I'll Jump for You Bill Kaulitz

RUNNIN through the MONSOON

We were the first ones out in the venue, and we still had like a half hour before everyone else would be let in.

“Let’s check out merch,” Bea suggested.

“But I spent all my euros yesterday!” I cried.

“Psh, Tara, you know my mom gave us like 250 euros just for tonight!” she exclaimed.

Jeez her family was rich.

“Tara Schwartz?” they asked me when we got to merch. I was too overwhelmed by all the things that had Bill’s face plastered all over it.

“Yea,” Bea replied for me.

“You and your friend get free merch,” said the woman behind the counter.

Me and Bea both let out a squeal and started getting almost everything in site. I got a Schrei shirt, a shirt with Bill on it, and a shirt with the picture of the mud photo shoot from Zimmer 483-that was my favorite. I also got a messenger bag with their Scream America! picture on it, and a couple of key chains. The posters they had I already owned.

“Hey the Italian band is setting up,” Bea said as we stuffed our messenger bags with our shirts and stuff. Merch was gonna hold it for us while the concert was going on.

“They have a half hour set,” I reminded her.

“Hey is there a set list anywhere we could look at?” Bea asked the girl at merch, and soon walked back with a piece of paper full of song titles.

“Yay, they’re doing six English songs!” Bea squealed.

“Yes! Reden, and Ich Bin Nich’ Ich, and Beitche! Oh and Instant Karma!” I cried.

“Bayummm bitches!”

The set list was as follows-

Schrei, Instant Karma, Ich Bin Nich’ Ich, 1000 Merre, On the Edge, Ready, Set, Go, Reden, Scream (then a little intermission), Spring Nicht, Beitche, Sacred, Ubers end der Welt, Black, Durch den Monsun, and last but not least, my absolute favorite, Ich Brech Aus (Break Away in English).

Minutes later everyone came flooding in. Luckily Bea and I came closest to the stage, only separated by the gate, before everyone started coming in and making a mosh pit around the stage.

The first act came on soon and although they were good, they weren’t good enough to keep me and Bea interested. When they left it was dark, everyone was screaming for Tokio Hotel, and the drunk people at the back of the mosh pit were trying to push their way to the front, making all of us sway. Bea and I held onto the gate, cause we were the way front, because a couple of times it felt like we were gonna all topple over.

I checked my cell. Nine, they should be on soon.

“Where are they?” Bea yelled so I could hear her above the shouting.

I shrugged, and then the lights lit up the stage. Tons of girls started to scream, twice as loud as they just had been moments before.

Georg came out first, gave a little wave to the crowd, and picked up his bass. He was right in front of where we were, so close that I could see the words ‘Tokio Hotel’ on his guitar.

Then Gustav came out, a cute little smile on his face, and sat down at his drum set.

Then Tom, a huge roar from the crowd, Bea was probably the loudest, came out. He picked up his guitar and I saw his eyes flick over to us, well, over to Bea. A little smirk was on his face.

“Oh mein gott have you seen the Youtube vid about Tom’s onstage orgasims?” I asked Bea, smiling widely.

“What the fuck?!” her eyes went wide.

“Nah he just looks a little odd in the pictures they showed,” I giggled.

Bea shook her head slowly and then started pulling me across the gate, over to the left.

“Where we going?” I asked.

“To be in front of Tom. I would like to see one of his ‘orgasims,’” she laughed.

It was hard, but we luckily pushed through the crowd before Bill came on. That was when everyone went crazy.

“Hallo Rome!” Bill yelled, a huge smile on his adorable face. “You ready for us?”

Huge screams. I was glad he talked English, probably because most European kids could speak basic English.

Almost instantly I could hear the guitar part for Schrei.

Bill grabbed the mic and did his signature shimmy. I was nearly swooning. Oh mein gott this was fucking amazing.

“Du stehst auf und kriegst gesagt wohin du gehen sollst
Wenn du da bist hörst du auch noch was du denken sollst
Danke das war mal wieder echt'n geiler tag
Du sagst nichts und keiner fragt dich: sag mal willst du das,” Bill was AMAZING!!

“Nein nein nein nananana nein, nein nein nein nananana nein,” Bea and I screamed at the top of our lungs.

“SCHREI!” I screamed, so loud I thought I lost my voice. Bill was looking at me when I looked back at him. He smiled a bit as it went into the second verse and then looked away fast.

