I'll Jump for You Bill Kaulitz

Freunde Bleiben

Deidre and Sarah were frantically running around the apartment trying to get ready for work. They’d gotten in way late the night before and had slept in.

“You guys should have taken the morning shift,” Sarah stuck her tongue out at me and Jeni.

“Ugh Sarah I am not a morning person. I would probably get fired for biting someone’s head off,” I complained, stuffing my face into my pillow and refusing to get up. I was still tres tired.

“Yeah, I know,” she moaned and threw on a polo and some shorts. She tied her hair back in a ponytail, grabbed some gum from one of Jeni’s cubbies, and was out the door with Deidre soon.

Jeni was half-asleep.

“You hungry?” I asked her.

“Mhm…” she yawned and rolled over.

“Well sorry, we’ve got no food,” I sighed.

“Go to Chelsea Market then,” she yawned again.

“I’m not goin all the way over there.”

“Then go to Trader Joe’s or Zabaar’s.”

I fell back on my bed. “I don’t feel like driving. You wanna come with me?”

“Fine, but we get to go to Trader Joe’s and buy some sushi,” Jeni was like obsessed with sushi. And Trader Joe’s-this amazing super market with all organic healthy stuff for cheap-had a huge sushi platter for like five bucks. And Jeni would eat it in like a day.

I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I hated that bathroom. When we had some money when Jeni went on Broadway we’d be able to fix it up a bit-new tiles and a new toilet maybe. But we had found a way to all be able to use it and not fight about it.

Then I went into our closet/dressing room. It was a room with no windows but lots of shelves and we’d put all our bureaus in there too so it was sorta like this big walk-in closet.

“Hey can I wear this?” Jeni took out this cute shirt that I’d gotten from H&M. Jeez I loved the stores in NYC. Specially their huge Forever 21’s.

“Sure,” I replied and stared digging through Deidre’s stuff. All four of us were mostly the same size and we all had really great clothes so it was fun to share and none of us really cared.

I got out a cute yellow tank that was sort of a dress too and a pair of grey leggings.

“Aw that’s cute,” Jeni said when I had it on.

I went to straighten my hair and put makeup on. When Jeni was done I grabbed a purse, my cell, and my glasses and we were out the door.

I was glad we had gotten this apartment. There was like this little parking garage right behind it and me and Sarah had bought a pass for our cars to stay parked there really cheap. Any way we could save at all in such an expensive city was good.

Trader Joe’s wasn’t that far away but in New York traffic was always killer. It took like a half hour to just get past three or four streets. That’s probably why most people walked. But it was a pretty crappy day and it looked like it was gonna rain and I would not be walking three miles with tons of groceries in my hands in the rain.

Traffic wasn’t too bad that day and we got there in like a half hour.

Lines were always killer at the store so I made Jeni wait in line while I grabbed some stuff. They had great organics snacks, which I got tons of, plus like eggs, milk, you know, the basics. I got the sushi for Jeni and tons of Vitamin Water too. We were all addicted to it.

On the way back we went by way of Times Square. Wrong choice, it was backed up for a long while. So we blasted the radio.

When we passed by TRL there was a huge sign with Tokio Hotel on it, announcing that they would be there in three days. I tried not to look at it, but I did steal glances at it since we were stuck for awhile.

“Did you ever call him?” Jeni asked me, turning the radio down.

“Yeah actually I did. Last night…” I wondered why he hadn’t called me back. I mean he did love me. Yes, I knew he did.

“And he didn’t call back?” she asked.


“Well you gotta think about the time difference. It’s still nighttime there probably. Cause it’s like ten in the morning here now. So yeah that’s about right,” Jeni explained, calming me down a bit.

“I know he’ll call me back,” I said quietly to myself.

It took about a half hour to get out of traffic in Times Square and after that I took a back way home.

It was around eleven when we got home. Our shift started in an hour and a half.

I sat down on the couch in the living room and turned on the TV. ANTM was on, but I’d seen this season like a thousand times so it wasn’t too interesting.

Jeni sat down next to me with her sushi. “Orientation is tomorrow,” she reminded me.

“Yeah and we only have one class together,” I sighed.

She shrugged. “It won’t be all that bad. You’ve got like three with Sarah right?”

“Yeah. Journalism, creative writing, and biology.”

“And we’ve got calculus together,” she stuck her tongue out in disgust. “You got any classes with Deidre?”

“Nope. We’ll probably be in school newspaper together though,” I said. Deidre wanted to be a photographer. If we did things right we might end up working together.

“Agh I have practice at five today, so I’m gonna have to leave an hour early from work. Can I take your car?” Jeni asked, stuffing the sushi in her mouth.

“Sure. What part are you again?” I asked.

“Oh she doesn’t even have a name. She’s just one of Elle’s ditzy sorority sisters,” she explained.

“Oh mein gott you’re gonna be in ‘Ohmigod You Guys’?” that was the only song I knew from the musical. Legally Blonde was one of my favorite movies, for quite obvious reasons.

“Yep,” she smiled. “I think you should have tried out too.”

“Are you kidding I can’t sing for crap. Or act. It’s not interesting.”

“But yet you want to do movie and music reviews for the New York Times?” she raised her eyebrows at me.

“Not being able to act or sing had nothing to do with it. It’s all about if you have an eye for stuff.”

We were quiet for awhile and then Jeni suggested, “Hey, you should apply to Seventeen or Cosmo.”

“Why?” They had music and movie reviews of course, but it was mostly fashion.

“You’re a freaking amazing fashion designer!” she cried.

“I really don’t think they would be interested Jeni. And that’s not how things work. Fashion designers have their own businesses and magazines put their work in it if it gets out there,” I explained.

“Well still you can write all those kinds of articles.”

Hmm…she was right. Maybe I should apply. They had really big offices in New York, both magazines.

Deidre and Sarah came home soon, smelling like coffee.

“You’re turn,” Sarah plopped down on the couch looking exhausted.

“There are tons of people today,” Deidre rubbed her temples.

“You say that every day,” I said. “People probably only come in the morning. It’s so dead during our shift.”

“Ugh, not fair,” Sarah flipped the channel back to ANTM.

“Let’s go get ready,” Jeni pulled me off the couch and we changed into our uniforms and were out the door.

Sarah and Deidre were right for once. There were lots of more, more than we’d ever had before. But me and Jeni were a good team. Everyone got their junk on time and without complaint. We were the experts at coffee making.

Jeni left at five to go to play practice.

When our shift was over I handed it over to our manager, who ran the night shift. I bought some sandwiches and brought them to the apartment for dinner.

“Tomorrow’s orientation,” Sarah reminded us, letting out a sigh.

“Hey we should go down to Hershey the day after tomorrow!” Deidre suggested.

Sarah and Jeni lived near Hershey. Ah I loved amusement parks. But we couldn’t miss work two days in a row and Jeni had play practice and Deidre had to work at the restaurant.

I was lying in bed that night, wondering why Bill hadn’t called. He couldn’t have forgotten about me. I mean he had been calling me nonstop for two weeks. And now that I finally called back he was going to ignore me? Maybe he was trying to show me how I made him feel. But he had deserved it.

And maybe I deserved to be ignored.

God why did I ever even win those tickets to Rome. All this was ruining the end of my summer.
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