The Perfect Combination

Chapter 7

"Aah if it’s not the Ramos family" Dr Lorenzo smiled as he called Natalia and Sergio into his office.

"Uhm Dr Lorenzo, we tell you this every time we come here. Me and Sergio are not a couple", Natalia began to correct him once again.

"Not yet", was the elderly doctor’s reply as he sat down on his chair. "So what can I help you with today? Are you guys in to try another round of insemination?” he questioned.

"Uhm not this time", Sergio answered. "Lia’s pregnant but she wanted to have a checkup with you to make sure everything was where it needs to be", he explained.

"Pregnant? Did you two turn to another doctor to do the procedure?” Dr Lorenzo asked. Looking hurt that his two favorite patients did this without him.

"No, no. Dr Lorenzo it’s not that. Uhm let’s just say this baby was conceived without the help of any medical assistance", Natalia began to explain.

"Oh so you two had sex", the Dr stated clearly.

"Uhm it’s a bit more complicated than that", Natalia interjected.

"Oh you two are the swinger types", the Dr continued, "I don’t condone such behavior but if…" the Dr continued but was interrupted by Sergio.

"Dr Lorenzo", he sniggered, "we are not swingers. Lia means it’s complicated in the sense that we slept together but are not together together. You understand?” he questioned as he looked at the Dr.

"I don’t understand but that’s because I’m an old man that still believes in tradition", he stated, making the two in front of him a little uncomfortable. "However, my beliefs should not affect how you two live your lives", he started up again, "now Miss Ramirez. If you don’t mind I need you to go into that little room and get changed so we can see exactly what’s happening in that stomach of yours" he smiled trying to comfort the young woman.

She nodded at this and did exactly what the doctor told her. Once she got undressed and changed into a blue and white hospital gown, she made her way to the bed that had an ultra sound machine next to it.

"Now just relax dear", Dr Lorenzo began again, "the gel I put on your tummy will be a little cold but we need it to help us see what’s happening in there", he told her in a tone that was reminiscent of a teacher explaining to a child.

Once again she nodded at what he said before she winced a little bit at the feeling of the cold gel on her stomach. Once she got used to the coldness, the Dr moved the small machine in his hand around her stomach in search of a heartbeat.

The first few minutes were nerve wrecking as no sound could be heard but once the machine got to the center of her stomach, Natalia felt the wind get knocked out of her. That simple sound was the greatest thing she’d ever heard and it took everything in her not to cry when the Dr began to explain what everything on the monitor was.


Sergio’s POV

'Oh My God' was the only thing I could think of when I heard the sound of my, uhm I mean Natalia's baby’s heartbeat. It was honestly the most precious sound I'd ever heard. The fact that I had helped create that little blob inside her made me more emotional as I continued to listen to what the Dr had to say.

"In a few weeks, its hands and feet should start developing and the heart beat getting even stronger" he concluded.

"When will we know whether it’s a boy or girl?” I blurted out before I could stop myself.

"Eager to know what you’re having", the Dr teased, “after the first trimester passes and the baby is perfectly safe we should know what gender the baby is" he replied.

"Uhm thanks Doctor" Lia said as she began to cover her belly up and move off the bed.

"Can we get pictures of it" I spontaneously said again, where this verbal diarrhea was coming from I had no idea.

"Well Mr. Ramos, you’re taking a rather avid interest in a baby that you don’t want", Dr Lorenzo commented.

"Uhm" I stuttered.

"It’s for me", Lia interrupted, "he knows I want to document every little moment until the birth so his asking for pictures because of me", she lied, while giving me a glare I knew meant I was in trouble.

"Well then. I’ll go get these developed for you while you change and well meet back at my desk to discuss what you have to do from now until your next appointment", Dr Lorenzo replied, while putting everything away and heading out the door.

The sit down meeting at the Doctor’s desk was a blur to me. Words like ‘take it easy’, ‘eating healthy’, ‘no stress’, etc. where uttered but I took no notice of this because I was too busy staring at the sonogram of the baby that was growing in Lia’s stomach, wondering if letting him go once he was born was what I really wanted to do.


*In the car

"What the hell was that?" Natalia snapped once they were on the road.

"What the hell was what?” Sergio answered as if clueless to what Natalia was referring too.

"Don’t play dumb Rapunzel", she shot back, "why did you ask the Doctor about pictures and the baby gender. I thought we agreed you wouldn’t get attached".

"I’m not", he said defensively, “I’m just interested". Natalia stared at him when he made the comment, but before she could say anything, he continued, "not like that. I don’t want a baby, it’s just cool seeing how babies develop and that rubbish" he defended himself.

"Maybe if you listened in school the first time, all of this wouldn’t be so fascinating" she countered.

"Yeah maybe" he finished off before silence once again descended on the two of them.

"I’m hungry", Natalia announced, breaking the silence.

"Okay that nice" Sergio brushed her off. From the stare she was giving him, he could tell that was the wrong answer to give. "Ok. You’re scaring me with that look. We are almost home and I’ll make you a healthy snack", Sergio tried to reason.

"I want McDonalds"

"Well you can’t have that you heard what the Doctor said……” Sergio started to argued but stopped when he saw Natalia’s eyes begin to water. "Why are you crying?" he probed, trying to keep his eyes on the road as well as on his rather emotional friend.

"I just want a burger and now you’re telling me I can’t have it", she said between sobs. "It’s bad enough I’m going to expand to the size of a whale in the next few months but now you are also denying me the only food that brings me pleasure", she continued as she sobbed relentlessly.

"I just want this one thing and now I can’t have it", she continued releasing the waterworks, "why can’t you just do what I want Sergio. WHY?!", she yelled back to him.

Sergio was left gob smacked at Natalia’s change in mood swings but attempted to remain calm in order to keep the peace in the car.

“Okay, Lia stop crying”, he said in a panic, “look I’m switching lanes and we are going to McDonalds. Don’t cry please.” he continued pleading.

At the switch in lanes, Natalia perked up and began to wipe her tears, realizing that Sergio was now relenting to her request. She smiled at him as her way of saying both sorry and thank you for understanding her needs. She began talking about what she would order once they got to the take area, while doing so Sergio sat back and realized why he didn’t want kids in the first place.

The hormonal change in pregnant woman was enough to drive him nuts.
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To be continued...