she have to cope with the fact that her daughter is now dead. But now she has to deal with her husband going back to drugs and cheating on her. After a few months of this behavior my mom ended up trying to commit suicide. She tried overdosing on pills, and had to be rushed to the emergency room. Things didnt get better for a while.
Eventually my mom got back on her feet and realized she needed to be around for her kids. She devorced my step-dad and finally got a job. But so did my step-dad. So my mom decided to let us go and see him on the weekends. We were so excited to see him. Until we got there, and realized that we would be spending the weekend with him and his new girlfriend.
This girlfriend of his happened to be the same girl he cheated on my mom with. So you could say it was pretty akward for me. Even though i was only four, almost five. I knew exactly what was going on. My dad and this girl didnt last very long. I knew it was only a matter of time before my dad came crawling back to my mom. She made it seem like she didnt want him back. But she wasnt fooling anyone. Everyone knew eventually they would end up back together. And they did.
When i was about six they got back together, But this didnt last long either. This relationship lasted until i was about nine years old. Due to the fact that he cheated on my mom again. And because i was older this time, my mom thought it was time she told me the truth. She finall told me, after nine years, that jeremy wasnt my dad. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It took a while for to except this but at the same time realize why they would lie to me. come to find out the reason they had lied to me was becouse my mom wasnt quit sure who my dad was.
So while im trying to figure things out and try and put the pieces of my life together, my mom and step dad start seeing eachother again. But this time it was different. They got remarried had more kids together. My dad finally got a better paying job, and could finally provide for us. I was so happy to have my dad back in my life but at the same time i knew that he wasnt really my dad. I thought that if i didnt talk about it and didnt try to find out who my real dad was then i would end up forgetting about it. But over the years it got to me. I finally opened up to my mom about it. I told her how i felt and that i felt like something was missing. She understood and told me who my real dad was. Toby Luna was his name.
But we had to be sure, so we got a paternity test. And within a fiew weeks the results came back that toby wasnt my biological father. after that i gave up, i didnt see a point in searching for some one that didnt really excist.
Now im 17 years old and ive realized that just becouse jeremy isnt my biological dad doesnt meen hes not my dad. Hes came a long way from what he used to be. He provides for me and has given me an amzing life. I will always have respect for him. Hes helped make me into the person that i am today, i honestly dont know were i would be without him to help guide me in the right path.
  1. chapter 1