The Perfect Combination

Chapter 5

"Irina stand still please. This is very expensive material" Natalia sneered at the Russian model.

"OK, but you should know that its rather tight around my midriff area. I can’t breathe properly" the model replied calmly.

"Well maybe if you’d eaten a salad rather than a burger for lunch, it wouldn’t be so tight would it?" the designer challenged by looking Irina straight in the eye. The only reply the model could master was a shrug to avoid any sort of confrontation.

"OK EVERY ONE GET IN YOUR POSITIONS THE SHOW IS ABOUT TO START" Terry yelled to the models and crew that were putting final touches to all the outfits.

"AND 3….2….1… Go Adriana"


*At the after party for the last night of fashion week.

"Congrats on the great line" said another famous face that Natalia had could not be bothered to remember.

"Thanks", she sweetly replied back before picking up her bag and heading for the exit.

"Leaving so soon?", Terry blocked her before she got to the door.

"Yeah. I’m not feeling well" she replied lamely.

"Your lying and we both know it but since I know Sergio is in town, I’m going to save the interrogation for the office." Terry offered.

"Thanks T. I’ll see you soon, and have fun yeah?"

"Oh there are very good looking models here, so of course I’m going to have fun" she replied, wiggling her eyebrows in the process.

Natalia couldn’t help but laugh at that as she walked out the building and to the car she had hired to escort her around New York for the week. She was headed for her rented hotel suite where Sergio would, without doubt, be waiting for her and wanting to discuss why she had been ignoring his phone calls since the second lab test confirmed she was not pregnant.

She labored to press the lift buttons once she got to the hotel and once the bell dinged to indicate that she had arrived on her floor, she couldn’t help but feel nervous about what was waiting for her behind that door.

However, she needed not worry about having a serious heart-to-heart with her hotel guest. This is because when Natalia opened the door, she was confronted by a sleeping Sergio stretched out on the couch with an NFL game playing on the t.v.

She did not even bother giving him a blanket in-case he got cold while he slept, she simply switched of the room lights and went to bed hoping tonight would be the first night in almost two months she wouldn’t cry her self to sleep.


Natalia was woken up by banging in the kitchen and swear words that a only a sailor would be proud of. She rose out of bed, went to the bathroom to brush her teeth before walking slowly to the kitchen to find a rather flustered Sergio Ramos rinsing a pan under the tap.

"Need any help?" she offered cheerfully.

"Yeah, you should call room service because what I cooked is not edible" he admitted.

"Uhm OK. Anything in particular that you want?"

"I’m not picky"

"OK pancakes it is" she grinned as she made her way to the phone. Ten minutes later the food was delivered. They decided to eat out on the balcony that had a beautiful view of the city, and internally Natalia hoped Sergio would not bring up her avoidance of him over the last few weeks.

"So…",she began, "how the team doing?".

"You know same old, same old" he replied lamely.

"Mmmm" was all she could muster back.

"How have you been?", he inquired.

"Ive been good. The line has been keeping me sooooo busy" she said hoping he would get the hint,

"So busy you couldn’t call me?", he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

Obviously he didn’t get her hint.

"Uhm about that, I’m sorry."


"I mean it Gio, I’ve been so preoccupied by things that I’ve let other things slip my mind" she admitted despondently.

"No, you haven’t let things slip your mind. You’ve let me go," he yelled back. "I get the fact that you’re disappointed about not being able to fall pregnant…"

She flinched as he said that, “but we can trying again. Lia I want to see you happy and I’m giving up a lot for you to help your dream come true.” he said more calmly, “but you’ve got to let me in on some things. I’m still technically your best friend and I’d like to keep that going for as long as possible.”

She smiled weakly at that confession before she replied, “maybe this is a sign…”.

"What are you talking about?"

"I’m talking about my inability to fall pregnant. Maybe its a sign that I don’t deserve happiness. Some sort of cosmic revenge for everything that has happened to me" she began. "I mean maybe the gods are trying to show me that a child of rape doesn’t deserve to have a child of her own. I was born as a result of a criminal situation and here I am challenging the rules of conception by trying to have a baby out of wedlock and without the father being present." she admitted.

"Hey, don’t think like that" he stood up and moved to comfort her as tears began to fall down her cheeks, "what your "father" did to your mom, was disgusting and had nothing to do with you. You not being able to fall pregnant now does not have anything to do with that. You have my word that I would do anything I possibly can do to help you fall pregnant and prove to you that you are way better than the circumstances you come from" he concluded before hugging her.

The hug and his words made her breakdown and cry at the realization that Sergio was willing to do anything to make her dream come true. Maybe if he wasn’t such a commitment-phob they would be a perfect couple but she was more than glad to have him as a friend.

As they broke apart and looked into each others eyes, something magnetic seemed to draw them back together but only this time it wasn’t their hands that wrapped around each other, but their tongues that seemed unable to get enough.
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To be continued...