The Perfect Combination

Chapter 13

"Hit the showers. Practice is over" Mou said as we all walk gingerly back to the locker rooms.

"Hey Sergio, wait up." Iker yelled as I rolled my eyes. I knew that all he wanted to talk about was the situation between me, Natalia and Fernando. How he found out about what was happening between us was a mystery but if I knew Iker he would snoop around until he found out the whole story.

"Yes Iker" I replied dramatically, when he finally caught up to me.

"I heard about the situation between you, Nati and Fernando" he began.

"Nothing gets past you Sherlock Cassilas" I teased him.

He ignored my comment and continued on “So what are you going to do?”.

"Nothing" I replied nonchalantly. "Lia’s pregnant with my kids and no matter how hard Fernando tries, I know that she won’t take them away from me to be with him”

"Are you sure about that?" he asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I am. Why? Do you know something I don’t?" I ask suddenly concerned that Fernando had somehow poisoned Lia against me.

"No. I don’t" he answered while scratching his head. "I just think you shouldn’t be too confident that Nati will stay in Madrid and you’ll get a happily ever after with your kids."

"Why not?"

"Look Sergio. Right now Nati is looking for someone who offers her stability and safety. And Fernando is all that". I made a move to argue but he continued. "I know what you’re gonna say, yes those are your kids and you deserve to be in the lives more than Fernando does but can you honestly guarantee Nati that you’ll stick around and help her raise them even when the whole parenting thing gets hard?"

I stuttered for a bit before I answered, “Of course I will.”

"You don’t sound so sure buddy" he detected. "I think you should consider things carefully before you try playing super dad" he concluded before nodding his head and making his way inside the locker room.

I followed him in and took a shower but the whole time I was in there all I can think about is what Iker said back in the foyer. Maybe I’m not really ready for the responsibility of fatherhood? Maybe Fernando and Iker are right, Nati and the twins need someone who they can depend on and how can they depend on me when I can’t even take care of myself?

These questions kept on running through my mind as I showered. When my hands start turning pruny I step out, dry myself off and changed. I decide that I needed to talk to my parents about what I should do.


In Seville

After a 2 hour drive I finally pulled up to my parents’ driveway and a smile began to form on my face because I knew that these two people would give me the answers to my questions. My mother opened the door of the house and ran to give me a hug.

"Aah look at you" she smiled. "You become more handsome the more I see you"

I blushed at her compliment before saying thank you and she continued.

"What are you doing home during the week?" she asked as we walked towards the house.

"I need to talk to you and dad about Natalia" I admitted.

Her eyes light up at the mention of Lia’s name and I already knew she’s getting the wrong idea. My mom is completely and utterly in love with Lia and she is convinced that me and her are destined to be together, something she likes to remind me off every time her name comes up in a conversation.

"You’ve finally opened your eyes…" she began but I stopped her before she got carried away.

"No Ma. Me and Lia are not a couple. This is about the twins" I said as her smile fades.

"Okay. But mark my word Sese, you and that girl are the perfect combination. I just hope you don’t realize that when it’s too late." she stated before she walked away to fetch my father.

I made my way to the living room and made myself comfortable knowing that this conversation is going to be a long one.

My parents walked down the hall into the living room. When my dad saw me he greeted me with a hug before he sat next to my mom on the couch opposite mine and he spoke.

"Your mother says you need to talk to us about Nati and the twins. Is something wrong? He asked with concern etched on his face.

"No. All three of them are fine" I reassured them. "It’s just that… I’ve asked Lia to involve me in their lives".

My parents looked at each other before turning back to me with smiles on their faces. My mother was the first to speak.

"Ooh Baby, you’ve finally come to your senses. I’m so glad you are finally taking on some responsibility".

"Yeah" I responded lamely.

My father noticed this and he asked if anything is wrong.

"It’s Fernando"

"What about him?" he questioned.

"He told Lia that he wants to be with her and help her raise the kids together."

"Wait? He wants to be a family with her by using your children?" my mother questioned, outraged at the thought.

"Yes, he says he would offer them a lot more stability and safety than I ever would and for that reason he thinks I should just walk away from them" I explained to her.

"NO. You will not walk away from your responsibility this time Sergio" my father stated sternly. "You’re whole life we’ve let you give up when something is hard and cleaned up your messes. Not this time."

I nodded my head at his statement knowing what he is saying was true. My parents have never forced me to stick with something I didn’t like and maybe that’s why I lacked any sense of direction off the pitch.

"I know you and Natalia agreed to go your separate ways once the babies were born but the fact that she is considering your proposal about being a father to your children means that she wants you to be involved. And you will be. It will be hard, there are times you might just want to walk away but you will not Sergio, you hear me?!" he stated firmly.

I nodded my head in agreement with him but I still had some reservations and I found this was the perfect platform to air them out.

"Fernando and Iker seem to think I’m not ready to be a father because I’m still to selfish" I confessed.

"Well that is true" My mother reaffirmed firmly. "But you’ve got five months left to fix yourself up and get ready for fatherhood. And by the time they are here you won’t be perfect but you’ll be better than you are now"

"But what if I’m never ready?" I asked honestly.

"Sergio. No one is ever ready for fatherhood" My father comforted me. "There is no manual that tells you what to do and what not to do. You learn on the spot".

"What happens if Natalia doesn’t give me the opportunity to learn?"

My mother shook her head as if dismissing the idea that Lia would ever deny me access to my kids.

"Natalia is not a mean woman. She will allow you the chance to be a proper father to your children. It’s up to you to show her what a great father you will be."

I smiled as I think about the possibility of being a father something My mother noticed as she stared for a bit before speaking agains.

"Do you know what you are having yet?"

“A boy and a girl”.

Her eyes glistened after she heard this and she struggled to hold back the tears that were threatening to burst out. She stood up and walked to the couch I was sitting on before sitting down next to me and giving me a hug.

When she pulled away she has the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"You are going to be a wonderful father Sergio."

And with that I’m reassured that I’m doing the right thing. If Fernando thinks he can just come and take my family away from me he has another thing coming.
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To be continued...