Bea couldn’t stop looking at Tom, but he was too busy with his guitar at the moment to look back at her.

“We wanna thank you guys for comin’ out tonight,” Bill said, his hair sticking up bigger than I’d ever seen it before. He was wearing this amazingly hot, not to mention tight, black shirt, and tight tight dark-colored jeans. Ah I needed desperately to see the star tattoo at his hip.

Please lift up your shirt. Lift up your shirt Bill. Please, say its hot out and lift up the fucking shirt!

“This next song was on an album dedicated to John Lennon, all profits went to children in Darfur. It’s a cover of one of his songs, about five or six other bands did this song too. This is the first we’ve played it at a concert before. Hope you guys like it, it’s called Instant Karma,” Bill explained in such a cute voice. No one seemed to know this song. The CD (called Come Together) featured mostly American artists and probably wasn’t released here.

“On and on and on ononon!” Bill sang, jumping around the stage and shimmying.

“Well we all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun,” I tried to do the little whine like Bill did at the end of it. I looked up at him and HE LIFTED HIS SHIRT UP.

I swear to God I almost passed out. I almost thought to jump over the fence and run up on stage and do some dirty things to him, but I controlled myself.

“I LOVE YOU BILL!!” I screamed like a total fangirl and jumped up and down like crazy.

He looked over and raised his eyebrows at me, but he was smiling.

Ich Bin Nich’ Ich was on next, and believe me I was screaming out every word. It was a simple song, cause it was from their first album and they were only 14/15 when they made that, so Tom had time to look at Bea. Aw, no Tomgasisms =[.

Everyone knew the song Ready, Set, Go, cause it was their most famous song. Well it was in America, and it seemed to be the same in Europe. Tons of people were pushing from the back, and I would have lost Bea if we wouldn’t have had the gate to hold onto.

We jumped around the whole time, screaming the words and dancing and trying to catch their attention. It was the most amazing thing. I definitely got what I wanted.

During the intermission a lot of the drunk people were made to get out of the mosh pit, freeing it up a bit. And everyone was quiet, keeping in their screams for when they came back out.

“You’re make-up is running everywhere!” Bea exclaimed, wiping off my face.

“I think I was crying,” I said in shock, laughing, still not believing that I was in Rome at a concert with my favorite band.

“Kay, I fixed it,” she said, and started fixing my hair. “It’s still straight, don’t worry.”

“Ahh I’m so hottttt,” I whined, fanning myself with my hand.

“It’s not even half over yet!” she cried.

“I know!”

“TOKIO HOTEL!” everyone screamed when they came on again.

“Eh sorry guys, we’re not Tokio Hotel,” Tom declared, laughing.

Bill rolled his eyes. “I don’t think it worked Tom,” he giggled.

Bill had changed, and was now wearing tight black pants with these amazing chains and the orange jacket he had worn on TRL!!! I felt so special for remembering that.

Spring Nicht was next. I loved that song way more in English.

Two songs after was Sacred. I was crying the whole way through it. I mean, maybe I was crying cause every time I looked at Bea she was looking at Tom, and he was looking back, but I told myself I was crying because it was such a beautiful song and Bill was just oh so amazing.

When Black came on Bea nudged me. We had decided that the German version of this, ‘Schwartz,’ had been written for me. I was sorta sad they didn’t play it in German.

“The last look back is black,” Bill sang passionately into the mic.

I looked at Bill but then noticed that Gustav, who was behind him, was looking at me. I smiled, cause I felt bad for him, and he smiled back, playing extra amazing on the drums.

Durch Den Monsun was probably the one I remembered best. For one, water was pouring down like crazy, representing what the song was about. Bill’s hair went flat and his eyeliner was running everywhere. It was so hilarious and he had to shimmy in place so he wouldn’t slip. Tom put his head down and hid under his baseball cap. Gustav’s hair went wavy and he really looked like a girl. It was hilarious.

The rain stopped and Ich Brech Aus was up next. I was crying again, I couldn’t believe it was over.

No, it was just beginning…

And when I saw the way Bea and Tom were looking at each other, I wondered if Tom would be adding another hat to his collection. Me and Bea had always wondered why Tom had so many hats, and then I figured that every time he slept with a girl he added another hat. And well, it was probably true.

I guess I would just have to see…