I'll Jump for You Bill Kaulitz

Don't Make it True

Deidre, breaking her promise to me, blasted Tokio Hotel the whole morning while we were getting ready in our closet.

I didn’t say anything, I was too busy in my own mind thinking about stuff.

“We’ve gotta be at TRL at one,” she shouted over the loud music. It was their English stuff too. I loved the German so much more.

“Okay,” I threw on this amazing outfit from Rue 21-plaid shorts and a green baby doll t-shirt, and left my hair wavy.

“What’s this?” Deidre asked. Oh no. My Bill shirt. I though I’d left that at home.

I shrugged. I would have said it wasn’t mine, but it was in my closet.

“Sure looks like Bill Kaulitz to me,” she looked over the shirt. “Pretty smokin.’ I thought you didn’t like them though…”

“I don’t,” I replied fast. “One of my old friends gave it to me.”

“Whatever, I’m gonna wear it. Is that okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, you can have it if you want,” and then I instantly thought about that comment that Tom had made, ‘See Bill, I’m not the only one that likes you on me,’ and I was smiling like an idiot.

Deidre gave me a weird look. “What’s so funny?” Uh I looked so much better in that shirt.

“Nothing, just something that happened back in Wilmette. It just came into my head.” Good excuse. I was quite random like that, bursting out laughing randomly because of something that happened months ago.

When Geh came on Deidre turned the volume up all the way.

“This is a cute song…don’t know what they’re saying but oh well,” Deidre explained.

I almost started crying. I knew the English translation for this song perfectly. And it did fit us, me and Bill. Was every Tokio Hotel song supposed to fit us somehow? That’s what it seemed.

“Days are passing by
without being there
everything was so fine
everything me and you

We did nothing wrong
thought all the time
that´s how we could go on
everything else we will see

Go, leave us behind you and me
don´t try to understand
why we can´t go on anymore
Go, try to loose us both
we´ll only be able to go on
if we don´t see each other anymore

do it for you and me
I couldn´t do it
I wouldn´t be brave enough
everything you and me

Days are passing by
without being there
your trace leads to me
so far away from you


I break the light
shadows fall onto me
I don´t see us
all shadows fall onto me
onto me
shadows fall onto me

Days are passing by
without being there
that´s everything that´s left for us
if you go
if you go now
don´t try to understand
why we can´t go on anymore
Go, try to loose us both
we´ll only be able to go on
if we don´t see each other anymore

Days are passing by
without being there

I tried to stop crying, but I just couldn’t so I turned from Deidre until I could. Thank Gott she was busy putting on makeup at the vanity. She already thought I was crazy, to be crying at hearing that song and Bill’s voice would make her wonder even more.

“Who else is gonna be there?” I asked her. Why hadn’t I like researched this already?

“Uh…Whitney from ANTM I think,” she said. Bitch. I hated her. She shouldn’t have won. “And some other band that I forget.”

“Why don’t they have Miss Jay on? I worship her!” I cried.

“Is he a guy or a girl?” wow Deidre was tres stupide.

“He was a guy but he had a sex change,” I explained. “Don’t you watch the show?”

“Not really. Just last season. Anya should have won it.”

“Yeah I know! Whitney was such a bitch. But it was rigged. They were losing ratings and the only way to bring them up was to have a plus-sized model win,” I declared.

I checked my laptop fast to see who else would be on. Some guy named Young Love. Never heard of him.

When I came back into the room Deidre explained our plans, “Okay, we’re gonna get something to eat at the Strawberry Café [[real restaurant in New York that’s freaking amazing]] , and then we’re gonna go to TRL, salivate over Tokio Hotel, mostly Tom, and by the time we get back here It’ll be like 5:30 and Sarah’s boyfriend will probably be gone by then.”

“Okay,” I kneeled down at the vanity and started applying tons of makeup. I had an amazing tan but now that I lived in New York I really wouldn’t be getting any. No sun came through that smog.

When Deidre was gone I turned on Geh again. Would Bill ignore me there at TRL too? What was I gonna say to him if he didn’t? God I still loved him, but things were confusing.

I didn’t know how I was gonna handle this.
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